

单词 new blood

blood /blud/

  1. The oxygenating fluid (red in the higher animals) circulating in the body
  2. Descent, birth
  3. Relationship, kinship
  4. (elliptically) a blood horse, one of good pedigree
  5. A swaggering dandy about town
  6. The blood-royal (as in princes of the blood)
  7. Temperament
  8. Bloodshed or murder
  9. The juice of anything, esp if red
  10. The supposed seat of passion, hence temper, anger (as his blood is up), etc
  11. The sensual nature of man
  12. A sensational or melodramatic tale; a penny-dreadful (slang)
  13. A young man (also used as a term of address)
transitive verb
  1. To bleed
  2. To smear with blood
  3. To initiate into blood sports or to war (also figurative)
ORIGIN: OE blōd; cf OFris blōd and Ger Blut

bloodˈed adjective

  1. Having blood
  2. Of pure blood, pedigreed
  3. Initiated
combining form

Having blood or temperament of the specified kind

bloodˈless adjective

  1. Without blood
  2. Dead
  3. Anaemic, pale
  4. Happening without bloodshed
  5. Spiritless, lifeless
  6. Unemotional

bloodˈlessness noun

blood agar noun

Agar-agar for growing bacteria, to which blood has been added before the jelly set

blood-and-thundˈer adjective

(of fiction, etc) violent, sensational, melodramatic

blood bank noun

A supply of blood plasma, or the place where it is kept

bloodˈbath noun

  1. A bath in warm blood
  2. A massacre (also figurative)

bloodˈ-bespotted adjective

Spotted or sprinkled with blood

bloodˈ-bird noun

An Australian honeyeater, the male of which has scarlet plumage

blood blister noun

A blister with blood in it, caused eg by a bruise

bloodˈ-boltered adjective

Clotted or matted with blood

bloodˈ-bought adjective (Shakespeare)

Bought at the expense of blood or life

blood brother noun

  1. A brother by birth
  2. A person who has entered a close and binding friendship with another, in some cultures by ceremonies involving the mixing of blood

blood cell noun

Any of the cells that circulate in the blood

bloodˈ-consuming adjective (Shakespeare).

blood corpuscle noun

A cell normally contained in suspension in the blood

blood count noun

The number of red or white corpuscles in the blood

bloodˈcurdling adjective

Exciting horror with a physical feeling as if the blood had curdled

bloodˈcurdlingly adverb

blood diamond noun

A diamond mined in a war zone and sold to fund a military campaign

blood donation noun

blood donor noun

A person who gives blood for use in transfusion

blood doping or blood packing noun

The practice of temporarily increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of an athlete's blood by reinjecting red blood cells previously drawn off

bloodˈ-dust noun


bloodˈ-feud noun

A family feud arising out of an act of bloodshed, a vendetta

bloodˈfin noun

A small freshwater fish native to S America which has red fins

bloodˈ-fine noun

A fine paid in compensation for a murder

bloodˈ-flower noun

  1. A plant of the genus Haemanthus
  2. A species of Asclepias

blood fluke noun

A schistosome

bloodˈ-frozen adjective (Spenser)

Having the blood frozen or chilled

blood group noun

Any of various types of blood identified and defined by their antigenetic structures, esp one of the four types of human blood (designated O, A, B, AB)

bloodˈ-guilt or bloodˈ-guiltiness noun

The guilt of shedding blood, eg in murder

bloodˈ-guilty adjective

blood heat noun

The normal temperature of human blood (37ºC or 98.4ºF)

blood horse noun

A horse of the purest and most highly prized blood, origin or stock, a thoroughbred

bloodˈ-hot adjective

As hot or warm as blood

bloodˈhound noun

  1. A large hound, noted for its powers of following a scent
  2. A detective (informal)

bloodˈletter noun

bloodˈletting noun

  1. Drawing off blood by opening a vein (also figurative)
  2. Bloodshed

blood libel noun

A false accusation of murder or barbarism, esp the medieval slander that Jews sacrificed Christian children at Passover

bloodˈline noun

(of animals, etc) all the individuals in a family line over a number of generations, esp as considered with regard to some characteristic or other

bloodˈlust noun

Desire for bloodshed

blood money noun

  1. Money earned by laying or supporting a capital charge against anyone, esp if the charge is false or made by an accomplice
  2. Money paid to a hired assassin
  3. Money paid or accepted for doing something shameful
  4. Compensation formerly paid to the next of kin of a victim who has been killed

blood oath noun (Aust)

