

单词 negative income tax

income /in(g)ˈkum or kəm/

  1. Profit, or interest from anything
  2. Revenue
  3. That which comes in, inflow
  4. Arrival, entrance (archaic)
  5. A disease, tumour, etc without known cause (Scot and N Eng dialect)
ORIGIN: in- (1)

incomer /inˈkum-ər/ noun

A person who comes in, esp one who comes to live in a place, not having been born there

inˈcoming adjective

  1. Coming in
  2. Accruing
  3. Ensuing, next to follow
  1. The act of coming in
  2. Revenue

income bond noun

A type of savings bond paying monthly or annual interest (without deducting tax at source)

income group noun

A group within a population having incomes within a certain range, eg middle income group

incomes policy noun

A government policy of curbing inflation by controlling wages

income support noun

In Britain, a social security payment made to people on low incomes

income tax noun

A tax directly levied on income or on income over a certain amount

income unit noun

A type of unit trust in which a regular dividend is paid to the holder instead of accumulating in the capital fund

negative income tax

A type of Government subsidy in which low-paid workers are paid an additional sum instead of having tax deducted from their wages

negate /ni-gātˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To deny
  2. To nullify
  3. To imply the non-existence of
  4. To make ineffective
ORIGIN: L negāre, -ātum to deny

negation /-gāˈshən/ noun

  1. The act of saying no
  2. Denial
  3. A negative proposition (logic)
  4. Something that is the opposite (of a positive quality, state, etc)
  5. A thing characterized by the absence of qualities

negāˈtionist noun

Someone who merely denies, without offering any positive assertion

negative /negˈə-tiv/ adjective

  1. Denying
  2. Expressing denial, refusal, or prohibition, opp to affirmative
  3. Denying the connection between a subject and a predicate (logic)
  4. Lacking a positive quality
  5. Failing to affirm
  6. Opposite, contrary to, neutralizing, etc that which is regarded as positive
  7. Censorious (US)
  8. Defeatist, pessimistic
  9. Obstructive, unconstructive
  10. Less than nothing (mathematics)
  11. Reckoned or measured in the opposite direction to that chosen as positive (mathematics)
  12. At relatively lower potential (elec)
  13. Of, having, or producing negative electricity (qv below; elec)
  14. Having dark for light and light for dark (optics and photography)
  15. In complementary colours (optics and photography)
  16. Acid (chem)
  17. Laevorotatory (optics)
  18. Having the index of refraction for the extraordinary ray less than for the ordinary in double refraction (optics)
  19. In a direction away from the source of stimulus (biology)
  1. A word or statement by which something is denied
  2. A word or grammatical form that expresses denial or opposition
  3. A negative proposition or term
  4. The right or act of saying no, or of refusing assent
  5. The side of a question or the decision which denies what is affirmed
  6. An image in which the lights and shades are reversed
  7. A photographic film or plate bearing such an image
  8. A quantity less than nothing (mathematics)
  9. A negative quantity or quality
transitive verb
  1. To prove the contrary of
  2. To reject by vote
  3. To veto
  4. To reject by veto
  5. To deny
  6. To neutralize

negˈatively adverb

negˈativeness noun

negˈativism noun

  1. A tendency to deny and criticize, without offering any positive assertions
  2. A tendency to do the opposite of what one is asked to do

negˈativist noun and adjective

negativisˈtic adjective

negativˈity noun

The fact of being negative

negāˈtor noun

  1. One who negates
  2. A word or particle that expresses negation

negˈatory adjective

Expressing denial

negatron /negˈə-tron/ noun

A negative electron, opp to positron

negative angle noun

One generated by a straight line moving clockwise

negative cash flow noun

A cash flow in which more money goes out of a business than comes into it

negative electricity noun

Electricity arising from the excess of electrons

negative equity noun

The situation, caused by a fall in house prices, in which a person owns property that is worth less than the value of his or her mortgage

negative feedback noun

The return of part of an output signal back to the input, as a way of increasing the quality of amplified sound

negative income tax see under income

negative interest noun

Money charged on or deducted from interest on bank deposits, etc

negative ion therapy noun

The use of negatively charged ions by breathing negatively ionized air or by direct application of the ions, to treat or prevent a wide range of medical conditions

negative pole noun

That pole of a magnet which turns to the south when the magnet swings freely

negative proton noun

An antiproton

negative reinforcement noun (behaviourism)

In conditioning situations, a stimulus, usu aversive, that increases the probability of escape or avoidance behaviour

negative sign noun

The sign (−, read minus) of subtraction





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