

单词 Social War

social /sōˈsh(ə)l/

  1. Relating to life in an organized community
  2. Relating to welfare in such a community
  3. Growing or living in communities
  4. Relating to, or characterized by, friendly association
  5. Convivial
  6. Gregarious, sociable
  7. Relating to fashionable circles
  8. Sympathetic (obsolete)
  1. An informal party or gathering of a club, church, etc
  2. (with the) social security (informal)
ORIGIN: L socius a companion

soˈcialism noun

The theory, principle, or scheme of social organization which places the means of production of wealth and the distribution of that wealth in the hands of the community

soˈcialist noun

An adherent of socialism


Relating to socialism or socialists

socialistˈic adjective

socialistˈically adverb

soˈcialite noun (informal)

A person having a place in fashionable society

sociality /sō-shi-alˈi-ti/ noun

  1. The quality or fact of being social
  2. Social relations, association, or intercourse
  3. Sociability
  4. A social function or formality

socialīzāˈtion or socialīsāˈtion noun

  1. The act or process of socializing
  2. The process by which infants and young children become aware of society and their relationships with others

soˈcialize or soˈcialise transitive verb

  1. To render social
  2. To put on a socialistic footing
intransitive verb (informal)
  1. To behave in a sociable manner, eg at parties, etc
  2. To spend time in the company of others

soˈcially adverb

soˈcialness noun

soˈciate /-shi-āt/ noun (archaic)

An associate (also adjective)

sociaˈtion noun

  1. A plant community
  2. The smallest area in which a full range of plants making up such a plant community may be found

soˈciātive adjective

Expressing association

social anthropologist noun

social anthropology noun

The branch of anthropology which deals with the culture, customs and social structure of (esp primitive) societies

social assistance noun (Can)

Social security

social capital noun

  1. The benefits accruing to society from cooperative behaviour
  2. The perceived value to an individual, company, etc of personal social relationships

Social Chapter noun

A social charter forming a section of the Treaty of Maastricht agreed by members of the European Community in 1991 and ratified in 1993 as a basis for the European Union

social charter noun

A charter laying down conditions of employment, incl minimum pay, maximum working hours, etc, esp that forming the basis of the Social Chapter of the European Union

social cleansing noun (euphemistic)

The forced removal of social minorities from an area

social climber noun (often derogatory)

A person who tries to become accepted into a higher social stratum by a deliberate policy of getting to know and associating with people belonging to it

social climbing noun

social contract or social compact noun

The voluntary agreement between individuals upon which an organized society, its rights, functions, and the relationships within it are founded

social credit noun (economics)

  1. A movement stressing the element of unearned increment in the returns of industry and advocating the achievement of social wellbeing by the stable adjustment of production and consumption through monetary reform
  2. (with cap) a theory that the government should distribute national dividends in order to spread purchasing power and thus increase consumption (regarded as a benefit)

social democracy noun

The practices and policies of socialists who believe that socialism can and should be achieved by a gradual and democratic process

social democrat noun

  1. A supporter of social democracy
  2. (with caps) a member or supporter of a Social Democratic party

social democratic adjective

social disease noun (euphemistic)

A venereal disease

social dumping noun

The practice of reducing wage rates and conditions of employment in order to attract or keep investment

social engineer noun

social engineering noun

The furtherance of social change and the development of social institutions in accordance with an overall plan

social enterprise noun

A self-sustaining business organization whose primary aim is to have a beneficial effect on society rather than to maximize its profits

social evil noun

  1. Specif prostitution (archaic)
  2. Any factor which has a damaging, unhealthy or negative effect on or with society as a whole

social exclusion noun

The effective loss of the benefits of living in a society experienced by people who are subject to multiple deprivations, such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education, poor health, etc

social fund noun

In Britain, a social security fund from which discretionary loans or grants may be made (esp for basic household items) to those in extreme need

social gaming noun

Playing games online as a form of social interaction

social housing noun

Houses provided by the government for rent

social insurance noun

State insurance by compulsory contributions against sickness, unemployment, and retirement

socialist realism noun

The official form of art and literature in the former Soviet Union and other Communist states, intended to present an optimistic image of the lives of working people

social media noun

Websites used for social interaction

social mobility noun

The upward or downward movement of an individual or group within a social hierarchy

social networking noun

Interaction between individuals for their mutual benefit, esp online

social ownership noun (euphemistic)


social realism noun

A form of art intended to present an unromanticized view of the world

social science noun

The scientific study of human society and behaviour, including such disciplines (the social sciences) as anthropology, sociology, economics, political science and history

social secretary noun

One who is responsible for organizing the social activities of a person, club, association, etc

social security noun

  1. Security against sickness, unemployment, retirement, provided by a social insurance scheme
  2. Income support

social service noun

  1. Welfare work (also in pl)
  2. (in pl) the public bodies carrying out such work

social software noun (computing)

Software that allows users of the Internet to interact

social studies singular noun

A branch of knowledge concerned with various aspects of human society

Social War noun

The war (90–88BC) of Rome's Italian allies (Socii) against Rome for admission to Roman citizenship

social whale noun

The ca'ing whale (see under ca’)

social work noun

Any of various forms of welfare work intended to promote the wellbeing of those regarded as socially disadvantaged

social worker noun

socialism of the chair

Professorial socialism, the doctrines of a school of political economists (c.1872) in Germany whose aim was mainly to better the condition of the working classes by factory acts, savings banks, insurance against sickness and old age, etc





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