

单词 reality TV

real1 /rēˈ(ə)l or riˈəl/

  1. Actually existing
  2. Not counterfeit or assumed
  3. True
  4. Genuine
  5. Sincere
  6. Authentic
  7. Involving or containing only real numbers (mathematics)
  8. Relating to things fixed, eg lands or houses (law)
adverb (informal; N American and Scot)

Really, quite, truly

  1. A real thing
  2. That which is real
  3. A realist
  4. A realtone
ORIGIN: LL reālis, from L rēs a thing

realia /rē-āˈli-ə/ plural noun

  1. (LL neuter plural of realis real) realities
  2. Objects, etc used as teaching aids to relate classroom work to real life

rēˈalism noun

  1. The medieval philosophical doctrine that general terms stand for real existences, opp to nominalism
  2. The philosophical doctrine that in external perception the objects immediately known are real existences
  3. The tendency to regard, accept or represent things as they really are (often in their most ignoble aspect)
  4. (often with cap) a style in art, literature, etc that seeks to present an unglamorized, unromanticized view of the world
  5. Literalness and precision of detail, with the effect of reality
  6. The taking of a practical view in human problems

rēˈalist noun

rēalistˈic adjective

  1. Relating to the realists or to realism
  2. Lifelike

rēalistˈically adverb

reality /ri-alˈi-ti or rē-/ noun

  1. The state or fact of being real
  2. That which is real and not imaginary
  3. Truth
  4. Verity
  5. The fixed permanent nature of real property (law)

rēˈally adverb

  1. In reality
  2. Actually
  3. Genuinely, very

Expressing suprise, interest, doubt or disapproval

rēˈalness noun

rēˈalo noun (pl rēˈalos)

A member of the less radical section of the German Green Party, advocating co-operation with other parties, industry, etc (cf fundie)

reˈaltie noun (Milton)

Sincerity, honesty

Realtor® or rēˈaltor noun (N American; irregularly formed)

An agent for the buying and selling of landed property, esp one who is a member of the National Association of Real Estate Boards

rēˈalty noun (law)

  1. Land, with houses, trees, minerals, etc on it
  2. The ownership of, or property in, lands (also (esp N American) real estate)

real account noun

One that records transactions relating to a tangible asset so that the value of the asset can be seen

real ale or real beer noun

Beer that continues to ferment and mature in the cask after brewing

reˈal-estate adjective (esp N American)

Concerned with or dealing in property in land

real food noun

Food that has not undergone commercial processing, does not contain additives, etc

real image see under image

real income, wages, etc noun

Income, wages, etc measured in terms of their actual purchasing power

reality check noun (informal)

A reminder of the true, as opposed to the imagined, state of affairs

reality principle noun (psychology)

The principle that modifies the pleasure principle (qv), accommodating the demands of the real world

reality TV noun

A genre of television programme (reality show) that takes members of the general public as subjects, either presenting their daily lives as if they were soap operas or observing them in artificially contrived situations

real life noun

Everyday life as lived by ordinary people, as opposed to glamorous fictional life

real number noun

Any rational or irrational number

real presence see under presence

real price noun

The price of a commodity calculated after correcting for changes in the general price level

real property noun

Same as realty above

real school noun

(Ger Realschule/rā-älˈshooˈlə/) a German school teaching modern languages, science, and technical subjects, not classics, the highest grade being the real gymnasium (Ger Realgymnasium/rā-älˈgim-näˈzi-ŭm/), as opposed to the gymnasium proper, or classical school

real terms plural noun (economics)

The cash value, adjusted according to eg a price index, of goods or a service

realˈtime adjective (computing)

Relating to or designating a system in which the processing of data occurs as it is generated (also noun)

realˈtone noun

A ringtone that closely resembles an original sound recording

for real (informal)

  1. In reality
  2. Serious or seriously
  3. Intended to be carried out or put into effect

get real (N Am sl; usu in imperative)

To wake up to the realities of the situation

in reality


keep it real (informal)

  1. To be true to the original spirit of something
  2. To continue to be genuine and honest in one's character and endeavours

the real Mackay or McCoy

The genuine article, esp good whisky (the expression has been variously explained)

the real thing

The genuine thing, not an imitation or a cheap substitute





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