

单词 grande marque

grande /grãd/ (French)


Fem of grand2

grande amoureuse /a-moo-rœz/ noun

A woman greatly involved in love affairs

(la) Grande Armée /ar-mā/ noun (historical)

The great army, ie that led by Napoleon to invade Russia in 1812

grande cocotte /ko-kot/ noun

A high-class prostitute, usu one kept by a rich lover

grande dame /däm/ noun

  1. A great and aristocratic lady, or a socially important and very dignified one
  2. A woman highly revered in her particular profession or field (now, as for masc grand seigneur, often ironic)

grande école /ā-kol/ noun

A prestigious French higher-education college, to which entry is competitive, specializing esp in applied science, engineering and other technical subjects

grande entrée /ã-trā/ noun

Admission to Court, etc on occasions of state

grande marque /märk/ noun

Of motor cars, etc, a famous make

grande passion /pas-yɔ̃/ noun

A serious love affair or intense attachment

grande tenue /tə-nü/ noun

Full dress, esp military, etc

grande toilette /twa-let/ noun

Full dress, esp women's evening dress

grande vedette /və-det/ noun

A leading film or theatre star





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