

单词 power-driven

power /powˈər or powr/

  1. The skill, physical ability, opportunity or authority to do something
  2. Strength or energy
  3. Force or effectiveness
  4. An individual faculty or skill
  5. Capacity for producing an effect
  6. The moving force of anything
  7. Control or influence exercised over others
  8. Right to command, authority
  9. Political control
  10. Rule
  11. Governing office
  12. Permission to act
  13. A paper giving authority to act
  14. Potentiality
  15. A person or group wielding authority or strong influence
  16. That in which such authority or influence resides
  17. A state influential in international affairs
  18. (a state having) military strength of a specified kind
  19. An armed force (archaic)
  20. (often in pl) a spiritual agent
  21. A being of the sixth order of the celestial hierarchy (medieval theol)
  22. A great deal or great many (now dialect or informal)
  23. A mark of subjection (Bible, 1 Corinthians 11.10; New English Bible ‘a sign of authority’)
  24. The sound value of a letter
  25. The rate at which a system absorbs energy from, or passes energy into, another system, esp the rate of doing mechanical work, measured in watts or other unit of work done per unit of time (mechanics, physics, etc)
  26. Any of the forms of energy, or any of these as the driving force of a machine, etc
  27. Mechanical or electrical energy as distinct from manual effort
  28. An instrument serving as a means of applying energy (see mechanical powers under mechanic)
  29. The product of a number of equal factors (as in 12 to the power of 4, or 124 = 12×12×12×12), generalized to include negative and fractional numbers (mathematics)
  30. The specified number of such factors, the index or exponent
  31. The potency (qv) of a point with respect to a circle (geometry)
  32. Magnifying strength, or a lens possessing it (optics)
  1. Concerned with power
  2. (of eg a tool) worked, or assisted in working, by mechanical or electrical power
  3. Motor-driven
  4. Involving a high degree of physical strength and skill (esp sport, as in power tennis)
transitive verb

(often with up) to equip with mechanical or electrical power

intransitive verb and transitive verb (informal)

To move or propel with great force, energy or speed

ORIGIN: OFr poer (Fr pouvoir), from LL potēre (for L posse) to be able

powˈered adjective

(often as combining form) equipped with mechanical, etc power, as in nuclear-powered

powˈerful adjective

  1. Having great power
  2. Mighty
  3. Forcible
  4. Efficacious
  5. Intense
  6. Impressive, noticeable
  7. (of a smell) strong and usu disagreeable
  8. Great in quantity (informal)
adverb (informal)


powˈerfully adverb

powˈerfulness noun

powˈerless adjective

  1. Without power, deprived of power
  2. Weak
  3. Impotent
  4. Helpless

powˈerlessly adverb

powˈerlessness noun

powˈer-amplifier or (informal) powˈer-amp noun (electronics)

The stage or element in an amplifer that regulates power output (also power unit)

powˈer-assisted adjective

Helped by or using mechanical power

power base noun

An area, body of people, etc providing the foundation of a person or organization's power

power block noun

A politically important and powerful group or body

powˈerboat noun

A boat propelled by a motor, a motorboat

power breakfast, power lunch or power tea noun (informal)

A high-level business or political discussion held over breakfast, lunch or tea

power broker noun

A highly influential person able to sway the decisions, policies, etc of various groups

power cut noun

An interruption of, or diminution in, the electrical supply in a particular area

power dive noun

A usu steep dive by an aeroplane, made faster by using the engine(s)

powˈer-dive intransitive verb and transitive verb

powˈer-diving noun

powˈer-dressed adjective

power dressing noun

The wearing, by businesswomen, of smart suits tailored on austerely masculine lines so as to give an impression of confident efficiency and have a daunting effect on colleagues, contacts, etc

power drill, power lathe, power loom or power press noun

A drill, lathe, loom or press worked by electricity or other form of power such as water or steam

powˈer-driven adjective

Worked by (esp mechanical or electrical) power

power factor noun (elec eng)

The ratio of the total power dissipated in an electric circuit to the total equivalent volt-amperes applied to that circuit

powˈerhouse noun

  1. A place where power is generated, a power station
  2. A remarkably forceful or energetic person (informal)

powˈerlifting noun

The sport of weightlifting

power line noun

A cable or conductor supplying mains electricity, esp an overhead one supported on poles or pylons

power lunch see power breakfast above.

power nap noun

A short restorative sleep or rest in the middle of the day taken by a person involved in a demanding activity

power of attorney see under attorn

power-on self-test noun (computing)

The checks carried out automatically by the BIOS software when a computer is first switched on (abbrev POST)

power pack noun

A device for adjusting an electric current to the voltages required by a particular piece of electronic equipment

power plant noun

  1. An industrial plant for generating power
  2. The assemblage of parts generating motive power in a motor car, aeroplane, etc

powˈerplay noun

  1. Strong, attacking play designed to put pressure on the defence, with players and action concentrated in one small area (team sport)
  2. Similarly concentrated pressure applied as a tactic in eg military, political or business encounters
  3. (in ice hockey) a temporary numerical superiority created by an opponent's absence while serving a penalty
  4. A period in a limited-overs cricket match during which there are special restrictions on where fielders may be positioned

power point noun

  1. A wall socket at which an electrical appliance may be connected to the mains
  2. Formerly, a 15-amp socket as distinct from a 5-amp one
  3. (PowerPoint®) a computer program for creating slides to be used in formal presentations

power politics singular noun

International politics in which the course taken by states depends upon their knowledge that they can back their decisions with force or other coercive action

power series noun (mathematics)

An infinite series of the form Σan xn, or a0+a1 x1+a2 x2+a3 x3…, ie whose terms are ascending integral powers of a variable multiplied by constants

power set noun (mathematics)

A set comprising all the subsets of a given set

powˈer-sharing noun

Joint responsibility for shaping and executing policy held by all parties within an organization, etc

power shovel noun

A mobile excavating machine

power station noun

An electricity generating station

power steering noun

A steering system in a vehicle in which the rotating force exerted on the steering wheel is supplemented by engine power

power structure noun

The distribution and application of power within an organization or community

power suit noun

A tailored suit worn to project authority and confidence

power take-off noun

A device for transferring power from an engine to another piece of equipment

powˈertrain noun (engineering)

(in a motor vehicle) the drive-transmitting sequence represented by the engine, transmission, and parts connecting gearbox to wheel

power unit noun

A power-amplifier (see above)

power user noun

A computer user who is highly skilled and demands high quality and performance from software, etc

power walking noun

Walking briskly as an aerobic exercise

in power

  1. In office
  2. In potentiality (Spenser)

in someone's power

  1. At someone's mercy
  2. Within the limits of what someone can do

the powers that be

The existing ruling authorities (Bible, Romans 13.1)





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