

单词 on top of the world

top1 /top/

  1. The highest or uppermost part or place
  2. The highest or most important position (eg in a profession, company, salary scale, scale of authority or privilege, etc)
  3. The person occupying this position
  4. The upper edge or surface
  5. A lid or cover
  6. A garment for the upper part of a person's (esp a woman's or child's) body
  7. The highest or loudest degree of pitch
  8. (in pl; with the) the very best person or thing (informal)
  9. Top gear
  10. (esp in pl) the part of a root vegetable that is above the ground
  11. A handful or bundle of flax, wool, etc, for spinning
  12. A circus tent (slang; big top the main tent)
  13. A topsail
  14. A small platform at the head of the lower mast
  15. A crest or tuft (nautical)
  16. A trench parapet
  17. A top boot (esp in pl)
  18. Topspin
  19. The earliest part (as in the Irish greeting top of the morning)
  20. (in pl) in oil-refining, the first part of a volatile mixture to come off in the distillation process
  21. A stroke that hits the upper part of the ball (golf)
  1. Highest
  2. Best
  3. Most important, able, etc
  4. Very good (informal)
transitive verb (toppˈing; topped)
  1. To cover on the top
  2. To tip
  3. To rise above
  4. To surpass
  5. To reach the top of
  6. To surmount
  7. To be on or at the top of
  8. To take off the top of
  9. To hit (the ball) on the upper part, so that it only travels a short distance along the ground (golf)
  10. To kill (slang)
  11. (eg of a male animal) to cover (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb

To finish up, round off (with off or up)

ORIGIN: OE top; Ger Zopf

topˈfull adjective (Shakespeare)

Full to the top or brim

topˈless adjective

  1. Without a top
  2. (of women's clothing) leaving the breasts uncovered
  3. (of a woman) with bare breasts
  4. (of a place, entertainment, etc) that features women with bare breasts
  5. Without superior (Shakespeare)

topˈlessness noun

topˈmost /-mōst, -məst/ adjective

  1. Uppermost
  2. Highest

topped adjective

toppˈer noun

  1. A person or thing that tops in any sense
  2. A person who excels at anything, a good sort (informal)
  3. A top hat (informal)

toppˈing noun

  1. The act of a person or thing that tops
  2. (in pl) pieces cut from the top
  3. A sauce or dressing to go over food
  1. Surpassing, pre-eminent
  2. Excellent (old slang)
  3. Arrogant (US)

toppˈingly adverb

toppˈy adjective (informal)

  1. (of audio reproduction) dominated by high-frequency sounds
  2. (of prices, etc) at the highest level known or expected

tops adjective (informal)

Best, excellent

adverb (informal)

At most, as a maximum

top banana see under banana

top boot noun

A knee-length boot with a showy band of leather round the top

topˈ-booted adjective

Wearing top boots

top brass see under brass

topˈcoat noun

  1. An overcoat
  2. An outer coat of paint

top dead centre noun

(of a reciprocating engine or pump) the piston position at the beginning of the outstroke, ie when the crank pin is nearest to the cylinder (also inner dead centre)

top dog noun (informal)

The winner, leader or dominant person

top-downˈ adjective

Organized or controlled from the top, by the most important or powerful people involved

top drawer noun

The highest level, esp of society (out of the top drawer, belonging to this social rank)

top-drawˈer adjective

topˈ-dress transitive verb

top dressing noun

  1. Manure or fertilizer applied to the surface of soil and not dug in
  2. The application of it
  3. Any superficial covering or treatment (figurative)

topˈ-end adjective

Best or most expensive

topˈ-flight adjective

Excellent, superior, of the highest class or quality

topgallant /tə-, top-galˈənt/ adjective

Above the topmast and topsail and below the royal mast


A topgallant mast or sail, or the topgallant rigging

top gear noun

The highest gear in a motor vehicle or on a bicycle

top hamper noun

Unnecessary weight on a ship's upper deck

top hat noun

A man's tall cylindrical hat with a narrow brim, made of silk plush


  1. (with hyphen) upper class
  2. Designed to benefit high executives, or the rich, as in top-hat budget, top-hat (insurance) policy

top-heavˈily adverb

top-heavˈiness noun

top-heavˈy adjective

  1. Having the upper part too heavy or large for the lower
  2. (eg of an organization or company) with too many administrative staff or executives
  3. (of a company) overcapitalized
  4. Tipsy

top-holeˈ adjective (old slang)

