

单词 porter-houses

porter2 /pōrˈ or pörˈtər/

  1. A person employed at a railway station, hotel, market, etc to carry passengers' luggage, parcels, etc
  2. A person employed in a hospital to move patients, etc
  3. An attendant on a train (US)
  4. A dark-brown malt liquor, prob from its popularity with London porters
ORIGIN: OFr porteour (Fr porteur), from L portātor, -ōris, from portāre to carry

portˈerage noun

  1. Carriage
  2. The charge made by a porter for carrying goods

portˈerly adverb

Like a porter

adjective (obsolete)
  1. Of a porter
  2. Coarse

porterˈ-house noun

  1. A house where porter is sold
  2. A chop-house

portˈerhouse or porˈterhouse-steak noun

A choice cut of beefsteak next to the sirloin





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