单词 | golden boughs |
释义 | golden /gōlˈdən/adjective
To gild, make golden intransitive verb (rare)To become golden in colour ORIGIN: gold1 and adj-forming sfx -en like, made of goldˈenly adverb golden age noun
goldˈenberry noun The Cape gooseberry golden bough noun (classical myth) A branch which permitted the bearer of it to visit the underworld golden bowler noun (old sl) Dismissal from the British Army followed by a job in Whitehall golden boy or golden girl noun A young man or woman of outstanding talents, good looks, popularity, etc likely to win renown golden bull noun (L bulla aurea) an edict issued by the Emperor Charles IV in 1356, mainly for the purpose of settling the law of imperial elections golden calf see under calf1 golden chain noun Laburnum goldˈen-crested adjective (of animals) having a yellow crest or crown Golden Delicious noun A sweet eating apple with a yellowish-green skin goldendoodˈle noun A cross between a golden retriever and a poodle golden duck noun (cricket sl) An instance of being dismissed by the first ball of one's innings golden eagle noun A large eagle found in mountainous regions in northern countries, so called from a slight golden gleam about the head and neck goldˈen-eye noun
golden fleece noun (Gr myth) The fleece of the ram Chrysomallus, the recovery of which was the object of the famous expedition of the Argonauts, and which gave its name to a celebrated order of knighthood in Austria and Spain, founded in 1429 golden girl see golden boy above. golden goal noun In football, the first goal scored in extra time, which brings immediate victory to the scoring team golden goodbye see golden handshake below. golden goose noun
golden handcuffs plural noun (informal) A substantial personal financial incentive or stake specifically designed by a company to constrain a valued employee into remaining on its staff golden handshake noun (informal) A large sum of money, or some equivalent, given to an employee or member who retires or is otherwise forced to leave a firm, etc (also golden goodbye) golden hello noun (informal) A large sum given to a much-wanted new employee on joining a firm Golden Horde noun The Kipchaks, a Turkic people, whose empire was founded in central and southern Russia by Batu in the 13c golden hour noun (medicine) The period immediately following a serious injury, when skilled treatment is urgently required golden jubilee noun A 50th anniversary Golden Legend noun (L Legenda Aurea) a celebrated medieval collection of saints' lives, by Jacobus de Voragine (1230–98) golden mean noun
golden mole noun Any of several bronze-coloured S African insectivores of the family Chrysochloridae, which look superficially like moles golden number noun A number marking the position of a year in the Metonic cycle of nineteen years golden oldie noun (informal)
golden opportunity noun A very favourable one golden orfe noun An ornamental yellowish-orange freshwater fish, kept in aquariums and ponds golden parachute noun (informal) An unusually lavish cash payment to a senior member of a firm on his or her dismissal following a takeover golden pheasant noun An orig Chinese species of pheasant, the male of which has a golden-yellow crown and lower back and orange-red breast and underparts golden plover noun A plover with yellow-speckled feathers golden rectangle noun One in which the ratio of width to length is the same as that of length to the sum of width and length golden retriever noun A breed of retriever with a thick, wavy, golden-coloured coat golden rice noun A genetically modified strain of rice, designed to provide increased levels of vitamin A goldˈenrod noun Any plant of the composite genus Solidago, with rodlike stems and yellow heads crowded along the branches golden rose noun An ornamental spray of roses made of wrought gold, blessed by the Pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, sometimes presented to a dignitary or monarch in recognition of a special service golden rule noun
golden salmon noun The S American dorado golden saxifrage noun A greenish-yellow plant (genus Chrysosplenium) of the saxifrage family golden seal noun
golden section noun Division of a line so that one segment is to the other as that to the whole golden share noun A large share in a company, etc held by an institution or (often) a government, which prevents takeover by another company Golden State noun (informal) California golden syrup see under syrup golden wattle noun Any of various kinds of yellow-flowered Australian acacia, esp Acacia pycnantha golden wedding see under wed golden years plural noun
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