

单词 ichthyolatrous

ichthyo- /ik-thi-ō-/ or ichthy- /ik-thi-/

combining form

Signifying fish

ORIGIN: Gr ichthȳs fish

ichthyocollˈa noun

  1. (Gr kolla glue) fish-glue
  2. Isinglass

ichthyodorˈūlite or ichthyodorˈylite /-i-līt/ noun

(Gr dory a spear, and lithos a stone) a fossilized fish spine

ichthyolˈatrous adjective

ichthyolˈatry noun

(Gr latreiā worship) the worship of fish

ichˈthyolite noun

(Gr lithos a stone) a general term for any fossil fish

ichthyolitic /-litˈik/ adjective

ichthyologˈical adjective

ichthyolˈogist noun

ichthyolˈogy noun

The study of fishes, their natural history, distribution, etc

ichthyophagist /-ofˈə-jist/ noun

A fish-eater

ichthyophˈagous /-ə-gəs/ adjective

(Gr phagein to eat) feeding on fish

ichthyophˈagy noun

ichthyopˈsid or ichthyopˈsidan noun (Gr opsis appearance)

Ichthyopˈsida plural noun

A group of vertebrates in Huxley's classification comprising amphibians, fishes and fish-like vertebrates

Ichthyopterygia /-op-tər-ijˈi-ə/ plural noun

(Gr pterygion a fin, dimin of pteryx wing) the Ichthyosauria

ichthyorˈnis noun

(Gr ornis a bird) an extinct Cretaceous sea bird of the genus Ichthyornis with reptilian teeth set in sockets

ichthyosaur /ikˈthi-ō-sör/ or ichthyosauˈrus noun

(Gr sauros lizard) any Mesozoic extinct marine reptile of the order Ichthyosauˈria, with a fish-shaped body and elongated snout similar to dolphins

ichthyosaurˈian adjective

ichthyōˈsis noun

A rare inherited condition in which the skin becomes thickened, scaly and rough, due to an abnormality in the production of keratin (also called fish skin disease)

ichthyotˈic adjective





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