单词 | photophony |
释义 | photo-2 /fō-tō-, fō-to- or fō-tə-/ or phot- /fōt-/combining formSignifying light ORIGIN: Gr phōs, phōtos light photoacˈtive adjective Affected physically or chemically by light or other radiation photo-ageˈing noun Ageing (esp of the skin) caused by exposure to ultraviolet light photobiolˈogist noun photobiolˈogy noun A branch of biology dealing with the effects of light and other forms of radiant energy on organisms photocatalˈysis noun The promotion, acceleration or retardation of a chemical reaction by light photocatalytˈic adjective photocathˈode noun A cathode that discharges electrons when exposed to light phoˈtocell noun A photoelectric cell photochemˈical adjective photochemˈist noun photochemˈistry noun The part of chemistry dealing with changes brought about by light, or other radiation, and with the production of radiation by chemical change photochromic /-krōmˈik/ adjective Changing colour, and hence changing the amount of light transmitted when the incident light increases, or decreases nounA photochromic material photochromˈics singular noun The science and technology of photochromic materials plural nounPhotochromic materials photochromˈism noun phoˈtochromy noun A former process of colour photography photocoagulāˈtion noun The medical use of a laser or other light source to harden or destroy tissue, esp in the eye photoconductˈing or photoconducˈtive adjective Relating to, or showing, photoconductivity photoconductivˈity noun The property of varying conductivity under the influence of light photocurrˈent noun An electric current produced by light photodegraˈdable adjective (of plastic) that will decompose after exposure to certain forms of light photodiˈode noun A two-electrode semiconductor device, used as an optical sensor photodissociāˈtion noun (chem) Dissociation produced by the absorption of radiant energy photodynamˈic adjective Relating to a treatment for cancer in which an introduced drug is activated by a laser beam photoelasˈtic adjective Relating to or exhibiting photoelasticity photoelasticˈity noun The property of certain solids of exhibiting optical changes due to compression or other stresses photoelecˈtric adjective Relating to photoelectricity, or to photoelectrons (photoelectric cell any device in which incidence of light of suitable frequency causes an alteration in electrical state, esp by photo-emission, eg in order to activate a switch, etc) photoelectricˈity noun The emission of electrons from the surface of certain materials by incidence of photons exceeding a certain energy photoelecˈtrode noun An electrode which can exhibit photoelectricity photoelecˈtron noun An electron released from a surface by a photon photoelectronˈics singular noun The science dealing with the interactions of matter and photons, esp those involving the emission of electrons photo-emissˈion noun The emission of electrons from the surface of a body after the incidence of photons photofissˈion noun Nuclear fission induced by gamma rays phoˈtoflood or photoflood lamp noun An incandescent lamp with a tungsten filament designed to run at a higher temperature but with a shorter life so that its emission spectrum more closely matches sunlight photogen /fōˈtə-jən/ noun
phoˈtogene /-jēn/ noun
photogenic /-jenˈ or -jēnˈ/ adjective
photoionizāˈtion or photoionisāˈtion noun Ionization produced by the action of electromagnetic radiation photokinesis /-ki-nēˈsis or -kī-/ noun (Gr kīnēsis movement) movement occurring in response to variations in light intensity photoluminesceˈ intransitive verb To produce photoluminescence photoluminescˈence noun Luminescence produced by exposure to photons photoluminescˈent adjective phoˈtolyse transitive verb To cause photolysis in intransitive verbTo undergo photolysis photolysis /fō-tolˈi-sis/ noun (see lysis) decomposition or dissociation of a molecule as the result of the absorption of radiation (chem) photolytic /fō-tə-litˈik/ adjective photomˈeter noun An instrument for measuring luminous intensity, usu by comparing two sources of light photometˈric adjective photomˈetry noun (the branch of physics dealing with) the measurement of luminous intensity photomulˈtiplier noun A photocell with a series of dynodes which amplify the emission current by electron multiplication photonasˈtic /-nas-tik/ adjective phoˈtonasty noun (Gr nastos close-pressed; biology) A response in plants, etc to a change of intensity of light regardless of the direction of the light source photonegˈative adjective
photopeˈriod noun The period during every 24 hours when an organism is exposed to daylight photoperiodˈic adjective photoperiodicˈity noun photopeˈriodism noun The physiological and behavioural reactions of organisms to changes in the length of the daylight period phoˈtophil adjective
An organism that seeks the light photophilˈic adjective photophilous /-tofˈ/ adjective photophˈily noun phōˈtophobe noun and adjective photophoˈbia noun (see phobia) a fear of or aversion to light photophobic /-fōbˈik/ adjective phoˈtophone noun (Gr phōnē voice) an obsolete apparatus that transmits sound by converting it to a light signal and then back to sound at a remote receiver, analogous to a modern fibre optics system photophonic /-fonˈik/ adjective photophony /-tofˈə-ni/ noun phoˈtophore /-fōr or -för/ noun (see -phore; zoology) A luminiferous organ photophoresis /-fə-rēˈsis/ noun (Gr phorēsis a carrying) migration of suspended particles under the influence of light photōpˈia noun Vision in bright light, the eye's adjustment to daylight photopˈic adjective photopolarimˈeter noun An instrument for measuring the polarization of light from planets or other distant objects photopolˈymer noun A light-sensitive polymer used in printing plates, microfilms, etc photoposˈitive adjective
photopsia /fō-topˈsi-ə/or photopsy /-topˈsi/ noun (Gr opsis appearance) the appearance of flashes of light, owing to irritation of the retina photorecepˈtor noun A nerve-ending receiving light stimuli photorefractˈive adjective Of a material whose refractive index changes in response to light photoresistˈ adjective (of an organic material) that polymerizes on exposure to ultraviolet light and in that form resists attack by acids and solvents (also noun) photosensˈitive adjective Affected by light, visible or invisible photosensitivˈity noun photosensˈitize or photosensˈitise transitive verb To make photosensitive by chemical or other means photosensˈitizer or photosensˈitiser noun phoˈtosphere noun The luminous envelope of the sun's globe, the source of light photospheric /-sferˈik/ adjective photosynthesis /-sinˈthi-sis/ noun (botany) The use of light energy to drive chemical reactions, most notably the reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates by the green pigment chlorophyll photosynˈthesize intransitive verb and transitive verb photosynthetˈic adjective phototacˈtic adjective phototaxˈis noun (Gr taxis arrangement; biology) Locomotory response or reaction of an organism or cell to the stimulus of light phototelegˈraphy noun Telegraphy by means of light (see also under photo-1) phototherapeutˈic adjective phototherapy /fōˈtō-therˈə-pi/ or phototherapeutics /-pūˈtiks/ noun (Gr therapeuein to tend) the treatment of disease by light phototransistˈor noun A transistor that amplifies current in response to light phototrope /-trōp/ noun A substance exhibiting phototropism phototrophˈic adjective (biology) Using light to generate energy needed to absorb nutrients phototropic /-tropˈik/ adjective phototropism /fōt-otˈrəp-izm/ noun
phototˈropy noun Change of colour due to wavelength of incident light phoˈtotube noun An electron tube in which a cathode converts light into electric current photovoltaic /-vol-tāˈik/ adjective Producing an electromotive force across the junction between dissimilar materials when the junction is exposed to light or ultraviolet radiation, eg in a photovoltaic cell photovoltaˈics singular noun The science and technology of photovoltaic devices and substances |
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