单词 | hypothesizing |
释义 | hypo- /hī-pō-, hī-pə- or hī-po- or occasionally hip-ō- or hi-po-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr hypo under hypoaeolian /hī-pō-ē-ōˈli-ən/ adjective
hypoallergenˈic adjective Specially formulated in order to minimize the risk of allergy hypoblast /-bläst/ noun (Gr blastos bud; zoology) The inner germ-layer of a gastrula hypoblastˈic adjective hypobole /hip-obˈə-lē/ noun (Gr hypobolē throwing under, suggestion, from ballein to throw; rhetoric) Anticipation of objections hypocalcaemia or (US) hypocalcemia /hī-pō-kal-sēˈmi-ə/ noun Abnormal reduction of the calcium content of the blood hypocaust /-köst/ noun (Gr hypokauston, from hypo under, and kaiein to burn) a space under a floor for heating by hot air or furnace gases, esp in ancient Roman villas hyˈpocentre noun The point on the centre of the earth directly below the centre of explosion of a nuclear bomb hypochlorite /-klöˈrīt/ noun A salt of hypochloˈrous acid, an acid (HClO) with less oxygen than chlorous acid hypochondria /-konˈdri-ə/ noun
hypochonˈdriac adjective
A sufferer from hypochondria hypochondrīˈacal adjective hypochondrīˈasis, hypochondrīˈacism or hypochonˈdriasm noun Hypochondria hypochonˈdriast noun Someone suffering from hypochondria hypochonˈdrium noun (Gr hypochondrion, from chondros cartilage; anatomy) The region of the abdomen on either side, under the costal cartilages and short ribs hypocist /hīˈpō-sist/ noun (Gr hypokistis, from kistos cistus) an inspissated juice from the fruit of Cytinus hypocistis (Rafflesiaceae), a plant parasitic on cistus roots hypocorism /hī-pokˈə-rizm/ or hypocorisma /-izˈmə/ noun
hypocoristˈic or hypocoristˈical adjective hypocoristˈically adverb hypocotyl /-kotˈil/ noun That part of the axis of a plant which is between the cotyledons and the primary root hypocotylēˈdonary adjective hypocretin /hī-pō-krēˈtin/ same as orexin (see under orexis) hypocrisy /hi-pokˈri-si/ noun
hypocrite /hipˈə-krit/ noun (Gr hypokritēs actor) a person who practises hypocrisy hypocritˈical (also hypocritˈic) adjective
hypocritˈically adverb hypocycloid /-sīˈkloid/ noun A curve generated by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls on the inside of another circle hypocycloidˈal adjective hypoderm /-dûrm/, hypoderˈma or hypoderˈmis noun (Gr derma skin; botany and anatomy) The tissue next under the epidermis hypodermˈal adjective hypodermˈic adjective
hypoderˈmically adverb hypodorian /-döˈri-ən/ adjective
hypoeutecˈtic adjective (of a compound) containing less of the minor component than a eutectic compound hypogastric /-gasˈtrik/ adjective (Gr gastēr belly) belonging to the lower median part of the abdomen hypogasˈtrium noun The hypogastric region hypogeal or hypogaeal /-jēˈəl/, hypogeˈan or hypogaeˈan /-jēˈən/, hypogeˈous or hypogaeˈous /-jeˈəs/ adjective (Gr hypogeios, -gaios, from gē or gaia the ground; botany)
hypogene /-jēn/ adjective (Gr gennaein to engender; geology)
hypogeum or hypogaeum /-jēˈəm/ noun (pl hypogeˈa or hypogaeˈa)
hypoglossal /-glosˈəl/ adjective (Gr glōssa the tongue) under the tongue noun(also hypoglossal nerve) the twelfth cranial nerve of vertebrates, running to the muscles of the tongue hypoglycaemia or hypoglycemia /hī-pō-gli-sēˈmi-ə/ noun (medicine) Abnormal reduction of the sugar content of the blood hypoglycaeˈmic or hypoglyceˈmic adjective hypogˈnathism noun hypognathous /hīp- or hip-ogˈnə-thəs/ adjective Having the lower jaw or mandible protruding hypogynous /hī-pojˈi-nəs/ adjective (Gr gynē a woman, female; botany)
hypogˈyny noun hyˈpoid adjective Of a type of bevel gear in which the axes of the driving and driven shafts are at right angles but not in the same plane hypohidrōˈsis or hypohydrōˈsis noun Abnormal lack of sweating hypokalaeˈmia noun An abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood hypolimˈnion noun (Gr limnion, dimin of limnē lake) a lower and colder layer of water in a lake hypolydian /hī-pō-lidˈi-ən/ adjective
