

单词 off-colour

off /of/

  1. Away
  2. In or to a position that is not on something
  3. In motion
  4. Out of continuity
  5. Out of connection, supply, activity, operation, or validity
  6. To a finish, up
  7. No longer available
  8. In deterioration or diminution
  9. Into freedom
combining form

Used to signify a knockout competitive event, esp one held to decide a draw, as in jump-off, play-off, swim-off

  1. Most distant
  2. On the opposite or farther side
  3. On the offside of a cricket field
  4. (of a horse or vehicle) right
  5. Out of condition or form
  6. Not devoted to the particular or usual activity (eg off-day, off-season)
  1. From
  2. Away from
  3. Removed from
  4. Opening out of
  5. In or to a position or condition that is not on
  6. Disengaged from
  7. Disinclined to, not wanting
  8. Out to sea from
  9. From a dish of
  10. From a ball bowled by (cricket)
  11. With a handicap of (golf)
  12. Not up to the usual standard of
  13. Not eating or drinking
  14. Not subject to or following
  1. The offside
  2. (with the) the start, as in ready for the off
transitive verb
  1. To put off
  2. To take off
  3. To kill (US sl)
intransitive verb (or transitive verb with it)
  1. To go off
  2. To take off (with with; informal)

Away! depart!

ORIGIN: Orig variant of of, distinguished from it by the 17c

offˈing noun

  1. The region some distance offshore
  2. A place or time some way off

offˈish adjective

Aloof in manner

offˈishly adverb

offˈishness noun

offˈ-ward or offˈ-wards adverb

Off or away from, esp the shore

off-airˈ adjective

  1. (of a recording, etc) received from a broadcast transmission
  2. Relating to, but not broadcast as part of, a radio or television programme

off-and-onˈ adjective

  1. Occasional
  2. Intermittent

offˈ-beam adjective

Mistaken, wrong-headed, misguided

offˈbeat noun

Any of the usu unaccented beats in a musical bar


  1. Away from standard
  2. Unusual
  3. Eccentric

offˈ-board adjective (commerce)

Of or relating to over-the-counter securities transactions

off break noun (cricket)

A ball that breaks from the offside towards the legside on pitching

off-Broadˈway adjective

  1. (of US theatres) not on Broadway, the centre of commercial theatre in New York
  2. Of or relating to the kind of theatre productions often presented in theatres not on Broadway, ie experimental, non-commercial, etc (off-off-Broadˈway of or relating to very low-cost, often highly experimental theatre, usu presented in cafés, etc, and often considered the US equivalent of British fringe theatre)

off-cenˈtre adjective

Not quite central

offˈ-chance or off chance noun

A remote chance (on the offchance or on the off-chance (with that or of) just in case, in the hope of (something happening))

off-colˈour or off-colˈoured adjective

  1. (of eg a diamond) unsatisfactory in colour and so inferior
  2. Of mixed race (offensive)
  3. (off-colour) not completely healthy
  4. (off-colour; of jokes, etc) smutty, blue (informal)

offˈ-come noun

  1. A subterfuge (Scot)
  2. A pretext (Scot)
  3. The manner of coming off, issue or success

offˈ-comer noun (informal)

A person living in a place, esp a rural area, in which he or she was not born, an incomer

offˈcut noun

A small piece cut off or left over from a larger piece of some material (eg wood)

offˈ-cutter noun (cricket)

A fast bowler's delivery that moves from off to leg after pitching

offˈ-day noun

  1. See off (adj) above
  2. A day when one is not at one's best or most brilliant

off drive noun (cricket)

A drive to the offside (also intransitive verb and transitive verb)

offˈ-duty adjective

Not on duty

offˈ-fore adjective and noun

(relating to) the right foreleg of a horse, opp to near-fore

offˈ-grid adjective and adverb

Not using one or more public utilities

offhandˈ adverb

  1. Extempore
  2. At once
  3. Without hesitating

adjective /ofˈhand/

  1. Without study
  2. Impromptu
  3. Free and easy
  4. Ungraciously curt or summary

offˈhandˈed adjective

offhandˈedly adverb

offhandˈedness noun

offhand grinding noun (engineering)

Grinding in which the tool, eg a grinding wheel, is held in the hand and worked freely

offˈ-job adjective

Outside normal work duties and conditions

offˈ-job training or offˈ-the-job training noun

The part of a training course that a trainee follows away from the workplace at a college, etc, eg one day a week

off-keyˈ adjective and adverb

  1. Out of tune (lit and figurative)
  2. Conflicting, jarring, discordant

offˈ-label adjective (US)

