

单词 Girl Guide

girl /gûrl/

  1. A female child
  2. A daughter
  3. A young unmarried woman (often offensive)
  4. A woman irrespective of age (informal, often offensive)
  5. A girlfriend, sweetheart (informal)
  6. A maidservant
ORIGIN: ME gerle, girle, gurle boy or girl, perhaps related to LGer gör, göre child

girlˈhood noun

The state or time of being a girl

girlˈie or girlˈy adjective

  1. (of magazines, photographs, etc) showing nude or scantily clad young women
  2. Of, relating to or stereotypically characteristic of girls
  1. A girl, esp used as a patronizing form of address
  2. A young woman who embodies stereotypical female characteristics

girlˈish (also girlˈy) adjective

Of or like a girl

girlˈishly adverb

girlˈishness noun

girly see girlie and girlish above

Girl Friday noun

A young female general office worker

girlˈfriend noun

  1. A sweetheart, or a girl who is one's regular companion
  2. A girl's or woman's female friend

Girl Guide noun

Formerly, the name for a Guide (see guide)

girl power noun (informal)

The social and economic importance of young women

Girl Scout noun

A member of an American organization similar to the Guides

old girl

  1. A female former pupil
  2. An elderly woman (informal)
  3. An amicably disrespectful mode of address or reference to a female of any age or species

guide /gīd/

transitive verb
  1. To lead, conduct or direct
  2. To regulate, steer, control
  3. To influence
intransitive verb

To act as a guide

  1. A person who, or thing which, guides
  2. A person who conducts travellers, tourists, mountaineers, etc
  3. Someone who directs another in their course of life
  4. A soldier or other employed to obtain information for an army
  5. (with cap) a member of an organization for girls analogous to the Scout Association (also formerly Girl Guide)
  6. A guidebook
  7. Anything serving to direct, show the way, determine direction of motion or course of conduct
ORIGIN: OFr guider; prob from a Gmc root, as in OE witan to know, wīs wise, Ger weisen to show, connected with wit2, wise

guidˈable adjective

guidˈage noun (obsolete)


guidˈance noun

  1. Direction
  2. Leadership

guideˈless adjective

guidˈer noun

  1. A person who guides
  2. A device for guiding
  3. (with cap) a captain or lieutenant in the Guides

guideˈship noun

guidˈing noun

  1. The action of the verb
  2. (usu with cap) the activities of a Guide

guideˈbook noun

A book of information for tourists

guide card noun

(in a card index file) a card, usu with a protruding tab on its upper edge, used as a divider, eg to indicate the beginning of an alphabetic or numeric division

guided atmospheric flight noun

Any unpiloted aeronautical flight, as of guided missiles, remotely piloted military aircraft, drones, and radio-controlled model aircraft

guided missile noun

A jet- or rocket-propelled projectile carrying a warhead and electronically directed to its target for the whole or part of the way by remote control

guide dog noun

A dog trained to lead a blind person

guideˈline noun

  1. A line drawn, or a rope, etc fixed, to act as a guide
  2. (often pl) an indication of the course that should be followed, or of what future policy will be (figurative)

guideˈpost noun

A post to guide the traveller

guide rail noun

  1. An additional rail to keep rolling stock on the rails at a bend
  2. A rail designed to guide the movement of any object

guide rope noun

A rope for guiding the movement of a thing hoisted, towed or hauled

guiding light or guiding star noun

A person or thing adopted as a guide or model





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