door /dōr or dör/ noun- The usual entrance into a house, room or passage
- A solid sheet (of wood, metal, glass, etc) hung so that it permits access through or closes up an entrance
- A house, etc (as in three doors away)
- A means of approach or access
ORIGIN: OE duru (fem) and dor (neuter); cf Ger Tür, Tor, Gr thyrā, L forīs, Sans dvār a door doorˈbell noun doorˈcase noun The frame that encloses a door doorˈ-cheek noun (Scot) A side post of a door doorˈframe noun A doorcase doorˈkeeper noun doorˈknob noun doorˈknock noun (Aust) A fund-raising appeal in which agents go from door to door soliciting donations (also adjective and intransitive verb) doorˈknocker noun - A knocker on a door
- A person who doorknocks (Aust)
doorˈman noun A man, often uniformed, who monitors entrance to a hotel, restaurant, etc and assists guests and customers doorˈmat noun - A mat for wiping shoes on, or for some other purpose at a door
- An uncomplaining person whom others treat inconsiderately (informal)
doorˈnail noun A stud for a door, proverbially dead doorˈ-plate noun A plate on or at a door with the householder's name on it doorˈpost noun The jamb or side-piece of a door doorˈ-sill noun The threshold of a doorway doorsˈ-man or doorsˈman noun A porter, doorkeeper doorˈ-stead noun A doorway doorˈstep noun - A step at a door
- A thick slice of bread (informal)
intransitive verb (doorˈstepping; doorˈstepped) To go from door to door round an area, eg canvassing in an election transitive verb (esp of journalists) to pester (someone), by waiting on his or her doorstep doorˈstepper noun doorˈstepping noun doorstep selling noun Going from house to house to (try to) sell goods or services doorˈstone noun doorˈstop noun - A wedge or heavy object to prevent a door swinging shut
- A knob fixed to floor or wall to prevent a door opening too far
- Any thick, heavy object (figurative)
doorˈ-to-doorˈ adjective - Calling at each house in an area in order to sell, canvass, etc
- Between specific points of departure and arrival (also adverb)
doorˈway noun An opening where there is or might be a door doorˈ-yard noun (US) A yard about the door of a house close (or open) the door to To make impossible (or possible) lay at someone's door To blame someone for leave the door open To preserve a situation in which something remains possible next door (to) - In the next house
- Near or bordering upon
- Very nearly (figurative)
on one's doorstep Close to one's house, etc out of doors see under out show someone the door To turn someone out of the house out (see also out-) /owt/ adverb- (shading into adj predicatively), not within
- Forth
- To, towards, or at the exterior or a position away from the inside or inner part or from anything thought of as enclosing, hiding or obscuring
- From among others
- From the mass
- Beyond bounds
- Away from the original or normal position or state
- At or towards the far end, or a remote position
- Seawards
- Not within, or away from, one's dwelling, work premises, etc
- In or into the open air
- In or into a state of exclusion or removal
- Not in office
- Not in use or fashion
- Debarred, not to be considered
- No longer in the game
- No longer in as a batsman, dismissed
- Not batting
- Out of the contest and unable to resume in time
- In the condition of having won
- Away from the mark
- At fault
- In error
- Not in form or good condition
- At a loss
- In or into a disconcerted, perplexed or disturbed state
- In or into an unconscious state
- Not in harmony or amity
- In distribution
- In or into the hands of others or the public
- On loan
- To or at an end
- In an exhausted or extinguished state
- Completely
- Thoroughly
- Subjected to loss
- In or to the field
- In quest of or expressly aiming at something
- In rebellion
- On strike
- In an exposed state
- No longer in concealment or obscurity
- In or into the state of having openly declared one's homosexuality
- In or into the open
- Before the public
- In or into society (old)
- On domestic service (archaic)
- In existence
- At full length
- In an expanded state
- In bloom
- In extension
- Loudly and clearly
- Forcibly
- Unreservedly
adjective- External
- Outlying
- Remote
- Played away from home
- Outwards
- Not batting
- Exceeding the usual
- In any condition expressed by the adverb out
noun- A projection or outward bend (as in outs and ins)
- A way out, a way of escape
- Someone who is out
- An instance of putting a player out (baseball)
