

单词 mole

mole1 /mōl/

  1. A small insectivorous animal (genus Talpa) with very small eyes and soft fur, that burrows in the ground and casts up little heaps of loose earth
  2. Extended to related or similar animals
  3. A person who works in darkness or underground
  4. A spy who successfully infiltrates a rival organization, esp one not engaging in espionage until firmly established and trusted
  5. A person with bad eyesight (figurative)
  6. A boring machine which makes a tunnel, eg for a pipeline
ORIGIN: ME molle, mulle; cf Du mol, LGer mol, mul; poss shortened from mouldwarp

moleˈcast noun

A molehill

moleˈcatcher noun

A person whose business it is to catch moles

mole cricket noun

A burrowing insect (genus Gryllotalpa) of the cricket family, with forelegs like a mole's

mole drainer noun (agriculture)

A pointed cylinder on the lower edge of a blade, which is drawn longitudinally through soil to form a drainage channel (mole drain)

moleˈ-eyed adjective

  1. Having eyes like those of a mole
  2. Seeing imperfectly

moleˈhill noun

A little hill or heap of earth cast up by a mole

mole hunt noun

mole hunter noun

mole plough noun

A mole drainer

mole rat noun

A name for several burrowing rodents (Spalax, Cryptomys, Bathyergus, etc)

mole salamander noun

The axolotl

moleˈskin noun

  1. The skin or fur of a mole
  2. A superior kind of fustian, double-twilled, cropped before dyeing
  3. (in pl) clothes, esp trousers, made of this fustian

mole spade noun

A small spade used by molecatchers

make a mountain out of a molehill

To magnify, overdramatize, etc a trifling matter

mole out

To seek, or elicit, bit by bit, as if by burrowing

mole2 /mōl/

noun (also (Spenser) mōld)
  1. A small spot or raised mark on the skin, often pigmented and hairy
  2. A spot caused by iron on linen (obsolete except in Scots form mail and in iron-mole (see iron mould under iron))

mole3 /mōl/

  1. An abnormal fleshy mass of tissue formed in the uterus
  2. See also hydatidiform mole under hydatid
ORIGIN: L mola millstone

mole4 /mōl/

  1. A base SI unit, the unit of amount of substance (symbol mol), defined as the amount of substance that contains as many (specified) entities (eg atoms, molecules, ions, photons) as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12
  2. Formerly defined as equal to gram-molecule (abbrev mol /mōl/)
ORIGIN: Ger, from Molekül molecule; both words (Ger and Eng) ult from L mōlēs mass

molˈal adjective

Of, relating to, or containing, a mole

molalˈity noun

The concentration of a solution expressed as the number of moles of dissolved substance per thousand grams of solvent

molˈar adjective

  1. Of or relating to a mole
  2. Per mole
  3. Per unit amount of substance
  4. Of or relating to molecules
  5. Of or relating to mass or masses or to large masses (L mōlēs mass)

molarˈity noun

The concentration of a solution expressed as the number of moles of dissolved substance per litre of solution

moleˈ-electronics singular noun

(also molecular electronics) the technique of growing solid-state crystals so as to form transistors, etc, for microminiaturization

mole5 /mōl/

  1. A massive breakwater, causeway or masonry pier
  2. A harbour protected by any of these
  3. An ancient Roman mausoleum
ORIGIN: Fr môle, from L mōlēs mass

mole6 /mōˈli or -lā/


In Mexican cooking, a sauce made mainly with chilli and chocolate, served with meat dishes

ORIGIN: Am Sp; see guacamole




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