单词 | orthotonic |
释义 | ortho- /ör-thō- or -tho-/ or sometimes before a vowel orth- /örth-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr orthos straight, upright, right orˈtho adjective A contraction of orthochromatic noun (pl orˈthos)An orthochromatic plate orthoaxˈis noun (pl orthoaxˈes /-akˈsēz/) (crystallography) The orthodiagonal orthoboˈrate noun A salt of orthoboric acid (see boric acid under borax1) orthocaine /-kāˈin or -kān/ noun A white crystalline substance used as a local anaesthetic orˈthocentre noun The point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle Orthoceras /ör-thosˈə-ras/ noun (Gr keras horn) a genus of fossil cephalopods with a straight shell orthochromatˈic adjective (Gr chrōma colour) of or relating to a photographic emulsion sensitive to some but not all the colours of the visible spectrum (cf panchromatic) orˈthoclase /-klās or -klāz/ noun (Gr klasis fracture) common or potash feldspar, monoclinic, with cleavages at right angles orˈtho-compound noun (chem) orˈtho-cousin noun The son or daughter of a father's brother or a mother's sister orthodiagˈonal noun (in a monoclinic crystal) that lateral axis which is perpendicular to the vertical axis orthodontia /-donˈti-ə/ or orthodontˈics noun (Gr odous, odontos tooth) rectification of crookedness in the teeth orthodontˈic adjective orthodontˈically adverb orthodontˈist noun orˈthodox adjective
orˈthodoxly adverb orˈthodoxy noun The state or quality of being orthodox orthodromˈic adjective (Gr dromos a course or run; geography and nautical)
orthodˈromy or orthodromˈics noun Great-circle sailing, ie sailing by the most direct route orthoepic /-epˈik/ or orthoepˈical adjective (Gr epos a word) orthōˈepist (or /örˈthō-ep-ist/) noun orthōˈepy (or /örˈthō-ep-i/) noun (the study of) correct pronunciation orthogenˈesis noun
orthogenˈesist noun orthogenetˈic adjective Relating to orthogenesis orthogenetˈically adverb orthogenˈic adjective
orthogenˈics singular noun orthognathˈic or orthogˈnathous adjective (Gr gnathos jaw) having a lower jaw that neither protrudes nor recedes orthogˈnathism noun orthogˈonal adjective (Gr gōniā angle) right-angled (orthogonal projection projection by lines perpendicular to the plane of projection) orthogonalˈity noun orthogˈonally adverb orˈthograph noun A drawing in orthographic projection, esp of the elevation of a building orthogˈrapher noun
orthographˈic or orthographˈical adjective
orthographˈically adverb orthogˈraphist noun An orthographer orthogˈraphy noun
orthokeratolˈogy noun A technique for improving the vision of people affected by myopia and astigmatism, in which the cornea is temporarily reshaped by a special contact lens which is then removed and re-used as necessary ortholˈogous adjective orˈthologue noun A gene that shares a common ancestry with, and has a similar DNA configuration to, a gene in a different species (cf paralogue) orthomorphˈic adjective (of a map) conformal orthopaeˈdic or (N American) orthopēˈdic, also (rare) orthopaeˈdical or orthopēˈdical adjective orthopaeˈdically or (N American) orthopēˈdically adverb orthopaedics or (N American) orthopēdics /-pēˈdiks/, also orˈthopaedy or orˈthopēdy, formerly orthopedīˈa (or /-pēdˈ/) singular noun (Gr pais, paidos a child) the art or process of curing deformities arising from (orig childhood) disease or injury of bones orthopaeˈdist or orthopēˈdist noun orthophosˈphate noun An ordinary phosphate orthophosphorˈic adjective Phosphoric orˈthophyre /-fīr/ noun (orthoclase porphyry) a fine-grained syenitic rock with orthoclase crystals orthophyric /-firˈik/ adjective orthopinˈakoid noun In monoclinic crystals, a form consisting of two faces parallel to the orthodiagonal and the vertical axis orthopnoea /-thōp-nēˈə/ noun (Gr orthopnoia, from pneein to breathe) a condition in which one can only breathe when upright orˈthopod noun (med sl) An orthopaedic surgeon orˈthopraxis or orˈthopraxy noun Correct or orthodox practice esp in religion (see praxis) orˈthoprism noun In monoclinic crystals, a form parallel to the orthodiagonal orthopsychiatˈric adjective orˈthopsychiatrist noun orˈthopsychiatry noun The branch of psychiatry concerned with the prevention and correction of incipient mental illness Orthopˈtera plural noun (see -ptera under ptero-) the cockroach order of insects with firm forewings serving as covers to the fanwise folded hind-wings orthopˈteran noun and adjective orthopˈterist or orthopterolˈogist noun A person who studies the Orthoptera orthopterolˈogy noun orthopˈteroid adjective orthopˈteron noun (pl orthopˈtera) Any member of the Orthoptera orthopˈterous adjective Relating to the Orthoptera orthopˈtic adjective (Gr optikos optic) relating to normal vision orthopˈtics singular noun The treatment of defective eyesight by exercises and visual training orthopˈtist noun orthorexˈia noun (medicine) A condition characterized by a morbid obsession with eating only foods considered healthy orthorhomˈbic adjective (Gr rhombos rhomb; crystallography) Referable to three unequal axes at right angles to each other orthoscopˈic adjective (Gr skopeein to look at) having or giving correct vision, true proportion, or a flat field of view orthosilˈicate noun A salt of orthosilicic /-sil-isˈik/ acid H4SiO4 orthōˈsis noun (pl orthōˈses) A device that supports, corrects deformities in, or improves the movement of, the movable parts of the body orthostatˈic adjective
orthosˈtichous adjective (Gr stichos a row) arranged in vertical rows orthosˈtichy noun A straight row, eg of leaves vertically over one another on an axis orthotˈic adjective Of or relating to orthotics orthotˈics singular noun The branch of medical science dealing with the rehabilitation of injured or weakened joints or muscles through artificial or mechanical support by orthoses orˈthotist noun Someone skilled in orthotics orthotonēˈsis noun (Gr tonos accent; linguistics) Accentuation of a proclitic or enclitic, opp to enclisis orthotonˈic adjective Taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also orˈthotone orthotopˈic adjective (Gr topos place; medicine) (of tissue, grafts, organ replacement, etc) done, put, occurring, etc at the normal place orthotropˈic adjective
orthotˈropism noun Growth in the direct line of stimulus, esp of gravity orthotˈropous adjective (of an ovule) straight, having the nucellus in direct continuation of the funicle orthotˈropy noun (of a material, such as wood) the state of being orthotropic |
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