(of a prescription drug) used to treat a condition for which the Food and Drug Administration has not approved it (also adverb)

offˈ-licence noun

  1. A shop with a licence to sell alcoholic liquors for consumption off the premises only
  2. Such a licence

offˈ-limˈits adjective

Prohibited, out of bounds

offˈline or offˈ-line adjective and adverb (computing)

  1. Not under the direct control of the central processing unit
  2. Not connected, switched off

offˈload transitive verb and intransitive verb (orig S Afr)

  1. To unload
  2. To get rid of (something unwanted) by passing to someone else (with onto)
  3. To pass (the ball) to a teammate just as one is tackled (rugby)

off-messˈage adverb and adjective (politics)

Not following the approved party line

off-off-Broadway see off-Broadway above.

offˈpeak adjective

  1. Not at the time of highest demand
  2. Relating to times of the day when television or radio audiences are smaller, advertising rates for these times being lower, opp to peak time

offˈ-piste adjective

Of or relating to skiing on new snow-surfaces, not on established tracks or runs

offˈ-plan adjective

Relating to a home, etc bought before (completion of) building on the basis of plans seen, or to the buyer of such a property

offˈprint noun

A reprint of a single article from a periodical

offˈput noun (Scot)

The act of putting off (in any sense)

offˈ-putter noun

offˈ-putting noun

An act of putting off


  1. That puts off
  2. Disconcerting
  3. Causing disinclination or aversion

offˈ-puttingly adverb

offˈ-ramp noun (chiefly N American)

An exit road from a main thoroughfare

off-reckˈoning noun

  1. (usu in pl) a deduction
  2. An account between army officers and governments concerning the men's clothes, etc (obsolete)

offˈ-road adjective

  1. Of or relating to paths, tracks, etc, as opposed to roads
  2. Of or relating to vehicles, etc designed to operate away from roads

off-roadˈer noun

An off-road vehicle

off-roadˈing noun

The practice of driving over rough terrain in specially designed vehicles, esp as a sport

offˈsaddle transitive verb and intransitive verb

To unsaddle

off-salesˈ noun (S Afr)

A shop where alcoholic drinks can be bought for consumption elsewhere

offˈscouring noun

  1. (usu in pl) matter scoured off
  2. Refuse
  3. Anything vile or despised

offˈscum noun

Scum, refuse

offˈseason noun, adjective and adverb

(of or at) a time (for eg a holiday) other than the most popular and busy

offˈset noun

  1. A thing set off against another as equivalent or compensation
  2. A lateral shoot that strikes root and forms a new plant
  3. A mountain spur
  4. A side branch of anything
  5. A sudden change of direction in a pipe
  6. A reduction of thickness or the (usu sloping) ledge formed where part of a wall, buttress, bank, etc, is set back from the general face
  7. A hillside terrace (US)
  8. A smudge on a newly printed sheet from another laid on it
  9. Offset printing
  10. In surveying, a perpendicular from the main line to an outlying point
  11. A small deviation of voltage or current (elec)


Set at an angle to the main alignment

transitive verb /of-setˈ or ofˈset/

  1. To set off against something as an equivalent or compensation
  2. To print using an offset process
  3. To construct an offset in a wall, etc

intransitive verb

  1. To branch off
  2. /ofˈset/ to make an effort

offsetˈable (or /ofˈ/) adjective

offset printing, offset lithography or offset-litho printing noun

A method of printing lithographs, etc, by first taking an impression from a plate on a rubber cylinder and then transferring the impression to paper or metal, etc, using oil-based ink

off-shakeˈ transitive verb (pap (Spenser) off-shaktˈ)

To shake off

offˈshoot noun

A branch or derivative of anything

offshoreˈ adverb

  1. From the shore
  2. At a distance from the shore
  3. Abroad

adjective /ofˈshōr or -shör/

  1. Placed or operating abroad
  2. Sited or operating outside the restrictions of British law and tax

transitive verb and intransitive verb /ofˈshōr or -shör/

(of a business enterprise) to transfer (work, jobs, etc) to another country, usu one where workers can be paid a lower wage

offshore purchase noun

A purchase by one country in another

offˈside noun

  1. The far side
  2. A horse's or vehicle's right, towards the middle of the road
  3. That half of a cricket field on the opposite side to that on which the batsman stands when waiting to receive the ball, separated from the legside by an imaginary line drawn from wicket to wicket
  4. /of-sīdˈ/ an instance of a player standing illegally between the ball and the opponents' goal (football, etc)

adjective and adverb /of-sīdˈ/

  1. On the offside
  2. Between the ball, or the last player who had it, and the opponents' goal
  3. In American football, over the line of scrimmage or free-kick line when the ball is snapped

offsīdˈer noun (Aust informal)