An interjection expressing surprise or anger

blood orange noun

A variety of orange with red or red-streaked pulp

blood packing see blood doping above.

blood plasma noun

The almost colourless liquid left after the blood cells and platelets have been removed from blood

bloodˈ-plate noun

A platelet

blood poisoning noun

A name popularly, but loosely, used of pyaemia and septicaemia

blood pressure noun

The pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood vessels, varying with age and physical condition

blood pudding noun

Black pudding

blood purge noun

The massacre or execution of large numbers believed by a government or ruler to be disloyal

bloodˈ-rain noun

Rain coloured by red dust from the desert

bloodˈ-red adjective

Of the colour of blood

blood relation or blood relative noun

A person related by common ancestry

bloodˈroot noun

A N American plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) of the poppy family with red rootstock and sap

blood-royˈal noun

Royal descent

bloodˈ-sacrifice noun (Shakespeare)

A sacrifice made with bloodshed

blood sausage noun

A blood pudding

bloodˈshed noun

  1. The shedding of blood
  2. Slaughter

bloodˈshot adjective

(of the eye) red or inflamed with blood

bloodˈ-sized adjective

Sized or smeared with blood

bloodˈ-spavin noun

A disease of horses consisting of the swelling of a vein on the inside of the hock, from a checking of the blood

blood sports plural noun

Those involving the killing of animals, fox hunting and the like

bloodˈsprent adjective

Sprinkled with blood

bloodˈstain noun

bloodˈstained adjective

  1. Stained with blood
  2. Guilty of murder

bloodˈstock noun

  1. Pedigree horses collectively
  2. Young men available as dance partners

bloodˈstone noun

  1. A green chalcedony with blood-like spots of red jasper
  2. Haematite

bloodˈstream noun

The blood flowing through the body (also figurative)

bloodˈsucker noun

  1. An animal that sucks blood, esp a leech
  2. An extortionist
  3. A person who sponges on another

bloodˈsucking adjective

That sucks or draws blood (also figurative)

blood sugar noun

The concentration of glucose in the blood

bloodˈ-tax noun (derogatory)

Conscription or universal military service

blood test noun

An analysis of a small specimen of blood

bloodˈthirstily adverb

bloodˈthirstiness noun

bloodˈthirsty adjective

  1. Eager to shed blood
  2. Depicting much violence

blood transfusion noun

The taking of blood from the veins of one person and subsequent injection of it into those of another

blood type noun

Blood group

blood typing noun

The classification of blood according to blood groups, or the identification of the blood group to which a sample of blood belongs

blood vessel noun

A vein or artery

bloodˈ-wagon noun (slang)

An ambulance

bloodˈ-wite or bloodˈ-wit noun (OE law)

  1. A fine for shedding blood
  2. The right to levy it

bloodˈwood noun

A name for various trees with red wood or juice, or their timber, eg a lythraceous tree of the East Indies (genus Lagerstroemia), eucalyptus of different kinds, or logwood

bloodˈworm noun

  1. A red aquatic midge larva (genus Chironomus)
  2. A tubifex

after or out for (someone's) blood

Having murderous intentions (towards someone) (lit and figurative)

avenger of blood

The next of kin to a murdered person whose duty it was thought to be to avenge his or her death

blood and iron see Blut

blood is thicker than water

Family obligations take precedence over other ties

blood on the carpet

Resolution of a conflict by extreme and unpleasant measures

first blood

The first drawing of blood in a fight (also figurative)

fresh, new (or young) blood

New (or young) members in any association of people, to add vitality and new ideas

in blood

In full vigour

in hot (or cold) blood

In (or free from) excitement or sudden passion

in one's blood

In one's character, inborn

make someone's blood boil (or run cold)

