

单词 photosettings

photo-1 /fō-tō-, fō-to- or fō-tə-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: photographic
  2. Made by, or by the aid of, photographic means
  3. Representing photo, or photographic or photographical (see under photography)
ORIGIN: photograph (see under photography)

phoˈtoblog noun

A blog in the form of a series of photographs (also intransitive verb)

phoˈtobomb intransitive verb and transitive verb (informal)

To place oneself in the background of a photograph deliberately and without the knowledge of the photographer or subject

phoˈtocomposition noun (printing)

Filmsetting, the setting of copy by projecting images of letters successively on a sensitive material from which printing plates are made

photocopˈiable adjective

phoˈtocopier noun

A machine which makes photocopies

phoˈtocopy noun

A photographic reproduction of written matter, etc

transitive verb

To make a photocopy of

phoˈtocopying noun

phoˈto-engraving or phoˈto-etching noun

Any process of engraving by aid of photography, esp from relief plates

phoˈto-essay noun

An extensively illustrated article or book on a particular subject

Phoˈtofit® noun

  1. (also without cap) a method of making identification pictures using photographs of facial elements, an alternative to identikit (qv)
  2. Such a picture

photogenˈic /-jenˈik, -jēˈnik/ adjective

  1. Having the quality of photographing well, appearing attractive in photographs
  2. (loosely) attractive, striking
  3. Photographic (obsolete)

photogˈeny /-tojˈi-ni/ noun (obsolete)


photogeolˈogy noun

The study of geology by means of aerial photographs

photoglyph /-glif/ noun

  1. (Gr glyphē carving) a photographic engraving
  2. A photogravure

photoglyphˈic adjective

photogˈlyphy noun

phoˈtogram noun

  1. A photograph
  2. A type of picture produced by placing an object on or near photographic paper which is then exposed to light

photogrammetˈric adjective

photogrammˈetrist noun

photogrammˈetry noun (image technol)

The use of photographic records for precise measurement of distances or dimensions, eg aerial photography for surveying

photogravure /fō-tō-grə-vūrˈ/ noun

  1. (Fr gravure engraving) a method of photo-engraving in which the design etched on the metal surface is intaglio, not relief
  2. A picture produced by this method

photojourˈnalism noun

Journalism in which written material is subordinate to photographs

photojourˈnalist noun

photolithˈograph noun and transitive verb

photolithogˈrapher noun

photolithographˈic adjective

photolithogˈraphy noun

A process of lithographic printing from a photographically produced plate

photomacˈrograph noun

A photograph of an object that is unmagnified or only slightly magnified

photomacrographˈic adjective

photomacrogˈraphy noun

phoˈtomap noun

A map produced from or drawn on aerial photographs

photomechanˈical adjective

Relating to mechanical printing from a photographically prepared plate

photomechanˈically adverb

photomicrograph /fō-tō-mīˈkrə-gräf/ noun

(see micro- and graph) an enlarged photograph of a microscopic object taken through a microscope

photomicrographer /-krogˈrə-fər/ noun

photomicrographic /-krə-grafˈik/ adjective

photomicrogˈraphy noun

photomonˈtage /-täzh/ noun

(the art of compiling) a picture made by cutting up photographs, etc, and arranging the parts so as to convey, without explicitly showing, a definite meaning

photomosāˈic noun

A picture made from several photographs, esp of an area

phoˈtonovel noun

A novel in the form of a series of photographs with speech balloons

phoˈto-process noun

Any process by which a matrix for printing is got by photographic means

photoreˈalism noun (art)

An esp detailed, precise painting style (suggestive of and often worked from a photograph), giving an effect of (often exaggerated) realism

photorealisˈtic adjective

phoˈto-relief noun

A plate or image in relief got by photographic means

phoˈtosetting noun


Phoˈtoshop® /fōˈtō-shop/ noun

A computer program for editing digital images

transitive verb

(often without cap) to alter a digital image using this program

Photostat® /fōˈtō-stat/ noun

  1. (see -stat) a photographic apparatus for making facsimiles of manuscripts, drawings, etc, directly
  2. A facsimile so made
transitive verb and intransitive verb

(without cap) to make a photographic facsimile

phototelegraph /fōˈtō-telˈi-gräf/ noun

An instrument for transmitting drawings, photographs, etc, by telegraphy

phototelegˈraphy noun

(see also under photo-2)

phototype /fōˈtō-tīp/ noun

  1. (Gr typos impression) a printing block on which the material is produced photographically
  2. A print made from such a block
  3. The process of making such a block
transitive verb

To reproduce by phototype

phototypeˈsetter noun

phototypeˈsetting noun

The production of type images on a photographic medium by optical means and often using a computer connected to a device which enables publication with high-quality print

phototypic /-tipˈik/ adjective

phototypy /fōˈtō-tī-pi or fō-totˈi-pi/ noun

photoxylography /fō-tō-zī-logˈrə-fi/ noun

(see xylo- and graph) wood engraving after a photographic impression on a woodblock

photozincograph /fōˈtō-zingˈkə-gräf/ noun

A picture produced by photozincography

photozincogˈraphy noun

The process of engraving on zinc by taking an impression by photography and etching with acids





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