

单词 sling mud at

mud /mud/

  1. Wet soft earth
  2. A mixture of earthy or clayey particles with water
  3. A similar mixture with certain added chemicals used as a lubricant in drilling gas- or oil-wells
  4. Something worthless or contemptible
  5. Vilification, abuse, slander, thought of as sticking or clinging like mud
transitive verb
  1. To bury in mud
  2. To clog with mud
  3. To plaster with mud
  4. To make dirty
  5. To make turbid
  6. To supply with mud
intransitive verb

To hide in the mud

ORIGIN: Cf OLGer mudde, Du modder

muddˈer noun (slang)

A racehorse that responds well to muddy conditions

muddˈily adverb

muddˈiness noun

muddˈy adjective (muddˈier; muddˈiest)

  1. Foul with mud
  2. Containing mud
  3. Covered with mud
  4. Of the nature of mud
  5. Like mud
  6. Mud-coloured
  7. Cloudy, murky
  8. Confused, befuddled
  9. Stupid
transitive verb and intransitive verb (muddˈying; muddˈied)

To make or become muddy

mudˈbath noun

  1. A bath in mud, esp as a medical treatment
  2. An outdoor event taking place in muddy conditions (informal)

mudˈ-boat noun

  1. A board or sled for travel over mud-flats or swamps
  2. A boat for carrying away dredged mud

mudˈcat noun (US)

A name given to several species of catfish

mudˈ-clerk noun (obsolete US)

An assistant purser

mudˈ-cone noun

A cone formed by a mud volcano

mud dauber noun

A wasp of the family Sphecidae that deposits its eggs in individual cells constructed of mud

muddy-headˈed adjective

Confused, muddled

muddy-mettˈled adjective (Shakespeare)


mud engineer noun

A person overseeing the use and supply of drilling mud on a gas- or oil-well

mudˈfish noun

A fish that burrows in mud, esp a lungfish

mudˈflap noun

A flap fixed behind the wheels of a vehicle to prevent mud, etc, being thrown up behind

mudˈflat noun

A muddy stretch of land, esp near a river mouth, submerged at high water

mudˈflow noun

A flow of mud down a slope

mudˈguard noun

(on a bicycle, etc) a curved hood fixed over a wheel to catch mud-splashes thrown up by it

mud hen noun

Any of a variety of water birds, such as rails, coots or gallinules, that inhabit marshy places

mudˈhole noun

  1. A hole with mud in it
  2. An opening for removing sediment from a boiler, etc

mudˈhook noun (slang)

An anchor

mudˈhopper noun

A mudskipper

mudˈlark noun

  1. A name for various birds that frequent mud
  2. A person who searches the banks of tidal rivers for scrap metal, ropes, etc, to sell
  3. A street urchin (archaic sl)
  4. A mudder (Aust sl)

intransitive verb

To work or play in mud

mud lava noun

A stream of mud from a volcano

mudloggˈer noun

A person who looks for traces of oil, gas, etc in mud excavated from a borehole

mudloggˈing noun

mudˈ-lump noun

A raised area of mud, often giving off gases, as in the Mississippi delta

mud minnow noun

A small fish (genus Umbra) related to the pikes

mudˈpack noun

A cosmetic paste for cleansing the skin, containing fuller's earth

mud pie noun

  1. A small, moulded mass of mud made to play with by children
  2. An insult or calumny hurled at someone
  3. A rich dessert of chocolate and coffee mousse on a pastry base (N American)

mud pump noun

A pump used in drilling deep holes (eg oil wells) that forces thixotropic mud to the bottom of the hole and flushes out rock chips

mudˈpuppy noun (US)

  1. The axolotl
  2. An aquatic salamander (genus Necturus) of N America that retains certain larval features, including external gills

mudˈscow noun

A flat mud-boat

mudˈskipper noun

A goby found in Africa, Japan, etc, able to remain out of water and skip about on bare mud using its fins

mudˈslide noun

A slippage of a mass of mud down a hillside, etc

mudˈslinger noun

mudˈslinging noun

Vilification or malicious slander intended to discredit another

mudˈstone noun

An argillaceous rock not distinctly fissile

mud turtle noun

A freshwater turtle of the genus Kinosternon, found in N and Central America

mud volcano noun

A vent that emits gas and mud, often forming a conical mound

mudˈwort noun

A small mud-growing scrophulaceous plant (Limosella aquatica)

mud wrestling noun

Competitive wrestling in an arena with a floor of wet mud

clear as mud

Not at all clear

his, her, etc, name is mud

He, she, etc, is very much out of favour

mud in your eye

Good health (used as a toast)

muddy the waters

To confuse a situation by introducing complications

throw, fling or sling mud at

To insult, to slander





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