To arouse someone's fury (or to horrify someone)

new /nū/

  1. Very recently made or produced
  2. Young
  3. Fresh
  4. Not much used
  5. Having lately become, happened or begun to be
  6. Recent, modern
  7. (in place names) more recently founded and discovered than and named after, as in New York and New Orleans
  8. Not before seen or known
  9. Only lately discovered or experienced
  10. Other than the former or preceding, different
  11. Additional
  12. Strange, unaccustomed
  13. Lately begun
  14. Beginning afresh
  15. Renewed
  16. Reformed or regenerated
  17. Restored or resumed
  18. (of crops) harvested early
  19. Not of an ancient family
  20. Fresh from anything
  21. Uncultivated or only recently cultivated
  1. That which is new
  2. Newness
  1. (often joined by hyphen to an adjective) newly
  2. Anew
transitive verb (archaic)

To renew

intransitive verb (archaic)

To be renewed

ORIGIN: OE nīwe, nēowe; Ger neu, Ir nuadh, L novus, Gr neos

newˈbie noun (informal)

A new arrival on a specific scene, eg on the Internet

newˈie noun (informal)

Something new

newˈish adjective

  1. Somewhat new
  2. Nearly new

newˈishly adverb

newˈishness noun

newˈly adverb

  1. Very lately
  2. Afresh
  3. In a new or different way

newˈness noun

New Age noun

  1. (also without caps) a cultural trend that emerged in the late 1980s, concerned with the union of mind, body and spirit, expressed through popular interest in a variety of beliefs and disciplines, including mysticism, meditation, astrology and holistic medicine
  2. (also New Age music) a dreamy style of music of the late 1980s, usu using synthesizers

New-Ageˈ adjective

New Ageism noun

(also without caps) the New-Age movement

New Ager noun

(also without caps) someone involved or interested in the New-Age movement

New-Age Traveller noun

A member of an itinerant group of people adopting an alternative lifestyle and New-Age principles

new Australian noun

An immigrant to Australia

new birth noun

Renewal, esp spiritual

new blood noun

  1. (a person with) fresh talent
  2. (a person exercising) a revitalizing influence

newˈ-blown adjective

Just come into bloom

newˈborn adjective

Newly born


A newborn baby

new broom noun (figurative) see new brooms sweep clean under broom

new chum noun (informal)

  1. A newly-arrived and inexperienced immigrant to Australia or New Zealand
  2. A beginner, novice (Aust sl)

New Church or New Jerusalem Church noun

The Swedenborgian Church

newˈcome adjective

Recently arrived

newˈcomer noun

  1. Someone who has lately come
  2. A beginner

newˈ-Commonwealth adjective

Of or belonging to members of the Commonwealth who joined after World War II

newˈ-create transitive verb (Shakespeare)

To create anew

new critic noun

A practitioner of new criticism

new criticism noun

Literary criticism that concentrates on the text and rejects historical and biographical background information as unnecessary to an understanding of the work

New Deal noun

  1. Franklin D Roosevelt's policies for prosperity and social improvement in the United States, 1933–40
  2. A UK government initiative on employment launched in 1998
  3. (without caps) any new arrangements or conditions considered better than previous ones

New Economic Policy noun

The Soviet economic programme from 1921 to 1928, which allowed some private ownership of business

new economy noun

The part of the economy based on computer, communications and information technologies (cf old economy)

newˈ-economy adjective

New Englander noun

A native or citizen of any of the New England states (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Massachusetts)

New English Bible noun

A translation of the Bible and Apocrypha supervised by a committee formed of representatives from all the major British Christian denominations, first published in 1970

new Europe noun

The countries of eastern Europe, esp those that joined the EU in or after 2004

newˈ-fallen adjective

Newly fallen

newfangled see separate entry.

newˈ-fashˈioned adjective

  1. Made in a new way or fashion
  2. Lately come into fashion

newˈ-fledged adjective

Having just got feathers

new for old noun

The basis for a house contents insurance policy claim that disregards any deterioration due to use or time

newˈ-found adjective

Newly discovered or devised

New Jersey tea noun


New Jerusalem noun

  1. The heavenly city
  2. Heaven

New Jerusalem Church see New Church above.

