

单词 pneumatologists

pneumato- /nū-ma-, nū-mə- or nu-mə-tō-, -tə-, -to-/

combining form

Denoting breath or air (see also pneumo-)

ORIGIN: Gr pneuma, -atos breath, from pneein to breathe

pneumatologˈical adjective

pneumatolˈogist noun

pneumatolˈogy noun

  1. The theory of the existence of spirits or spiritual beings
  2. Psychology (archaic)
  3. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit (theology)
  4. Pneumatics (archaic)

pneumatolˈysis noun

(see lysis) the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock

pneumatolytˈic adjective

pneumatomˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring the quantity of air breathed or the force of breathing

pneuˈmatophore (or /-matˈ/) noun

  1. An upward-growing respiratory root in swamp plants
  2. A gas-filled float supporting a coelenterate





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