A subordinate or sidekick

offˈ-site adjective and adverb

(working, happening, etc) away from a working site, etc

offˈ-sorts plural noun

Wool set aside in sorting, or unsuitable for a given purpose

off spin noun (cricket)

Spin imparted to a ball to cause an off break

offˈ-spin adjective

off spinner noun (cricket)

Someone who bowls off breaks

offˈspring noun

  1. A child or children
  2. Progeny
  3. Issue
  4. Ancestry (obsolete)
  5. Source (obsolete)

offˈ-stage adjective and adverb

Not on the stage as visible to the spectators

offˈ-stream adjective and adverb

(of an industrial plant, etc) not in operation or production

offˈ-street adjective

(of parking) in a car park

offˈtake noun

  1. The act of taking off in any sense
  2. A take-off
  3. That which is taken off
  4. A channel, passage, or pipe for removing a fluid

off-the-peg see under peg

off-the-shelf see under shelf

offˈ-white adjective

Not quite white, rather, yellowish or greyish white


A colour, paint, etc, that is off-white

a bit off (informal)

(of behaviour, etc) unfair or unacceptable

badly off

Not well-off, poor

be off

To go away quickly (as a command, also be off with you)

break off and come off see under break1 and come

from off

From a position on

go off and go off with see under go1

go off on one (slang)

To lose one’s temper

ill off

Poor or ill provided

in the offing

  1. In sight or at hand
  2. Expected, or likely to take place, shortly

make off and make off with see under make1

off and on

Occasionally, intermittently

off beam or off the beam see under beam or see off-beam above.

off duty see under duty

off line same as offline above.

off one's oats, feed, head, rocker or trolley see under oat, feed1, head, rock2 and trolley1

off the charts see under chart

off the cuff see under cuff1

off the face or shoulder

(of a woman's hat, dress, etc) so as to reveal the face or shoulder

off the peg see under peg

off the wall (orig US)

See under wall

off with

Take off at once

put off, show off or take off see under put1, show and take

tell off see under tell1

walk off and walk off with see under walk1


  1. Rich, well-provided
  2. Fortunate

colour also (esp N American) color /kulˈər/

  1. A sensation of light induced in the eye by electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency, the colour being determined by the frequency
  2. A property whereby bodies have different appearances to the eye through surface reflection or absorption of rays
  3. Hue, one of the constituents into which white light can be decomposed
  4. Appearance of blood in the face
  5. Race or race-mixture other than Caucasian
  6. Appearance
  7. Plausibility
  8. Reason, pretext
  9. Tint
  10. Shade
  11. Paint
  12. Vividness
  13. Timbre (music)
  14. Variety
  15. (in sing or pl; often with cap) a flag, ensign or standard
  16. (in pl) a symbol of membership of a party, club, college, team, etc
  17. (in particle physics) any of six varieties of a particular characteristic of quarks and antiquarks, used to define possible combinations of these particles in baryons and mesons
transitive verb
  1. To put colour on
  2. To stain
  3. To paint
  4. To set in a favourable light
  5. To exaggerate
  6. To disguise
  7. To misrepresent, distort
intransitive verb
  1. To take on colour
  2. To blush
ORIGIN: OFr color, from L color, -ōris; related to cēlāre to cover, to conceal

colˈorant or colˈourant noun

A substance used for colouring

colorāˈtion or colourāˈtion noun

  1. Colouring
  2. Mode of colouring
  3. Disposition of colours

colorifˈic /kol- or kul-/ adjective

Producing colours

colorimˈeter /kol- or kul-/ noun

An instrument for comparison of colours

colorimetˈric adjective

colorimˈetry noun

colourable /kulˈ/ adjective

  1. Capable of being coloured
  2. Plausible
  3. Feigned

colˈourably adverb

colˈoured adjective

  1. Having colour
  2. Having a specious appearance, deceitful (obsolete)
  3. (of the complexion) other than white
  4. Loosely, belonging to a dark-skinned race (often derogatory)
  5. (usu with cap) in South Africa, of mixed racial descent, partly Caucasian, partly of darker race
  6. (also with cap) in South Africa, of one of the official racial groups, neither white nor African
  7. Not of Caucasian race
  1. (usu with cap) in South Africa, a person of mixed racial descent
  2. (also with cap) in South Africa, a member of one of the official racial groups, one who is neither white nor African
  3. (in pl) coloured items of clothing for washing, opp to whites

colˈourer noun

colˈourful adjective

  1. Full of or having colour
  2. Vivid
  3. (of language) full of swear-words

colˈourfully adverb

colˈourfulness noun

colˈouring noun

  1. Any substance used to give colour
  2. The actual colours of anything, and their arrangement
  3. Manner of applying colours
  4. Appearance, esp a person's hair and skin colour
  5. Tone

