

单词 seven-day

seven /sevˈn/

  1. The cardinal number next above six
  2. A symbol representing that number (7, vii, etc)
  3. A set of seven things or people
  4. A score of seven points, strokes, tricks, etc
  5. An article of a size denoted by 7
  6. A playing card with seven pips
  7. The seventh hour after midnight or midday
  8. The age of seven years
  1. Of the number seven
  2. Seven years old
ORIGIN: OE seofon; Du zeven, Ger sieben, Gothic sibun, Gr hepta, L septem

sevˈenth adjective

  1. Last of seven
  2. Next after the sixth
  3. Equal to one of seven equal parts
  1. A seventh part
  2. A person or thing in seventh position
  3. A tone or semitone less than an octave
  4. A note at that interval

sevˈenthly adverb

In the seventh place

Seven against Thebes plural noun (Gr myth)

The war of seven heroes to reinstate Polynices in Thebes against Eteocles

seven-a-sideˈ noun

(also called sevˈens) a form of Rugby Union played by seven players on each side instead of fifteen (also adjective)

Seven Champions of Christendom plural noun

St George for England, St Andrew for Scotland, St Patrick for Ireland, St David for Wales, St Denis for France, St James for Spain, St Anthony for Italy

sevˈen-day adjective

For seven days

seven deadly sins plural noun

Pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth

sevˈenfold adjective and adverb

  1. In seven divisions
  2. Seven times as much

seven hills of Rome plural noun

The hills on which ancient Rome was built, the Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal

sevˈen-league adjective

Taking seven leagues at a stride (like the ogre's boots acquired by Hop-o'-my-Thumb in the fairy story)

sevˈenpence noun

The value of seven pennies

sevˈenpenny adjective

Costing or worth sevenpence


A sevenpenny book, bus-ticket, etc

Seven Sages plural noun

  1. Solon of Athens, Thales of Miletus, Pittacus of Mitylene, Bias of Priene in Caria, Chilon of Sparta, Cleobulus tyrant of Lindus in Rhodes, and Periander tyrant of Corinth
  2. An Eastern cycle of tales in which seven wise men compete in story-telling against a woman to save the life of a falsely accused prince

sevˈen-score noun and adjective

Seven Seas plural noun

  1. The Arctic, Antarctic, N and S Atlantic, N and S Pacific, and Indian Oceans
  2. All the seas of the world generally

Seven Sleepers plural noun

Seven Christian youths at Ephesus said to have slept walled up in a cave c.250–447AD

Seven Stars plural noun

  1. The planets known to the ancients
  2. The Plough
  3. The Pleiades

seventh day noun


sevˈenth-day adjective

Observing Saturday as Sabbath (Seventh-day Adventists a sect that expects the Second Coming of Christ and observes Saturday as the Sabbath)

seventh heaven see under heaven

Seven Wonders of the World plural noun

The seven monuments regarded as the most remarkable of the ancient world, the Pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Phidias's statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria

seven-year itch noun

A tendency towards sexual infidelity, held in jocular tradition to be common after about seven years of marriage

Seven Years' War noun

The struggle for Silesia between Frederick the Great and the Empress Maria Theresa (1756–63)





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