单词 | polylemma |
释义 | poly- /pol-i-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr polys, poleia, poly much polyacid /-asˈid/ adjective
polyacrylamide /-ə-krilˈə-mīd/ noun The highly cross-linked polymer of acrylamide (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis a technique for separating nucleic acids or proteins on the basis of charge, shape and/or size (abbrev PAGE)) polˈyact, polyactīˈnal (or /-aktˈin-əl/) or polyactˈine adjective (Gr aktīs, -īnos ray) (of a marine animal) having many rays or tentacles Polyadelˈphia plural noun (Gr adelphos brother) in Linnaeus's system, a class of plants with three or more bundles of stamens polyadelˈphous adjective
polyamˈide noun A polymeric amide, such as nylon polyamˈory noun The practice of having more than one sexual and emotional relationship at a time, with the full consent of all partners polyamˈorous adjective Polyanˈdria plural noun (Gr anēr, andros man, male) in Linnaeus's system, a class of plants with many stamens inserted in the receptacle polyanˈdrous adjective
polˈyandry (or /-anˈ/) noun
polyan'iline noun A polymer of aniline that is an electrical conductor polyanˈthus noun (pl polyanˈthuses)
polˈyarch /-ärk/ adjective (Gr archē origin) having many xylem strands polˈyarchy /-ärk-i/ noun (Gr archein to rule) government by many persons polyatomˈic adjective (chem)
polyaxˈial (L axis) or polyaxˈon adjective (Gr axōn axis) having many axes or several axis cylinders nounA monaxonic sponge spicule polyaxonˈic adjective polybāsˈic adjective
polycarˈbonate noun Any of a range of strong thermoplastics polycarpˈic adjective (Gr karpos fruit) fruiting many times, or year after year polycarpˈous adjective
pol'ycarpy n. polycentˈric adjective Multicentric Polychaeta /-kēˈtə/ plural noun (Gr chaitē bristle) a class of marine chaetopods with numerous bristles polˈychaete /-kēt/ noun Any worm of the Polychaeta polychlorˈinated adjective (polychlorinated biphenyl see PCB) polychlorˈoprene noun Neoprene polˈychrest /-krest/ noun (Gr polychrēstos from chrēstos useful) a thing, esp a medicine, useful in several ways polychroic /-krōˈik/ adjective Pleochroic polˈychroism noun polychromatˈic adjective
polychromˈic adjective polˈychrome /-krōm/ adjective (Gr chrōma colour) many-coloured noun
polˈychromy noun The art of decorating in many colours polˈyclinic noun A general clinic or hospital polyclōˈnal adjective Of or involving many clones polyconˈic adjective Relating to or composed of many cones polˈycotton adjective and noun (of) a fabric made from polyester and cotton polycotylēˈdon noun (botany) A plant with more than two cotyledons polycotylēˈdonous adjective polycrotˈic adjective (Gr krotos a beat) (of the pulse) having several beats to each heartbeat polycˈrotism noun polˈycrystal noun An object composed of several or many variously orientated crystals polycrysˈtalline adjective polˈyculture noun The simultaneous production of several different crops and types of livestock in one region polycyclic /-sīˈklik/ adjective
polycystˈic adjective Containing many cysts polycythaemia /-sī-thēˈmi-ə/ noun (-cyte cell, and Gr haima blood) an excess of red blood corpuscles polydacˈtyl adjective Having more than the normal number of fingers or toes (also noun) polydacˈtylism or polydacˈtyly noun polydacˈtylous adjective polydēˈmonism or polydaeˈmonism noun The belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers polydipˈsia noun (Gr dipsa thirst) excessive thirst polyelecˈtrolyte noun A polymer containing many electrolytic ions polyemˈbryonate adjective polyembryonic /-onˈik/ adjective polyembryony /-emˈbri-ən-i/ noun Formation of more than one embryo from one ovule or from one fertilized ovum polyene /polˈi-ēn/ noun A hydrocarbon with many carbon-carbon double bonds polyesˈter noun Any of a range of polymerized esters, some thermoplastic, some thermosetting, used in textiles polyethˈylene noun See polythene below (polyethylene glycol a hydrophilic hydrocarbon that interacts with the membranes of cells and is used in lubricants and emulsifiers) polygala /pol-igˈə-lə/ noun (Gr polygalon milkwort, gala milk) any plant of the milkwort genus Polygala, giving name to the family Polygalāˈceae polygalaceous /-lāˈshəs/ adjective polˈygam noun (Gr gamos marriage) in Linnaeus's classification, a plant of the class Polygāˈmia, having male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers polygamic /-gamˈik/ adjective polygamist /pol-igˈ/ noun polygˈamous adjective polygˈamously adverb polygamy /pol-igˈə-mi/ noun
