

单词 plant hormones

grow /grō/

intransitive verb (pat grew /groo/; pap grown /grōn/)
  1. To have life
  2. To have a habitat
  3. To become enlarged by a natural process
  4. To advance towards maturity
  5. To increase in size
  6. To tend in a certain direction while growing
  7. To develop
  8. To become greater in any way
  9. To extend
  10. To pass from one state to another
  11. To become
  12. To come by degrees (to love, like, hate, etc)
transitive verb
  1. To cause or allow to grow
  2. To produce or to cultivate
  3. (in passive) to cover with growth
ORIGIN: OE grōwan; ON grōa

growˈable adjective

growˈer noun

growˈing noun

  1. The action of the verb
  2. The production of semiconductor crystals by slow crystallization from the molten state

grown adjective

(sometimes in combination) having reached full, or a certain degree of, growth, as in full-grown, half-grown

growth noun

  1. A growing
  2. Gradual increase
  3. Progress, development
  4. That which has grown
  5. A diseased, abnormal formation
  6. Increase in value

Characterized by or experiencing growth, esp economic growth

growthˈist noun

A person who is committed to or who is an advocate of growth, esp economic growth (also adjective)

growˈ-bag or sometimes growˈing-bag noun

A large plastic bag containing compost in which seeds can be germinated and plants grown to full size

growing pains plural noun

  1. Neuralgic pains sometimes experienced in growing children
  2. Initial problems in the establishment and running of an enterprise, etc

growˈing-point noun (botany)

The meristem at the apex of an axis, where active cell division occurs and differentiation of tissues begins

grownˈ-junction noun

A semiconductor junction produced by changing the types and amounts of acceptor and donor impurities added during growing

grownˈ-up noun and adjective

(an) adult

growth area noun (business and marketing)

A region with rapidly increasing industrial and commercial activity, usu resulting from incentives offered to employers

growth factor noun (biology)

Any substance that influences the growth of an organism or cell

growth hormone noun

  1. A hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, that promotes growth in vertebrates
  2. Any of several natural or artificial substances that promote growth in plants

growth industry noun

An industry or branch of industry which is developing and expanding (also figurative)

growth market noun (marketing)

A market in which demand for a product is greatly increasing

growthˈ-orientated adjective

Providing increased capital rather than high income

growth promoter noun

  1. Any of various substances which promote growth in plants, such as cytokinin
  2. Any of various hormonal substances used to boost the fattening of livestock

growth ring noun

A recognizable increment of wood in a cross-section of a branch or trunk, usu but not necessarily an annual ring

growth-share matrix noun (marketing)

A diagrammatic analysis of a company's portfolio of businesses, arranged according to their rate of market growth and their relative market share

growth stock noun

Stock invested for its capital value rather than its yield in dividends

growth substance noun

One of a number of substances (sometimes called plant hormones) formed in plants or synthetically, that at low concentrations have specific effects on plant growth or development

grow into

To grow big enough to fill comfortably

grow like Topsy (informal)

  1. Simply to grow, apparently from nothing (as Topsy in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin assumed she did)
  2. (loosely) to grow in a random, indiscriminate or unplanned way

grow on

  1. To gain a greater hold on
  2. To gain in the estimation of, become ever more acceptable to
  3. (of seedlings) to (be stimulated to) develop into mature plants by suitable positioning, treatment, etc

grow on trees

To be readily available without effort or expense

grow out of

  1. To issue from, result from
  2. To pass beyond in development
  3. To become too big for

grow to

  1. To advance to, come to (archaic)
  2. (of milk) to stick to the pan and develop a bad taste in heating (so prob Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, II.2; obsolete)

grow together

To become united by growth

grow up

  1. To advance in growth, become full-grown, mature or adult
  2. To spring up

plant /plänt/

  1. A vegetable organism, or part of one, ready for planting or lately planted
  2. A slip, cutting, or scion
  3. An offshoot
  4. A young person
  5. A sapling
  6. A cudgel
  7. Any member of the vegetable kingdom, esp (popularly) one of the smaller kinds
  8. Growth
  9. Amount planted
  10. The sole of the foot
  11. Mode of planting oneself, stand
  12. Something deposited beforehand for a purpose
  13. Equipment, machinery, apparatus, for an industrial activity
  14. A factory
  15. The buildings, equipment, etc of eg a school, university or other institution
  16. A bedded oyster (US)
  17. A thief's hoard (slang)
  18. A spy, detective, picket or cordon of detectives, or police trap (informal)
  19. An object, etc deployed so as to incriminate someone unjustly
  20. A deceptive trick, put-up job (informal)
  21. A shot in which one pockets, or tries to pocket, a ball by causing it to be propelled by another ball which has been struck by the cue ball (snooker)
transitive verb
  1. To put into the ground for growth
  2. To introduce
  3. To insert
  4. To fix
  5. To place firmly
  6. To set in position
  7. To station, post
  8. To found
  9. To settle
  10. To locate
  11. To place or deliver (eg a blow or a dart)
  12. To leave in the lurch
  13. To bury (slang)
  14. To hide (informal)
  15. To deploy (stolen goods, etc) in such a way as to incriminate someone
  16. To interpose (a question or comment) as a snare or stumbling block
  17. To place as a spy, etc (informal)
  18. To instil or implant
  19. To furnish with plants
  20. To colonize
  21. To stock
  22. To furnish or provide (with things disposed around)
  23. To salt (a mine) (slang)
intransitive verb

To plant trees, colonists, etc

ORIGIN: OE plante (noun), from L planta shoot, slip, cutting, and OE plantian (verb)

plantˈable adjective

plantˈage noun (Shakespeare)

Plants in general

plantāˈtion noun

  1. A place planted, esp with trees
  2. Formerly a colony
  3. An estate used for growing cotton, rubber, tea, sugar, or other product of warm countries
  4. A large estate (Southern US)
  5. The act or process of introduction
  6. The act of planting (Milton)

plantˈer noun

  1. A person who plants or introduces
  2. The owner or manager of a plantation
  3. A pioneer colonist
  4. A settler
  5. An instrument for planting
  6. An ornamental pot or other container for plants

plantˈing noun

  1. The act of setting in the ground for growth
  2. The art of forming plantations of trees
  3. A plantation (Scot)

plantˈless adjective

plantˈlet or plantˈling noun

A little plant

plantˈ-like adjective

plantocˈracy noun

  1. A ruling class of plantation owners and managers
  2. Government by plantation owners and managers

plantˈule noun

A plant embryo

plantˈ-associaˈtion or plantˈ-formaˈtion noun

An assemblage of plants growing together under similar conditions, as in a salt-marsh or a pine-wood

plantation song noun

A style of song formerly sung by the black workers on American plantations

planter's punch noun

A cocktail consisting of rum, lime or lemon juice and sugar

plant hormones see growth substance under growth

plantˈ-house noun

A structure for growing plants of warmer climates

plantˈie-cruive /-kroov/ noun (Orkney and Shetland)

A kitchen garden, an enclosure for cabbage

plantˈ-lore noun

Folklore of plants

plant louse noun (pl plant lice)

An aphis or greenfly

plant pot noun

A pot for growing a plant in

plantsˈman or plantsˈwoman noun

A person who has great knowledge of and experience in gardening

plant out

  1. To transplant to open ground, from pot or frame
  2. To dispose at intervals in planting





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