

单词 selective attention

attention /ə-tenˈshən/

  1. The act of attending
  2. Steady application of the mind
  3. Care, consideration
  4. Notice, observation
  5. Civility, courtesy
  6. The position of standing rigidly erect with hands by the sides and heels together (military)
  7. (in pl) courtship (archaic)
  1. Used in calling for someone's, or esp a crowd's, attention
  2. An order to come to attention, in readiness to execute a command (military)
ORIGIN: L attentiō, -ōnis

attentˈ adjective (Spenser and Shakespeare)

Giving attention

noun (Spenser)


attenˈtional adjective (psychology, etc)

Relating to attention or concentration

attentˈive adjective

  1. Full of attention
  2. Courteous, mindful
  3. Alert, observant

attentˈively adverb

attentˈiveness noun

attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder noun

An abnormal inability to concentrate for more than very short periods of time

attention line noun

A line in a letter used to indicate the particular employee of an organization to whom the document is addressed

attention span noun

The length of time for which a person can concentrate

attention value noun (advertising)

The degree to which an advertisement has been noticed or remembered by a reader or viewer

draw (someone's) attention to

To direct (someone's) notice towards

pay attention

  1. To listen or concentrate carefully
  2. To take particular notice

selective attention (behaviourism)

The aspect of perception that implies a readiness to respond to a particular stimulus or aspects of it

select /si-lektˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To pick out from a number by preference
  2. (also block) to choose (eg text) for manipulation (computing)
  3. To free-select (Aust)
  1. Picked out
  2. Choice
  3. Exclusive
ORIGIN: L sēligere, sēlectum, from sē- aside, and legere to choose

selecˈtable adjective

selecˈted adjective

selectˈee noun

A person who is selected, esp (US) a person selected for military service

selecˈtion noun

  1. The act of selecting
  2. A thing or collection of things selected
  3. A potpourri (music)
  4. The process by which some individuals contribute more offspring than others to the next generation, in natural selection through intrinsic differences in fertility and survival, and in artificial selection through the breeder's choice of parents (biology)
  5. A horse selected as likely to win a race
  6. A number or group of things from which to select
  7. Free-selection (Aust)

Relating to or consisting of selection

selecˈtionist noun

A person who believes that natural selection is responsible for evolution and diversity in natural systems (also adjective)

selecˈtive adjective

  1. Having or exercising power of selection
  2. Able to discriminate, eg between different frequencies
  3. Choosing, involving, etc, only certain things or people

selecˈtively adverb

selecˈtiveness noun

selectivˈity /sel-/ noun

Ability to discriminate

selectˈness noun

selectˈor noun

selectoˈrial adjective

select committee noun

A number of members of parliament chosen to report and advise on some matter

selective attention see under attention

selective mating noun

The selection of mates, based on some outward characteristic (eg tail length in birds) and/or on competition between members of the same sex

selective service noun

Formerly, in the USA, compulsory military service under which men were conscripted selectively

selective weedkiller noun

A weedkiller that does not destroy certain plants

selectˈman noun

In New England towns, one of a board of officers chosen to manage local business

select out (US; euphemistic)

To give (someone) the sack





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