- That which is outside
- An omission in setting type (printing)
- A paying out, esp (in pl) rates and taxes, etc (dialect)
- An outing (dialect)
- A disadvantage, drawback (US)
- Permission to go out (US)
preposition- Forth from (informal or N American)
- Outside of (now rare)
- Without (obsolete)
transitive verb- To put out or throw out
- To knock out
- To make public the homosexuality of (a person in public life) without his or her permission (informal)
- To make public any facts about (a person in public life) that he or she does not wish to be revealed (informal)
intransitive verb- To surface, be revealed, emerge publicly, as in truth will out
- To go out (informal)
- (with with) to bring out (archaic or dialect)
- (with with) to say suddenly or unexpectedly (informal)
interjection- Expressing peremptory dismissal
- Announcing that a player is out, the ball not in court, etc
- Indicating that one has come to the end of one's transmission (radio)
- Alas (archaic)
- Shame (usu out upon; archaic)
ORIGIN: OE ūte, ūt; Gothic ut, Ger aus, Sans ud outˈed adjective - Having had private facts about oneself made public (informal)
- Ejected
outˈer noun Someone who makes public another person's homosexuality outˈing noun see separate entry outˈness noun - The state of being out
- Externality to the perceiving mind, objectiveness
out'ro noun (pl out'ros) The concluding section of a song, TV programme, etc outˈ-and-out adjective - Thoroughgoing
- Thorough-paced
- Utter
- Absolute
- Unqualified
adverb /owt-ənd-owtˈ/ - Finally and completely
- Definitely
- Unreservedly
out-and-outˈer noun (informal) - Any person or thing that is a complete or extreme type
- A thorough-going partisan
- A great lie
outˈ-box noun (computing) A file for storing electronic mail that has been or is to be sent to another computer out-of-doorsˈ adjective - (also out-of-doorˈ) open-air, outdoor (see out-)
- Outside of parliament
noun The open air out-of(-the)-bodˈy adjective Of or relating to an occurrence in which an individual has the experience of being outside his or her own body out-of-the-wayˈ adjective - Uncommon, unusual
- Singular
- Secluded
- Remote
out-of-townˈ adjective (of a retail outlet) situated away from a main commercial centre out-oˈver or out-owre /owt-owrˈ or oot-owrˈ/ adverb and preposition (Scot) - Out over
- Over
outˈ-tray noun A shallow container for letters, etc, ready to be dispatched at outs (US) At odds from out Out from murder will out see under murder on the outs (with) (informal) - On unfriendly terms (with)
- Becoming unpopular, unfashionable, etc
out and about - Able to go out, convalescent
- Active out of doors
out and away (old) - By far
- Beyond competition
out at elbow see elbow out for - Abroad in quest of
- Aiming at obtaining or achieving
- Dismissed from batting with a score of
out from under Out of a difficult situation out of - From within
- From among
- Not in
- Not within
- Excluded from
- From (a source, material, motive, condition, possession, language, etc)
- Born of
- Beyond the bounds, range or scope of
- Deviating from, in disagreement with
- Away or distant from
- Without, destitute or denuded of
out of character see under character out of course (rare) Out of order out of date - Not abreast of the times
- Old-fashioned
- Obsolete
- No longer valid
- No longer current (out-of-dateˈ adjective)
out of doors In or to the open air out of it - Excluded from participation
- Without a chance
- Unable to behave normally or control oneself, usually because of drink or drugs (slang)
out of joint see under join out of place see under place out of pocket see under pocket out of print see under print out of sight see under sight1 out of sorts see under sort out of temper see under temper out of the question see under question out of the way Not in the way, not impeding or preventing progress out of this world see under world out of time see under time out of work see under work out on one's feet - As good as knocked out
- Done for, but with a semblance of carrying on
outs and ins see ins and outs under in1 out there - In existence
- Unconventional, avant-garde (informal)
out to Aiming, working resolutely, to out to lunch see under lunch out to out - In measurement from outside to outside
- Overall
out upon (archaic) Shame on out with - Let's do away with
- Not friendly with
- See also out (vi) above
out with it! (informal) Say what you have to say, and be quick about it, spit it out |