Excellent, first-class (also interjection)

topˈknot noun

  1. A crest, tuft of hair, often a piece of added hair, or knot of ribbons, etc, on the top of the head
  2. The head (slang)
  3. A small fish (of several species) related to the turbot

topˈknotted adjective

topˈ-level adjective

  1. At the highest level
  2. Involving people from this level

topˈline adjective

Important enough to be mentioned in a headline

intransitive verb

  1. To feature in a headline
  2. To star, appear as the principal performer

toplinˈer noun

  1. A person who is topline
  2. A principal performer, a star

topˈloftical or topˈlofty adjective (facetious)

  1. High and mighty, haughty
  2. Stuck-up

topˈloftily adverb

topˈloftiness noun

topˈmaker noun

A person who supplies combed wool for spinning

topˈmaking noun

topˈman noun

  1. A seaman stationed in the topgallant or topsail rigging
  2. A top-sawyer

topˈmast /-məst, -mäst/ noun

The second mast, or that immediately above the lower mast

topˈminnow noun

A small, surface-feeding, soft-rayed fish belonging to any of various species, either viviparous (of the family Cyprinodontidae) or egg-laying (of the family Poeciliidae) (also called mosquito fish; see also killifish under kill2)

top-notchˈ adjective (informal)

Excellent, first-rate

top-notchˈer noun

topped crude noun

Crude oil after some of its lighter constituents have been removed by distillation

topping lift noun (nautical)

Tackle running from the masthead for raising booms

toppˈing-out see top out below.

topˈ-proud adjective (Shakespeare)

Proud in the highest degree

top quark noun (physics)

A particle believed to be one of the fundamental constituents of nuclear matter

topˈsail /-sl, -sāl/ noun

A sail across the topmast

top-sawˈyer noun

  1. The upper sawyer in a sawpit
  2. A superior, a person of importance (informal)

top secret adjective

Profoundly secret and of the highest importance

topˈ-shelf adjective

  1. (of a publication) too explicitly pornographic to be displayed for sale at eye level
  2. Of the latest design (Aust)

topˈside noun

  1. The upper part
  2. The outer part of a round of beef
  3. A lean cut of beef from the rump
  4. The part of an oil rig, etc above the deck
  5. (also in pl) the part of the outer surface of a vessel above the waterline


On or towards the top

top-sliceˈ transitive verb

To subtract a sum of money from (a fund) before any other transactions are made, usu to finance a specific project

topsˈman noun

  1. A head drover, a foreman (Scot)
  2. A hangman (slang)

topˈsoil noun

The upper part or surface of the soil

topˈsoiling noun

Removal of the topsoil

topˈspin noun

  1. Spin imparted to a ball by hitting it sharply on the upper half with a forward and upward stroke to make it travel higher, further, or more quickly
  2. Extra, not always reliable or well-attested, information (press sl)

top stone noun

A stone placed on the top, or forming the top

top table noun

The place assigned to the most important people at a meeting or banquet

topˈ-up noun

An amount added to bring something back up to a reasonable or the original level

top-up, topping-up see also top up below.

top-up loan noun

A loan to bring a mortgage, grant, etc up to the required amount

at the top of one's voice

At one's loudest

from top to toe

  1. Completely
  2. From head to foot

go over the top

  1. To go over the front of a trench and attack the enemy
  2. To take sudden action after hesitation
  3. To exceed the bounds of reason, decorum, etc

in the top flight

In the highest class

off the top of one's head

Without previous thought or preparation

on top of

  1. In control
  2. In addition to

on top of the world

  1. Near the north pole
  2. On a high mountain
  3. Exuberant, in the very best of spirits

over the top (informal)

Too far, extreme, to an excess, to, at or of an unreasonable or unnecessary degree

the tops (informal)

The very best

top and tail

  1. To wash (a baby's) face and buttocks
  2. To prepare (fruit or vegetables, eg carrots) by removing the top and bottom parts

top off

To finish decoratively or memorably

top one's part (theatre)

To excel in playing one's part

top out

  1. To finish (a building) by putting on the top or highest course
  2. (of eg prices) to reach the highest level (and go no further) (toppˈing-out noun)

top the bill

To be the most important attraction in a programme of entertainment, etc

top up

  1. To fill up, eg with fuel oil, alcohol
  2. To bring (eg a wage) up to a generally accepted or satisfactory level (topˈ-up or toppˈing-up noun)
  3. (of a ship's yards) to place at an angle to the deck (nautical)

world /wûrld/

  1. The earth
  2. The earth and its inhabitants
  3. The universe
  4. The system of things
  5. The present state of existence
  6. Any analogous state
  7. Any planet or heavenly body
  8. Public life or society
  9. A sphere of interest or activity
  10. Environment
  11. The public
  12. The materialistically minded
  13. Mundane interests
  14. A secular life
  15. The course of life
  16. One of the three kingdoms of nature
  17. A class or division
  18. A part, or a related group of parts, of the world, historically, sociologically or geographically speaking, as in Ancient World, Third World, Old World
  19. A great deal, as in did her a world of good
  20. A large quantity, as in a world of ills
  21. Time, as in world without end
  22. The realm of possibility, as in nothing in the world
  23. The ungodly (Bible)
ORIGIN: OE woruld, world, weorold, orig meaning age or life of man, from wer man, and the root of old; ON veröld, OHGer weralt (Ger Welt)

worldˈed adjective

Containing worlds

worldˈie noun (slang)

