单词 | goods and chattels |
释义 | chattel /chatˈl/noun (law)Any kind of property which is not freehold, distinguished further into chattels-real and chattels-personal, the latter being personal moveables (furniture, etc), the former including leasehold interests ORIGIN: OFr chatel, from LL captāle, from L capitāle, etc, property, goods chattel house noun (in the West Indies) a movable wooden house chattel mortgage noun (N American) A mortgage on moveable personal property goods and chattels All personal moveable possessions good /gŭd/adjective (compar bettˈer; superl best)
Well ORIGIN: OE gōd; Du goed, Ger gut, ON gōthr, Gothic gōths goodˈiness noun Weak, priggish or sanctimonious goodness goodˈish adjective Pretty good, of fair quality or quantity goodˈliness noun goodˈly adjective (goodˈlier; goodˈliest)
goodˈlyhead or goodˈlihead noun (Spenser) Goodness goodˈness noun
goodˈ-o or goodˈ-oh interjection Expressing pleasure adverb (Aust)
goodˈy noun (pl goodˈies)
Expressing (esp childish) pleasure adjectiveGoody-goody good afternoon noun and interjection A salutation on meeting or parting in the afternoon good breeding noun Polite manners formed by a good upbringing good-brothˈer, -fathˈer, -mothˈer, -sisˈter, -sonˈ noun (Scot; archaic or dialect; also gude-) A brother-in-law, father-in-law, etc goodbyeˈ noun or interjection Farewell, a form of address at parting (formed from God be with you) goodˈ-cheap adjective (archaic) Cheap (literally, good-bargain) good-condiˈtioned adjective In a good state good-dameˈ noun (obsolete Scot; also gude-dameˈ /güd- or gid-/) A grandmother good-dayˈ noun or interjection A traditional salutation at meeting or parting, now rather formal or archaic, but in Australia a common greeting, usu shortened to g'day good-denˈ (obsolete; from good-e'en), good-e'enˈ (archaic), good-eˈven (archaic) or good-eveˈning noun or interjection A salutation on meeting or parting in the evening goodˈfaced adjective (Shakespeare) Having a handsome face good faith see in good faith below. good feeling noun
goodˈfella noun (N American informal) A gangster, esp a member of the Mafia goodˈfellow noun
goodfellˈowship noun
good folk plural noun Good people goodˈ-for-nothing adjective Worthless, useless noun An idle or worthless person Good Friday see under Friday good grief interjection An exclamation of surprise, dismay or exasperation good heavens interjection An exclamation of surprise good humour noun Cheerful, tolerant mood or disposition good-huˈmoured adjective good-huˈmouredly adverb good-huˈmouredness noun good-King-Henˈry noun A goosefoot used in cooking and sometimes grown as a pot-herb good-lackˈ interjection (obsolete) An expression of surprise or pity (prob a variation of good Lord, under the influence of alack) goodˈ-liking see under like2 good-lookˈer noun (informal). good-lookˈing adjective Handsome, attractive good looks plural noun Attractive appearance goodˈman noun
goodman's croft noun A patch once left untilled in Scotland to avert the malice of the Devil from the crop good-mornˈing or (archaic) good-morrˈow noun and interjection A salutation at meeting or parting early in the day good nature noun Natural goodness and mildness of disposition good-naˈtured adjective good-naˈturedly adverb good-naˈturedness noun goodnightˈ noun and interjection A common salutation on parting at night or well on in the day goodˈ-now interjection (obsolete or dialect) An exclamation of wonder, surprise or entreaty good offices plural noun
good oil noun (Aust informal) Credible or reliable information good people or good folk plural noun (euphemistic) The fairies good sailor noun A person who tends not to suffer from seasickness good Samaritan see Samaritan goods engine noun An engine used for drawing goods trains good sense noun Sound judgement goods for own use plural noun (bookkeeping) Stock taken by the owner of a business for his or her own private purposes, the sale price of which is debited to the owner's drawings account and credited to the sales account goodsireˈ, also gudesireˈ /güd- or gid-/ or gutcher /gutˈshər/ noun (obsolete Scot) A grandfather goodˈ-sized adjective (fairly) large goods on approval plural noun (marketing) Goods delivered and examined for a trial period before a decision to buy them is made goods on consignment plural noun (marketing) Goods delivered to an agent by a principal and sold on behalf of the principal good-speedˈ noun and interjection (archaic) A contraction of I wish you good speed (ie success) goods received department noun (business) One that deals with the reception of goods, and is responsible for checking the condition of goods on delivery, etc goods received note noun (business) A document completed by the storekeeper upon receipt of materials or goods from an outside supplier goods train noun A train of goods wagons good-temˈpered adjective
Good Templar noun A member of a temperance society, modelled on the Freemasons goodˈtime adjective
goodˈ-timˈer noun good turn noun Something done for someone in a kind and helpful spirit or manner goodˈwife (or /-wīfˈ/) noun The fem of goodman goodwillˈ noun
goodˈwill or (obsolete Scot) good-willˈy adjective
good works plural noun Acts of charity goody bag noun A bag containing a number of small gifts, given to people attending a party or promotional event goodˈy-goodˈy adjective and noun
as good as
be as good as one's word To fulfil one's promise for good or for good and all
get (or have) the goods on (informal) To obtain proof of someone's wrongdoing or criminal activity good and (informal)
good for anything Ready for any kind of work good for you An interjection expressing approval (Aust informal good on you) goodness of fit (statistics) The extent to which observed data matches the values predicted by a theorem goods and chattels see under chattel in good faith Honestly and without any intention to deceive (good-faithˈ adjective) in someone's good books In favour with someone make good
no good
not, hardly, etc good enough
stand good
the good Virtuous people collectively the Good Book The Bible the goods (slang)
think good (obsolete) To be disposed, to be willing to the good
up to no good Doing something mischievous or wrong |
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