单词 | ootheca |
释义 | oo- /ō-ə- or ō-o-/combining formDenoting egg ORIGIN: Gr ōion egg oocyst /ōˈə-sist/ noun (Gr kystis a bladder) in parasitic protozoa, a cyst surrounding a fertilized gamete oocyte /ōˈə-sīt/ noun (see -cyte) an ovum before it matures and begins to divide oogˈamous adjective oogˈamously adverb oogamy /ō-ogˈə-mi/ noun (see -gamy under -gam-) union of unlike gametes oogenesis /ō-ə-jenˈi-sis/ noun (see genesis) the genesis and development of the ovum (also oogeny /ō-ojˈi-ni/) oogenetˈic adjective oogoˈnial adjective oogonium /ō-ə-gōˈni-əm/ noun (pl oogoˈnia)
oolite /ōˈə-līt/ noun (Gr lithos a stone; geology)
oolith /ōˈə-lith/ noun (Gr lithos a stone; geology) Any of the tiny spherical grains of which oolite is composed oolitic /ō-ə-litˈik/ adjective oologˈical adjective oolˈogist noun oology /ō-olˈə-ji/ noun (see -logy) the science or study of birds' eggs oˈophyte /ōˈə-fīt/ noun (see -phyte under phyt-) in ferns and mosses, the gametophyte oosphere /ōˈə-sfēr/ noun (Gr sphaira sphere) an unfertilized ovum oospore /ōˈə-spōr or -spör/ noun (Gr sporos seed) a zygote, esp a resting zygote ootheca /ō-ə-thēˈkə/ (pl ootheˈcae /-kē/) noun (Gr thēkē receptacle) a case containing the eggs of some insects ootid /ōˈə-tid/ noun An immature female gamete that develops into an ovum |
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