

单词 sonorously

sonorous /sə-nöˈrəs or sonˈə-rəs/

  1. Sounding, esp loudly, deeply, impressively, etc
  2. Full-sounding
  3. Full of impressive language
  4. Sounding or ringing when struck
ORIGIN: L sonōrus, from sonor, -ōris a sound, from sonāre to sound

sonˈorant noun (phonetics)

  1. A frictionless continuant or nasal (l, r, m, n, ng) capable of fulfilling a vocalic or consonantal function
  2. The consonants represented by w and y, having consonantal or vocalic articulations

sonority /sō- or sə-norˈi-ti/ noun

  1. Sonorousness
  2. Type, quality, etc, of sound

sonoˈrously (or /sonˈ/) adverb

sonoˈrousness (or /sonˈ/) noun

Sonorous quality or character

sonorous figures plural noun (acoustics)

The visual patterns produced by a fine powder on a vibrating plate (also called Chladni figures)





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