polˈygene /-jēn/ noun Any of a group of genes that control a single continuous character (eg height) polygenˈesis noun Multiple origin, esp of mankind polygenetˈic adjective
polygenˈic adjective
polygˈenism noun Belief in multiple origin, esp of mankind polygˈenist noun polygˈenous adjective Of multiple origin or composition polygˈeny noun Polygenesis polˈyglot, also polˈyglott adjective
polyglottˈal, polyglottˈic, polyglottˈous adjective polˈygon /-gon or -gən/ noun
polygonāˈceous adjective polygˈonal adjective (polygonal numbers figurate numbers) polygˈonally adverb polygonˈatum noun (Gr polygonaton, from gony, -atos knee) the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family polygˈonum noun (Gr polygonon) any plant of the knot-grass genus Polygonum, with swollen joints and sheathing stipules, of the dock family Polygonāˈceae polygˈony noun (Spenser) The plant bistort polˈygraph noun
polygraphˈic adjective polygraphy /po-ligˈrə-fi/ noun
Polygynia /-jinˈ/ plural noun (Gr gynē woman, female) in various Linnaean classes of plants, an order with more than twelve styles polygynˈian adjective Of the Polygynia polygynous /-lijˈ or -ligˈi-nəs/ adjective
polygyny /-lijˈ or -ligˈ/ noun
polyhalite /-halˈīt/ noun (Gr hals salt) a triclinic mineral, sulphate of magnesium, potassium, and calcium polyhedˈral adjective polyhedric /-hēdˈ or -hedˈ/ adjective polyhēdˈron (or /-hedˈ/) noun (pl polyhedˈrons or polyhedˈra) (Gr hedrā seat) a solid figure or body bounded by plane faces (esp more than six) polyhisˈtor noun (Gr polyistōr, from historeein to inquire, learn) a person of great and varied learning polyhistorian /-tōˈri-ən or -töˈ/ noun polyhistoric /-torˈik/ adjective polyhisˈtory /-tə-ri/ noun polyhyˈbrid noun A cross between parents differing in several heritable characters polyhyˈdric adjective Having several hydroxyl groups, polyhydroxy polyhydroxˈy adjective (chem) (of a compound) containing two or more hydroxyl groups per molecule polyhydroxybuˈtyrate noun A natural polymer which can be used to manufacture fully biodegradable plastic (abbrev PHB) Polyhymnia /pol-i-himˈni-ə/ or Polymnia /pol-imˈni-ə/ noun (Gr hymnos hymn, ode) the muse of the sublime lyric polyimˈide noun A polymer containing imide groups, used in heat-resistant materials polyīˈsoprene noun A rubber-like polymer of isoprene polylemmˈa noun (Gr lēmma an assumption; logic) A form of argument in which the maintainer of a certain proposition is committed to accept one of several propositions all of which contradict his or her original contention polymasˈtia, polymastˈism or polˈymasty noun (Gr mastos breast) the presence of supernumerary breasts or nipples polymasˈtic adjective polˈymath noun (Gr polymathēs, from the root of manthanein to learn) a person whose knowledge covers a wide variety of subjects polymathˈic adjective polymˈathy noun Much and varied learning polˈymer noun (Gr meros part; chem) Any naturally occurring or synthetic substance built up from a series of smaller units (monomers), which may be simple or complex, esp one of those of higher molecular weight as produced by polymerization polymerase /pol-imˈə-rās/ noun Any of several enzymes present in cell nuclei that promote the polymerization of DNA or RNA (polymerase chain reaction a powerful technique for amplifying DNA sequences without using genetic manipulation methods which need biological vectors (abbrev PCR)) polymeric /-merˈik/ adjective Of, in a relation of, or manifesting polymerism polymˈeride noun A polymer polymˈerism noun polymerīzāˈtion or polymerīsāˈtion noun polymˈerize or polymˈerise transitive verb
To change into a polymer polymˈerous adjective
polymˈery noun The condition of being polymerous Polymnia noun see Polyhymnia above polymethyl methacrylate noun The chemical name for any rigid glassy thermoplastic, such as Perspex, Lucite, etc polˈymorph noun
