

单词 proudly

proud /prowd/

  1. Having excessive self-esteem
  2. Arrogant
  3. Haughty
  4. Having a proper sense of self-respect
  5. Exultantly aware of the credit due to or reflected on oneself
  6. Having a glowing feeling of gratification (because of; with of)
  7. Giving reason for pride or boasting
  8. Manifesting pride
  9. Having an appearance of pride, vigour, boldness and freedom
  10. Stately
  11. High-spirited, fearless, untamable
  12. Swelling
  13. Sexually excited (esp of some female animals)
  14. Of eg a nail-head, projecting or standing out from a plane surface
ORIGIN: OE prūd, prūt proud; perh from a LL word connected with L prōdesse to be of advantage

proudˈful adjective (esp dialect)


proudˈish adjective

Somewhat proud

proudˈly adverb

proudˈness noun (rare)


proud flesh noun

A growth or excrescence of flesh in a wound, excessive granulation tissue

proud-heartˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Having a proud spirit

proud-mindˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Proud in mind

proudˈ-pied adjective (Shakespeare)

Gorgeously variegated

proud-stomˈached adjective (archaic)

Haughty, arrogant

do someone proud (informal)

  1. To provide lavish entertainment for someone
  2. To honour someone, give someone cause for pride





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