

单词 post ship

post2 /pōst/

  1. An appointment
  2. Office, position or job
  3. A fixed place or station, esp a place to which a soldier or body of soldiers is assigned for duty
  4. A body of soldiers so stationed
  5. (generally) one's place of duty, one's station
  6. Full rank as naval captain (see post captain below)
  7. A settlement or trading establishment, esp in a remote area
  8. A bugle-call (first or last post) summoning soldiers to their quarters at night, or (last post) blown at funerals
transitive verb
  1. To station somewhere on duty
  2. To transfer (personnel, a military unit) to a new location
  3. To appoint to a post
  4. To send or appoint (to a ship) as full captain
ORIGIN: Ital posto, from L positum, from ponere to place

postˈing noun

post captain noun

Formerly, a full captain in command of, or having commanded, a ship of more than twenty guns (a post ship), distinguished from a commander (called a captain by courtesy)

post exchange see PX

postˈholder noun

The holder of a position or job





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