

单词 ornithopter

ornitho- or before a vowel ornith- /ör-ni-th(ō)-, -th(ə)- or -th(o)-/

combining form

Signifying bird

ORIGIN: Gr ornis, ornīthos a bird

ornithichnite /ör-ni-thikˈnīt/ noun

(Gr ichnos track) a fossil footprint of a bird

Ornithischia /-thisˈki-ə/ plural noun

(Gr ischion hip joint) the order of bird-hipped dinosaurs, herbivorous and often heavily armoured

ornithisˈchian noun and adjective

Ornithodelˈphia plural noun

(Gr delphys womb) the Prototheria or Monotremata, from the ornithic character of the urogenital organs

ornithodelˈphian adjective

Of or relating to the Ornithodelphia (also noun)

ornithodelˈphic or ornithodelˈphous adjective


Ornithogaea /-nī-thə-jēˈə/ noun

(Gr gaia land) the New Zealand biological region

ornithogˈalum noun

(Gr ornithogalon star-of-Bethlehem) a plant of a large genus (Ornithogalum) of herbs of the family Liliaceae

ornithologˈical adjective

ornithologˈically adverb

ornitholˈogist noun

ornitholˈogy noun

The study of birds

ornithomancy /ör-nīˈthō-man-si or örˈnith-ō-/ noun

(see -mancy) divination by means of birds, by observing their flight, etc

ornithomanˈtic adjective

ornithomorph /ör-nīˈthō-mörf or örˈnith-ō-mörf/ noun

(see -morph) a figure or design in the form of a bird

ornithomorphˈic adjective

ornithophˈilous adjective

(see -philous under phil-) bird-pollinated

ornithophˈily noun

ornithophōˈbia noun

Fear of birds

orˈnithopod noun

A member of the Ornithopˈoda, a suborder of bipedal ornithischian dinosaurs

ornithopter /-opˈtər/ noun

(Gr pteron wing) a flying machine with flapping wings

ornithorhynchus /-ō-ringˈkəs/ noun

(Gr rhynchos snout) the duckbill, of the Ornithorhynchus genus

ornithosaur /ör-nīˈthə-sör/ noun

(Gr sauros lizard) a pterodactyl

ornithoscopy /-osˈkə-pi/ noun

(see -scopy) augury by observation of birds





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