colˈourist noun

  1. A person who colours or paints
  2. A person who excels in colouring or painting with colour

colouristˈic adjective

colourīzāˈtion or colourīsāˈtion noun

colˈourize or colˈourise transitive verb

To add colour to (a film made in black and white)

colˈourless adjective

  1. Without colour
  2. Transparent
  3. Pale
  4. Neutral
  5. Lacking distinctive character

colˈourlessly adverb

colˈoury adjective

Having much colour

colour bar noun

Social discrimination esp by whites against other races

colˈour-blind adjective

  1. Unable to distinguish some colours from others
  2. Not discriminating between people on the basis of skin colour or race

colour blindness noun

colour code noun

A system of identification, eg of electrical wires, by different colours

colˈour-code transitive verb

To mark with different colours for identification

colour contamination noun (image technol)

A fault in colour reproduction caused by incomplete separation of primary colours

colour contrast noun

The perceived change in a colour when surrounded by another colour, used in psychology and tests for colour blindness

colour correction noun

In colour printing, compensation either by hand, by colour masking, or electronically, for inherent faults of the printing inks available

coloured pencil noun

One containing a coloured lead as distinct from graphite or blacklead

colˈourfast adjective

(of material, etc) with colours that are resistant to change when exposed to water, light or rubbing

colour fastness noun

colour film noun

A film for producing colour photographs

colour filter noun (photography)

A transparent material, usu coloured glass or gelatin, used to modify the light transmitted through a camera's lens, by absorbing or transmitting selectively certain colours or wavelengths

colour hearing noun

The association of colours with sounds heard

colour index noun

  1. The difference between the photographic and visual magnitudes of a star used to calculate its temperature (astronomy)
  2. A number representing the dark-coloured heavy silicates in an igneous rock (geology)
  3. A systematic arrangement of colours according to their hue, saturation and brightness or an index giving chemical compositions of dyes and pigments

colour line noun

A social and political separation between white and other races

colˈourman noun

A person who prepares or sells paints

colour masking noun

In photographic colour reproduction, the use of additional images to compensate for the deficiencies of the dyes forming the principal colour records

colour music noun

The art of displaying colours on a screen with effect analogous to music

colour organ noun

An instrument for doing this

colour party or colour guard noun

A military guard carrying a flag or colours

colour phase noun

Any seasonal or abnormal variation in the coloration of an animal

colˈourpoint noun

A Persian cat that has been crossed to achieve the colouring of a Siamese

colour reversal noun (photography)

A process in which the negative image in the respective colour layers is reversed to give a positive transparency

colour scheme noun

A planned combination of colours in a design or interior decoration

colour screen noun

A colour filter

colˈour-sergeant noun

A non-commissioned officer, orig responsible for guarding the Colours of a regiment

colour subcarrier noun

In colour television, a signal conveying the colour or chrominance information as a modulation, added to the monochrome video and synchronizing signals

colour supplement or colour magazine noun

An illustrated magazine printed in colour and published usu as a part of a weekly newspaper (also (informal) colˈour-sup, colˈour-supp or colˈour-mag)


Of a style often pictured in such a magazine, ie expensive and rather exclusive

colour temperature noun (physics)

That temperature of a black body that radiates with the same dominant wavelengths as those apparent from a source being described or considered

colour therapy noun

The therapeutic use, both psychologically and physically, of coloured light and of appropriate colours generally

colour threshold noun

The luminance level below which colour differences are indiscernible

colˈourwash noun

A cheap form of distemper coating

transitive verb

To paint with this

colˈourway noun

One of several combinations of colours in which eg a patterned fabric is available

colour wheel noun

A disc having coloured segments showing the relationship between colours

colour a pipe

To cause a pipe, esp a meerschaum, to darken by smoking

colour in

To fill in an area on a piece of paper, etc with colour

colour up

To blush, flush

false colours

A false pretence

fear no colours

To fear no enemy

give or lend colour

To give plausibility

high colour

Ruddiness of complexion

join the colours

To enlist

lose colour

  1. To lose one's good looks
  2. To become pale
  3. To appear less probable (figurative)

nail one's colours to the mast

To commit oneself to some party or plan of action

off colour

  1. Faded
  2. Unwell
  3. Past one's best
  4. Slightly indecent

one's true colours

As one really is, one's real character

pair of colours see under pair1

primary colours see under primary

see the colour of a person's money

To be sure that a person has sufficient money to pay before agreeing to a transaction

under colour of

Under the pretext of

with flying colours

With distinction or brilliance





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