

单词 nanocomputing

nano- /na- or nā-nō-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: 10−9, as in nanogram and nanosecond
  2. Of microscopic size, as in nanocomputer
ORIGIN: Gr nānos a dwarf

nanˈobot noun

A microscopically small robot

nanˈocomputer noun

A computer using parts of microscopic size

nanˈocomputing noun

nanoelectronˈics singular noun

The application of nanotechnology to electronic systems

nanˈomachine noun

(also called nāˈnite) a microscopically small machine or device, perhaps only a few atoms wide, manufactured using nanotechnology

nanˈomaterial noun

Any material whose particles are of dimensions of less than a nanometre

nan'ometre noun

One millionth of a millimetre

nan'oparticle noun

A particle with dimensions of about 5–40 nanometres

nanˈoplankton or nannˈoplankton noun

Very small forms of plankton

nanˈopore noun

A microscopic pore or opening, specif one between 10−7m and 10−9m

nanoporˈous adjective

nanˈopublishing noun

The publication of specialist information to a small group of people on the Internet rather than by traditional publishing methods

nan'oscale adjective

Smaller than microscale, involving measurements in nanometres

nanotechnolˈogy or nanotechˈ noun

The manufacture and measuring of objects of tiny dimensions (also adjective)

nanˈotube noun

A molecule of a fullerene that is cylindrical rather than ball-shaped

nan'owire noun

A wire whose diameter is measured in nanometres





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