

单词 sent

sent1 /sent/ pat and pap of send

sent3 /sent/

noun (pl senˈti)

An Estonian monetary unit, 1/100 of a kroon

ORIGIN: Estonian, from cent

scent, earlier sent /sent/

transitive verb
  1. To track, find, or discern by smell, or as if by smell
  2. To perfume
intransitive verb
  1. To give out a smell
  2. To sniff
  3. To smell
  1. Odour
  2. Sense of smell
  3. A substance used for the sake of its smell, perfume
  4. The smell left by an animal, etc, by which it may be hunted
  5. A series of clues or findings
  6. Paper strewn by the pursued in the game of hare and hounds
ORIGIN: Fr sentir, from L sentīre to perceive

scentˈed adjective

  1. Having a smell, fragrant
  2. Impregnated or sprinkled with perfume
  3. Endowed with a sense of smell

scentˈful adjective (archaic)

  1. Odoriferous
  2. With an acute sense of smell

scentˈing noun and adjective

scentˈless adjective

scent bag noun

  1. A scent gland
  2. A sachet
  3. A bag containing a strong-smelling substance dragged over the ground for a drag hunt

scent bottle noun

A small bottle for holding perfume

scent box noun

scent gland noun

A gland that secretes a substance of distinctive smell, for recognition, attraction, or defence

scent organ noun

  1. A scent gland
  2. A smelling organ

scent scale noun

On male butterflies' wings, a scale that gives off a scent

put (or throw) someone off the scent

To mislead someone

send /send/

transitive verb (pat and pap sent; nautical sendˈed)
  1. To cause, direct, or tell to go
  2. To propel
  3. To cause to be conveyed
  4. To dispatch
  5. To forward
  6. To grant
  7. To cause to pass into a specified state
  8. (orig of jazz) to rouse (someone) to ecstasy
intransitive verb
  1. To dispatch a message or messenger (often with for)
  2. To pitch into the trough of the sea (sometimes scend or 'scend, as if aphetic from ascend or descend; nautical)
  1. A messenger (Scot)
  2. One or more escorts sent ahead of a bridegroom to fetch the bride (Scot)
  3. An impetus or impulse
  4. The sound or a movement of breaking waves, a swash
ORIGIN: OE sendan; ON senda, Gothic sandjan, Ger senden

sendˈable adjective

sendˈer noun

  1. A person who sends
  2. A transmitting instrument

sendˈing noun

  1. Dispatching
  2. Pitching
  3. Transmission
  4. That which is sent

sendˈ-off noun

A gathering to express good wishes at departing or starting a journey

sendˈ-up noun

  1. A process of making fun of someone or something
  2. A play, film, novel, etc, doing this

send away (or off) for

To order (something) by post

send down

  1. To send to prison (informal)
  2. To expel from university

send for

To require, direct or request by message (someone or something) to come or be brought

send in

To submit (an entry) for a competition, etc

send off

  1. (in football, etc) to order (a player) to leave the field and take no further part in the game, usu after an infringement of the rules
  2. To dispatch (something)

send on

  1. To send in advance
  2. To readdress and repost (a letter or package)

send out

To distribute or dispatch (something)

send round

To circulate

send up

  1. To make fun of
  2. To sentence to imprisonment (informal)

send word

To send an intimation





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