polymorphˈic adjective polymorphˈism noun polymorphonūˈclear adjective (of a leucocyte) having a nucleus divided into lobes and cytoplasm containing granules polymorphˈous adjective polymyositis /-mī-ō-sīˈtis/ noun (see myo-) inflammation of several muscles at the same time polymyxˈin noun An antibiotic derived from soil bacteria Polynēˈsian adjective (Gr nēsos an island) of Polynesia, one of the three groups into which the Pacific islands are divided, its prevailing race of light-brown-skinned people, or their languages (a division of the Austronesian) nounA native or inhabitant of Polynesia polyneuritis /-nūr-īˈtis/ noun Simultaneous inflammation of several nerves polynōˈmial adjective and noun (mathematics) (an expression) consisting of a sum of terms each of which contains a constant and one or more variables raised to a power polynōˈmialism noun polynucleotide /pol-i-nūˈkli-ə-tīd/ noun A nucleic acid that is made up of a number of nucleotides polyōˈma noun A small DNA virus which causes tumours in mice polyomino /pol-i-omˈin-ō/ noun (pl polyomˈinos) (on the false analogy of domino) a flat, many-sided shape made up of a number of identical squares placed edge to edge polyonym /polˈi-ō-nim/ noun (Gr onyma name) a name consisting of several words polyonymˈic adjective (of a name) of more than two words polyonˈymous adjective Having many names polyonˈymy noun Multiplicity of names for the same thing polypepˈtide noun A peptide in which many amino acids are linked to form a chain polypetˈalous adjective With free petals polyphagia /-fāˈji-ə/ noun
polyphagous /po-lifˈə-gəs/ adjective
polyphˈagy /-ji/ noun The character of being polyphagous polypharˈmacy noun The (esp indiscriminate and excessive) use of many different drugs in treating a disease polˈyphase adjective Having several alternating electric currents of equal frequency with uniformly spaced phase differences polyphasic /-fāzˈik/ adjective Going through several phases of activity followed by rest in any twenty-four hours Polyphēˈmian or Polyphēˈmic adjective Polyphēˈmus noun (Gr myth) The Cyclops blinded by Odysseus polyphēˈnol noun A compound with two or more phenolic hydroxyl groups polyphiloprogenitive /pol-i-fil-ō-prō-jenˈi-tiv/ adjective (of imagination or inventiveness) very fertile polyphloisbic /pol-i-floisˈbik/, poluphloisboiotic /pol-oo-flois-boi-otˈik/ or polyphloesboean /pol-i-flēs-bēˈən/ adjective (Gr polyphloisbos, from phloisbos din; the oi and oe from the genitive ending in Homer's phrase polyphloisboio thalassēs of the much-roaring sea) loud-roaring (also used by Thackeray in the quasi-superlative form poluphloisboiotatotˈic) polˈyphon /-fon/ or polˈyphone /-fōn/ noun
polyphonic /-fonˈik/ adjective
polˈyphonist noun A contrapuntist polyphˈony noun
polyphyletic /-fi-letˈik or -fī-/ adjective
polyphyllous /-filˈəs/ adjective (Gr phyllon leaf; botany) Having the perianth leaves free polyphȳˈodont adjective Having more than two successive dentitions pol'ypill noun A pill containing several different types of medication Polyplacophˈora plural noun (Gr plax, plakos a plate, slab) an order of molluscs, incl eg the chitons, bilaterally symmetrical, with a shell composed of eight transverse dorsal plates polˈyploid adjective (on the analogy of haploid and diploid) having more than twice the normal haploid number of chromosomes (also noun) polˈyploidy noun The polyploid condition polˈypod noun
Polypodium /-pōˈdi-əm/ noun (Gr podion, dimin of pous a foot) the typical genus of Polypodiāˈceae, the family with stalked sporangia and vertical annulus to which most ferns belong, so named from the many-footed appearance of the rhizome polˈypody noun Any fern of the genus Polypodium, esp P. vulgare Polyporus /po-lipˈə-rəs/ noun (Gr poros a pore) a large genus of pore fungi (qv under pore1), often forming hoof-like and bracket-like growths on trees polypropˈylene noun A polymer of propylene, similar in properties to polythene polyprōˈtodont noun (Gr prōtos first, and odous, odontos tooth) any member of the Polyprotodontˈia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc, with many small incisors Polypˈterus noun (Gr pteron a fin) an African genus of Crossopterygian river fishes, with the dorsal fin represented by detached rays polyptych /polˈip-tik/ noun (Gr ptychos a fold) a picture, altarpiece, etc, consisting of four or more panels hinged or folding together polˈyrhythm noun The simultaneous combination of different rhythms in a piece of music polyrhythˈmic adjective polysaccharide /-sakˈə-rīd/ noun A carbohydrate of a class including starch, etc, that hydrolyzes into more than one simple sugar polyseˈmant /-sēˈ/ or polˈyseme /-sēm/ noun (linguistics) A word with more than one meaning polyˈsemous adjective (linguistics) polˈysemy noun (linguistics) polysepˈalous adjective (botany) Having the sepals separate from each other polysiloxˈane noun Any of a number of