

单词 sewerings

sew2 /sū/

transitive verb (dialect)

To drain

intransitive verb
  1. To ooze (dialect)
  2. To be aground (nautical)
ORIGIN: OFr essever to drain off, from L ex out, and aqua water

sewˈage noun

Refuse or waste carried off by sewers

sewer /sooˈər or sūˈər, or (old) shōr or shör/ noun

A channel (esp underground) for receiving the discharge from house-drains and streets

transitive verb

To provide with sewers

sewˈerage noun

  1. A system, or the provision, of sewers
  2. Sewage

sewˈering noun

sewage farm noun

  1. A place where sewage is treated to render it suitable for use as manure
  2. Also, a farm on which sewage is used as fertilizer

sewage works noun

A place where sewage is treated and purified before being discharged into a river or the sea

sewer gas noun

The contaminated air of sewers produced by the decomposition of sewage

sewer rat noun

The brown rat





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