

单词 petro-

petro-1 /pet-rō-/

combining form

Signifying petroleum

ORIGIN: petroleum

petrōchemˈical noun and adjective

(of or relating to) any chemical obtained from petroleum

petrōchemˈistry noun

petˈrocurrˈency, petˈromoney, petˈrodollars and petˈropounds noun

Currency, etc, acquired by the oil-producing countries as profit from the sale of their oil to the consumer countries

petro-2 /pet-rō- or pi-tro-/

combining form

Signifying rock

ORIGIN: Gr petrā rock

petˈrodrome noun

(Gr dromos a running) an African elephant shrew of the genus Petrodromus

petrogenˈesis noun

(the study of) the origin, formation, etc, of rocks

petrogenetˈic adjective

petˈrōglyph noun

(Gr glyphein to carve) a rock-carving, esp prehistoric

petrōglyphˈic adjective

petˈrōglyphy noun

petˈrōgram noun

(Gr gramma a drawing) a picture on stone

petrogˈrapher noun

petrographˈic or petrographˈical adjective (petrographic province (geology)

A region characterized by a group of genetically related rocks)

petrographˈically adverb

petrogˈraphy noun

(Gr graphein to write) the systematic description and classification of rocks

petrologˈical adjective

petrologˈically adverb

petrolˈogist noun

petrolˈogy noun

(Gr logos discourse) the science of the origin, chemical and mineral composition and structure, and alteration of rocks

petrōphysˈical adjective

petrōphysˈicist noun

petrōphysˈics singular noun

(Gr physikos natural) that branch of physics relating to the physical properties of rocks





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