单词 | pyrogallol |
释义 | pyro- /pī-rō-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr pȳr fire pyroballogy /-balˈə-ji/ noun (Gr ballein to throw, and -logy; Sterne) The science of artillery pyrochemˈical adjective Relating to, producing, or produced by, chemical changes at high temperatures pyroclasˈtic adjective (Gr klastos broken; geology) (of rocks) formed of fragments thrown out by volcanic action pyroclasˈtics plural noun Ash and other debris ejected by a volcano (also singular noun pyˈroclast) pyro-elecˈtric adjective (physics)
pyro-electricˈity noun
pyrogallol /-galˈol/ noun A phenol obtained by heating gallic acid, used in photographic developing (also called pyrogallˈic acid) pyˈrogen /-jen/ noun (see -gen; medicine) A substance causing heat or fever pyrogenic /pī-rō-jenˈik/, pyrogenetic /-jin-etˈik/ or pyrogenous /-rojˈə-nəs/ adjective Produced by, or producing, heat or fever pyrognostic /pī-rog-nosˈtik/ adjective (see -gnostic under gnosis) relating to the testing of minerals by flame pyrognosˈtics plural noun The properties of a mineral revealed by such testing pyrography /pī-rogˈrə-fi/ noun (see -graphy) poker work pyrogravure /-grə-vūrˈ/ noun (Fr gravure engraving) pyrography pyrokinesis /-kī-nēˈsis or -ki-nēˈsis/ noun (Gr kīnēsis movement) the ability to start fires by thought alone pyrolater /pī-rolˈə-tər/ noun A fire-worshipper pyrolˈatry noun (see -latry) fire-worship pyroligneous /-ligˈni-əs/ adjective (L ligneus, from lignum wood; chem) Obtained by distillation of wood (pyroligneous acid wood vinegar, a mixture of acetic acid, methyl alcohol, etc; pyroligneous alcohol wood spirit, methyl alcohol) pyrolusite /-lūˈsīt or -looˈsīt/ noun (Gr lousis washing, from its use in decolorizing molten glass; geology) Naturally-occurring manganese dioxide pyˈrolyse or (N American) pyˈrolyze transitive verb To decompose by pyrolysis pyrolysis /pi-rolˈi-sis/ noun (see lysis) decomposition of a substance by heat pyrolytic /-litˈik/ adjective pyromancy /-man-si/ noun (see -mancy) divination by fire pyromāˈnia noun An obsessive urge to set light to things pyromāˈniac noun and adjective pyromaniacal /-mə-nīˈə-kl/ adjective pyromanˈtic adjective Relating to pyromancy pyromeride /pī-romˈər-īd/ noun (Gr meros part, as if meaning only partly fusible; geology) A nodular rhyolite pyrometallurgy /-metˈəl-ûr-ji or -met-alˈər-ji/ noun The art and science of treating metals with high temperatures pyrometer /pī-romˈi-tər/ noun (see -meter) an instrument for measuring high temperatures pyrometric /pī-rō-metˈrik/ or pyrometˈrical adjective (pyrometric cones same as Seger cones) pyromˈetry noun pyromorphite /-mörˈfīt/ noun (Gr morphē form) a minor ore (chloride and phosphate) of lead, so called because the globule formed by heating a small quantity of ore crystallizes on cooling pyrophobia /-fōˈbi-ə/ noun (see phobia) an irrational fear of fire pyrophōˈbic noun and adjective pyˈrophone /-fōn/ noun (Gr phōnē sound) an organ producing interference-tones by pairs of flames in tubes, invented by Eugène Kastner (1852–82) pyrophoric /-rō-forˈik/ and pyrophˈorous adjective pyrophorus /pī-rofˈə-rəs/ noun (Gr pyrophoros fire-carrier)
pyrophosphate noun see above pyrophosphoric adjective see above pyrophoˈtograph noun A burnt-in photograph, eg on glass or porcelain pyrophotographˈic adjective pyrophotogˈraphy noun pyrophyllite /-filˈīt/ noun (Gr phyllon leaf) a clay mineral that separates into layers on heating with a blowpipe pyˈroscope /-skōp/ noun (see -scope) an instrument for measuring the intensity of radiant heat pyrosis /pī-rōˈsis/ noun (Gr pyrōsis) water brash, heartburn Pyrosoma /-sōˈmə/ noun (Gr sōma body) a genus of compound tunicates, with brilliant phosphorescence pyˈrosome noun pyˈrostat /-stat/ noun A type of thermostat for use at high temperatures pyrostatˈic adjective pyrosulphate noun see above pyrosulphuric, pyrotartaric, etc adjective see above pyrotechˈnic or pyrotechˈnical adjective pyrotechˈnically adverb pyrotechnician /-nishˈən/ noun A person who makes fireworks or puts on firework displays pyrotechnics /-tekˈniks/ singular noun
pyrotechˈnist noun
pyˈrotechny noun Pyrotechnics pyroxene /pī-roksˈēn/ noun (Gr xenos stranger, because the 18c French mineralogist Haüy thought that pyroxene crystals in lava had been caught up accidentally) a general name for an important group of minerals distinguished from amphiboles by a cleavage angle of about 87º, metasilicates of calcium, magnesium, aluminium and other metals, usu green or black, very common in igneous rocks such as augite, diopside, enstatite, etc pyroxenic /-senˈik/ adjective pyroxˈenite /-ən-īt or -ēnˈīt/ noun A rock compound essentially of pyroxene pyroxyle /-rokˈsil/ noun same as pyroxylin below pyroxylic /-silˈik/ adjective (obsolete) Pyroligneous pyroxylin or pyroxyline /-rokˈsi-lin/ noun (Gr xylon wood) any of the nitrocelluloses |
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