

单词 osteographies

osteo- /o-sti-ō-, -ə- or -o-/ or oste- /o-sti-/

combining form

Signifying bone

ORIGIN: Gr osteon bone

osteal /osˈti-əl/ adjective

  1. Relating to, composed of, or resembling bone
  2. Sounding like bone on percussion

osteitis /os-ti-īˈtis/ noun

Inflammation of a bone

osteoarthritˈic adjective

osteoarthrīˈtis noun

A form of arthritis in which the cartilages of the joint and the bone adjacent are worn away

osteoarthrōˈsis noun

  1. Chronic non-inflammatory disease of the joints and the bone adjacent
  2. Osteoarthritis

osˈteoblast noun

(see -blast) a bone-forming cell

osteoblastˈic adjective

osteochondrī'tis or osteochondrōˈsis noun

(Gr chondros cartilage) a disease in which abnormal growth of cartilage or bone leads to degeneration of the cartilage, usually in the joints

osteoclasis /os-ti-okˈlə-sis/ noun

  1. (Gr klasis fracture) fracture of a bone for correction of a deformity
  2. Absorption and destruction of bone tissue by osteoclasts

osˈteoclast noun

  1. A surgical instrument for fracturing bone
  2. A bone-destroying cell

osteoclastˈic adjective

osteocollˈa noun

(Gr kolla glue) a calcareous incrustation on roots, etc, once thought able to unite broken bones

osˈteoderm noun

(Gr derma skin) a bony dermal plate

osteodermˈal, osteodermˈatous, osteodermˈic or osteodermˈous adjective

osˈteogen noun

A substance or layer from which bone is formed

osteogenˈesis or osteogeny /-ojˈ/ noun

Formation of bone (osteogenesis imperfecta the disease brittle bones, in which bones are abnormally liable to fracture)

osteogenetˈic, osteogenˈic or osteogˈenous adjective

Osteoglossidae /-glosˈi-dē/ plural noun

(Gr glōssa tongue) a family of bony fishes, including the arapaima

osteogˈraphy noun

The description of bones

ostˈeoid adjective


Osteolˈepis noun

(Gr lepis scale) an Old Red Sandstone fossil fish with bonelike scales

osteologˈical adjective

osteologˈically adverb

osteolˈogist noun

osteolˈogy noun

The part of anatomy that deals with the study of bones and the skeleton

osteōˈma noun

A tumour composed of bone or bonelike tissue

osteomalacia /-mə-lāˈshi-ə/ noun

(Gr malakos soft) softening of adult bones by absorption of their calcium salts, resulting from a deficiency of vitamin D (the equivalent to rickets in children)

osteomalāˈcial or osteomalacic /-lasˈik/ adjective

osteomyelitis /-mī-ə-līˈtis/ noun

(Gr myelos marrow) inflammation of bone and bone marrow

osˈteopath /-path/ or osteopˈathist /-ə-thist/ noun

A practitioner of osteopathy

osteopathic /ost-i-ə-pathˈik/ adjective

osteopathˈically adverb

osteopˈathy noun

A system of healing or treatment consisting largely of manipulation of the bones, and massage

osteopē'nia noun

(Gr penia poverty) a condition resulting in a reduction of bone density

osteopetrōˈsis noun

A general name for a group of hereditary bone diseases, including marble bone disease, in which bone becomes abnormally dense

osˈteophyte /-fīt/ noun

(see -phyte under phyt-) an abnormal bony outgrowth

osteophytic /-fitˈik/ adjective

osteoplastˈic adjective

osˈteoplasty noun

Plastic surgery of the bones, bone-grafting, etc

osteoporōˈsis noun

(root as pore1) development of a porous structure in bone due to loss of calcium, resulting in brittleness

osteoporotic /-otˈik/ adjective

osteosarcōˈma noun

A malignant tumour derived from osteoblasts, composed of bone and sarcoma cells

osˈteotome noun (Gr tomos cutting; surgery)

An instrument for cutting bones

osteotˈomy noun

The surgical cutting of a bone





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