Something of world-class quality

worldˈliness noun

worldˈling noun

  1. Someone who is devoted to worldly pursuits and temporal possessions
  2. A mortal (obsolete)

worldˈly adjective

  1. Relating to the world, esp as distinguished from the world to come
  2. Devoted to this life and its enjoyments
  3. Bent on gain
  4. Having knowledge and experience of the ways of the world
  5. Mortal (obsolete)

In a worldly manner

worldˈwide adjective and adverb

(extending) over, or (found) everywhere in, the world

World Bank noun

The popular name of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, an agency of the United Nations set up in 1945 to make loans to poorer countries

worldˈ-beater noun (informal)

A person, product, enterprise, etc that is supreme in its class

worldˈ-beating adjective

worldˈ-class adjective

Good enough to be classed with or compete with the best in the world

World Court noun

The popular name of the Permanent Court of International Justice (since 1946 the International Court of Justice) at the Hague, set up under the League of Nations in 1921 to settle or advise on disputes between states

World Cup noun

A competition in some sport, notably football, between teams representing different countries, usu involving qualifying rounds and a final tournament

world-faˈmous adjective

Known or renowned throughout the world

world language noun

A language either widely used internationally or designed for international use

world line noun (physics)

A curving line in space-time representing the path of a particle during its existence

worldˈly-mindˈed adjective

Having one's mind set on the present world, material possessions, etc

worldˈly-mindˈedness noun

worldly-wiseˈ adjective

Having the wisdom of those experienced in, and affected by, the ways of the world, knowing, cynical

world music noun

Popular folk music with its origins in non-western cultures, particularly African culture, esp as produced by non-Western artists

worldˈ-old adjective

Exceedingly ancient

world power noun

A state, group of states, etc, strong enough to make its influence felt in world politics

worldˈscale noun

The scale of freight rates for oil tankers

World Series noun (baseball)

A set of championship matches played annually between the winners of the major leagues

worldˈ-shaking or worldˈ-shattering adjective (often ironic)

Devastatingly important

world sheet noun (physics)

The 2-dimensional space occupied by a string in its space-time history

worldˈ-view noun

Outlook on or attitude to the world or life

World War noun

A war of worldwide scope, esp the Great War of 1914–18 (First World War, World War I) and that of 1939–45 (Second World War, World War II)

worldˈ-weariness noun

worldˈ-weary or worldˈ-wearied adjective

Tired of the world, bored with life

World Wide Web noun (computing)

A network of Internet documents accessed by hypertext protocols

all the world

  1. Everybody
  2. Everything

(all) the world and his wife (informal)

  1. Everybody
  2. An ill-assorted assembly

best (or worst) of both worlds

The advantage (or disadvantage) of both alternatives in a choice

bring into the world

  1. To give birth to
  2. To attend the birth of, deliver

carry the world before one

To pass through every obstacle to success

come into the world

To be born

come up (or down) in the world

To rise (or fall) in social status

dead to the world (informal)

  1. Deeply asleep
  2. In a drunken stupor

First World see under first

for all the world (informal)

Precisely or entirely (as if)

Fourth World see under fourth

go to the world (Shakespeare)

To get married

in another world (informal)

Not in touch with reality

in the world

Used intensively, esp after an interrogative pronoun or adverb

it's a small world

An indication of surprise, interest, etc at meeting someone in unexpected and unlikely circumstances

man (or woman) of the world

Someone experienced in the ways of the world

next world

Life after death

not for the world

Not for any reward, not under any circumstances

not the end of the world

Not a fatal setback

on top of the world (informal)

In a state of great elation or happiness

out of this world

Wonderful, delightful, good beyond all experience

Second World see under second1

set the world on fire

To create a sensation, have spectacular success

the New World

The western hemisphere, the Americas

the Old World

The eastern hemisphere, comprising Europe, Africa and Asia

the other world

The non-material sphere, the spiritual world

the whole world

The sum of what is contained in the world

the world is one's oyster see under oyster

the world over

Throughout the world, worldwide

the world's end

The most distant point possible

the world, the flesh and the devil

Temptations of the kind that notoriously distract one from the path of virtue

the world to come

The next world, the life after death

think the world of

To be very fond of

Third World see under third

worlds apart

As different as is possible

world without end

Eternally (worldˈ-without-endˈ adjective)





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