polymers which are the basis of silicone chemistry polˈysome noun A group of ribosomes linked by a molecule of ribonucleic acid and functioning as a unit in the synthesis of proteins polˈysomy noun A condition in which one or more extra chromosomes, esp sex chromosomes, are present in the cells of the body Polysˈtichum /-kəm/ noun (Gr stichos a row) a genus of shield-ferns also known by the name Aspidium polystyˈlar or polˈystyle adjective (Gr stȳlos column) having many columns polystyˈrene noun A polymer of styrene resistant to moisture and to chemicals, with many commercial and industrial applications polysulphˈide noun A sulphide whose molecules contain two or more sulphur atoms polysyllabˈic or polysyllabˈical adjective polysyllabˈically adverb polysyllabˈicism or polysyllˈabism noun polysyllˈable noun A word of many, or of more than three, syllables polysyllˈogism noun A series of syllogisms, the conclusion of one serving as the premiss for the next polysyndeton /-sinˈdi-tən/ noun (Gr syndeton a conjunction; rhetoric) Figurative repetition of connectives or conjunctions polysynˈthesis noun polysynthetˈic or polysynthetˈical adjective
polysynthetˈically adverb polysynthetˈicism /-i-sizm/ or polysynˈthetism noun The character of being polysynthetic polytechnic /-tekˈnik/ adjective (Gr technikos, from technē art) of many arts or technical subjects nounA college where such subjects were taught up to and including degree level, traditionally offering a wide variety of vocational courses on a full- or part-time basis (all now upgraded to university status) polytechˈnical adjective polˈytene /-tēn/ adjective (L taenia band) (of abnormally large chromosomes) composed of many reduplicated strands, found in the fly genus Drosophila polytetrafluorethˈylene or polytetrafluoroethˈylene noun An inert plastic with non-adhesive surface properties polythalˈamous adjective (Gr thalamos a chamber) having several cells or chambers polˈytheism /-thē-izm/ noun (Gr theos a god) the doctrine of a plurality of gods polˈytheist noun polytheistˈic or polytheistˈical adjective polytheistˈically adverb polˈythene or polyethylene noun A generic name for certain thermoplastics, polymers of ethylene, manufactured in a range of qualities from light and rigid to thin and flexible, and used to make a variety of products incl domestic utensils, storage bags, carrier bags, etc polytocous /pol-itˈə-kəs/ adjective (Gr tokos birth) producing many or several at a birth or in a clutch polytoˈnal adjective polytonalˈity noun Use at the same time of two or more musical keys Pol'ytrack® noun An artificial surface for horse-racing Polytrichum /po-litˈri-kəm/ noun (Gr thrix, trichos hair) a genus of tall hairy-capped mosses polˈytunnel noun Plastic sheeting stretched over rows of plants as protection from weather, etc polytypic /-tipˈik/ adjective Having many types and representatives polyunsat'urate noun A polyunsaturated fat or oil polyunsatˈurated adjective (chem) Containing more than one carbon-carbon double bond in the molecule (polyunsaturated fats or oils glycerides of polyunsaturated fatty acids, less likely to increase blood cholesterol) polyurethane /-ūˈrə-thān/ noun Any of a range of resins, both thermoplastic and thermosetting, used in the production of foamed materials, coatings, etc polyuria /-ūˈri-ə/ noun (medicine) Excessive secretion of urine polyvalent /po-li-vāˈlənt or pol-ivˈə-lənt/ adjective Multivalent polyvīˈnyl noun A vinyl polymer (polyvinyl acetate a colourless resin used in paints, adhesives, and as a coating for porous surfaces; polyvinyl chloride a vinyl plastic used as a rubber substitute for coating electric wires, cables, etc, and as a dress and furnishing fabric (abbrev PVC)) adjectiveOf, consisting of, containing or made of polyvinyl polˈywater noun A supposed form of water, said to be a polymer, with properties different from those of ordinary water Polyzōˈa plural noun (sing polyzoˈon) (Gr zōion an animal) a phylum of aquatic animals, almost all colonial, with a cup-shaped body, U-shaped food-canal, and a wreath of tentacles about the mouth polyzoˈan noun and adjective polyzoarial /-āˈri-əl/ adjective polyzoāˈrium or polyzōˈary noun A polyzoan colony, or its supporting skeleton polyzōˈic adjective
polyzoˈnal adjective (Gr zōnē belt) composed of many zones or belts polyzōˈoid adjective Like or of the nature of a polyzoon |
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