hypomagnesaemia /hī-pō-mag-nə-zēˈmi-ə/ noun A condition, esp in cattle, characterized by an abnormally low level of magnesium in the blood hypomania /-māˈni-ə/ noun (medicine) A milder form of mania, a condition marked by overexcitability hypomāˈnic (or /-manˈik/) adjective hypomenorrhea or hypomenorrhoea /-men-ə-rēˈə/ noun (medicine) The condition in which the interval between two menstrual periods is increased to between 35 and 42 days hypomixolydian /hī-pō-mik-sō-lidˈi-ən/ adjective Applied in old church music to a mode extending from d to d with g as its final hyponasty /-nas-ti/ noun (Gr nastos pressed close; botany) Increased growth on the lower side causing an upward bend, opp to epinasty hyponatraeˈmia noun An abnormally low concentration of sodium in the blood hyponīˈtrite noun A salt or ester of hyponīˈtrous acid, a crystalline acid, H2N2O2, an oxidizing or reducing agent hyˈponym noun (Gr onyma a name) one of a group of terms whose meanings are included in the meaning of a more general term, eg spaniel and puppy in the meaning of dog hyponˈymy noun hypophosphite /-fosˈfīt/ noun A salt of hypophosphorous acid, an acid (H3PO2) with less oxygen than phosphorous acid hypophrygian /-frijˈi-ən/ adjective
hypophyseal or hypophysial /-fizˈi-əl/ adjective hypophysecˈtomy noun Surgical removal of the pituitary gland hypophysis /hī-pofˈi-sis/ noun (pl hypophˈysēs)
hypopitūˈitarism noun Underproduction of growth hormones by the pituitary gland hypoplasia /-plāˈzi-ə or -zhə/ noun (Gr plasis a forming; pathology) Underdevelopment or immaturity of an organ hypoplastic /-plasˈ/ adjective hypoplastron /-plasˈtron/ noun (zoology) The plate behind the hyoplastron in a turtle's plastron hypospadias /-spāˈdi-əs/ noun (Gr spaein to tear) a congenital deficiency in the floor of the male urethra, causing it to have its opening on the underside of the penis hypostasis /hip- or hīp-osˈtə-sis/ noun (pl hyposˈtasēs)
hypostasize or hypostasise transitive verb same as hypostatize below hypostatic /-statˈik/ or hypostatˈical adjective hypostatˈically adverb hyposˈtatize or hyposˈtatise transitive verb
hypˈostress noun Insufficient stress hypostrophe /hip- or hīp-osˈtrə-fi/ noun
hypostyle /hipˈ or hīpˈō-stīl/ adjective (Gr stȳlos a pillar; architecture) Having the roof supported by pillars nounA building with such a roof hyposulˈphate noun A dithionate hyposulˈphite noun A salt of hyposulphurous acid (H2S2O4; also, in older usage H2S2O3) hyposulphūrˈic adjective Dithionic hypotacˈtic adjective hypotaxis /-takˈsis/ noun (Gr taxis arrangement; grammar)
hypotenˈsion noun Low blood pressure hypotenˈsive adjective
A person with low blood pressure hypotenuse /hīp-, hip-otˈən-ūs or -ūz/ or hypothenuse /-othˈ/ noun (Fr hypoténuse, from L hypotēnūsa, from Gr hypoteinousa fem participle, subtending or stretching under, from teinein to stretch) the side of a right-angled triangle opposite to the right angle hypothalamˈic adjective hypothalamus /-thalˈə-məs/ noun (LL; medicine) The part of the brain that makes up the floor and part of the lateral walls of the third ventricle hypothec /hip- or hīp-othˈik/ noun (Gr hypothēkē a pledge) in Scots law, a lien or security over goods in respect of a debt due by the owner of the goods (the hale (or whole) hypothec (Scot) the whole affair, collection, concern; everything) hypothˈecary adjective Relating to hypothecation or mortgage hypothˈecate transitive verb
hypothecāˈtion noun hypothˈecātor noun hypothermˈal adjective hypothermia /-thûrˈmi-ə/ noun (Gr thermē heat) subnormal body temperature, caused by exposure to cold or induced for purposes of heart and other surgery (see freeze down under freeze) hypothesis /hī-pothˈi-sis/ noun (pl hypothˈesēs)
hypothˈesize, hypothˈesise, hypothˈetize or hypothˈetize transitive verb and intransitive verb hypothetˈic or hypothetˈical adjective hypothetˈically adverb hypothyˈroid adjective Relating to or affected by hypothyroidism hypothyˈroidism noun
hypotōnˈia noun A hypnotic condition hypotonˈic adjective
hypotrochoid /-trōˈkoid/ noun (Gr trochos wheel, and eidos form) the curve traced by a point on the radius, or radius produced, of a circle rolling within another circle hypotyposis /-tīp-ōˈsis/ noun (rhetoric) Vivid description of a scene hypoventilāˈtion noun Abnormally decreased speed and depth of breathing hypovolaeˈmia or (US) hypovolēˈmia noun (volume, and Gr haima blood; medicine) Abnormal reduction of the volume of blood or blood plasma hypovolaeˈmic or (US) hypovolēˈmic adjective hypoxaemia or (N American) hypoxemia /-ēˈmi-ə/ noun Deficiency of oxygenation of the blood hypoxaemˈic or hypoxemˈic adjective hypoxˈia noun Deficiency of oxygen reaching the body tissues hypoxˈic adjective |
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