New Kingdom noun

The 18th to 20th dynasties in ancient Egypt (16c–11c BC)

New Labour noun

The part of the British Labour Party that gained control in the 1990s and seeks to apply a less extreme form of socialism in a market economy

new lad noun

A young man who, unlike the new man (qv below), unashamedly pursues a lifestyle characterized by hedonism, materialism, macho attitudes and interests, and open defiance of political correctness

newˈ-laid adjective

Newly laid

New Latin noun

The form of Latin in (esp legal) use since the Renaissance

New Learning noun

The new studies of the Renaissance

New Left noun

An extreme left-wing movement among students, etc in the 1960s

New Light noun

A member of a relatively more advanced or liberal religious school, applied esp to the party within the 18c Scottish Secession Church which adopted voluntaryist views of the relations of Church and State, also sometimes to the Socinianizing party in the Church of Scotland in the 18c, etc

new look noun

  1. A change in women's fashions (1947), notably to longer and fuller skirts
  2. A radical modification in the appearance of something

newˈly-wed noun and adjective

(a person who is) recently married

newˈ-made adjective

Recently made

new man noun

  1. A reformed character
  2. A fitter, healthier man
  3. (sometimes with caps) a man who is prepared to show his feelings and who has adopted modern ideas esp with regard to health, the environment and sharing family responsibilities

newˈ-marrˈied adjective

Newly married

new maths noun

A method of teaching mathematics which is more concerned with basic structures and concepts than numerical drills

newˈ-modˈel transitive verb

To model or form anew

New Model Army noun

The Parliamentary army as remodelled by Cromwell in 1645

new moon noun

  1. The moment when the moon is directly in line between the earth and sun, and therefore invisible
  2. The time when the waxing moon becomes visible
  3. The narrow waxing crescent itself

newˈ-mown adjective

Newly mown

newˈ-oldˈ adjective

  1. Old but renewed
  2. Having both new and old qualities at the same time

new penny see under penny

new poor plural noun

Those who have come to think themselves poor by loss of advantages

New Red Sandstone noun (geology)

An old name for the Permian and Trias

new rich plural noun

  1. The recently enriched
  2. Parvenus

New Right noun

A conservative movement, prominent in the 1980s, which differs from the traditional Right in holding more staunchly right-wing or moralistic views, eg favouring the diminution or abolition of the welfare state and the restitution of capital punishment, and opposing abortion

newˈ-risen adjective

Having newly risen

New Romantic noun

A member of a youth movement characterized by flamboyant epicene styles, prevalent in the 1980s (also adjective)

newˈ-sad adjective (Shakespeare)

Recently made sad

Newˈspeak noun

  1. A type of English described by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), developed by reducing vocabulary to such a point, and forming new words of such ugliness and so little emotive value, that literature and even thought will be impossible
  2. (also without cap) any type of language considered similar in style, etc (esp derogatory)

new star noun

A nova

New Style see style

New Testament noun

The second part of the Christian Bible, consisting of writings about Christ and the Apostles after his death, and documents from the very first years of the Christian Church (abbrev NT)

new town noun

A town planned and built by the government to aid housing conditions in nearby large cities, stimulate development, etc

new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

New Wave noun

  1. A movement in French cinema in the late 1950s and 1960s which abandoned the linear narrative and experimented with untypical framing and fluid camera movements (also called Nouvelle Vague)
  2. A slightly later movement in jazz aiming at freedom from set patterns and styles
  3. (also without caps) any similar new movement or grouping in the arts, media, music, etc

New-Waveˈ adjective

new woman noun

A name applied, esp by scoffers, in the late 19c to such women as actively sought freedom and equality with men

New World noun

North, Central and South America

new world order noun

An aspiration to peaceful coexistence in the world

New Year noun

The first few days of the year

New Year's Day noun

The first day of the year

New Year's Eve noun

The last day of the year, 31 December

New Zealander noun

A native or citizen of New Zealand

of new (archaic)

  1. Anew
  2. Of late

what's new? (informal)

  1. Tell me your news
  2. There's nothing new about that!





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