

单词 sharecropper

share1 /shār/

  1. A part allotted, contributed, owned or taken
  2. A part cut off (archaic)
  3. A division, section, portion
  4. A fixed and indivisible section of the capital of a company
transitive verb
  1. To divide into shares
  2. To apportion
  3. To give or take a share of
  4. To participate in
  5. To have in common
intransitive verb

To have, receive, or give a share

ORIGIN: OE scearu; cf shear

sharˈable or shareˈable adjective

sharˈer noun

sharˈing noun

share bone noun

The pubis

share capital noun

Money derived from the sale of shares in a business, and used for carrying it on

share certificate noun

A certificate issued to a shareholder by a company indicating ownership of its shares

shareˈcrop intransitive verb

shareˈcropper noun (esp US)

A tenant farmer who supplies, in lieu of rent, a share of the crop

shared logic noun (computing)

A shared facility in which the central processing unit is shared by several terminals

shared ownership noun

A type of house ownership shared between the householder and a housing association

shareˈfarmer noun (esp Aust)

A tenant farmer who pays a share of the proceeds as rent

shareˈfarming noun

shareˈholder noun

A person who owns a share or shares, esp in a company

shareˈholding noun

share index noun

An index showing the movement of shares in companies trading on a stock exchange

shareˈman or sharesˈman noun

A fisherman who shares profits with the owners

shareˈmilker noun (NZ)

A sharefarmer on a dairy farm

share option noun

A scheme enabling employees to buy shares in their company at less than the market rate

shareˈ-out noun

A distribution in or by shares

shareˈ-pusher noun

A person who seeks to sell shares otherwise than through recognized channels, eg by dubious advertisement, etc

share shop noun

A shop or special area in a bank, etc where shares are traded quickly and informally without investment advice

share size or sharing size noun

A larger than standard packet of a snack food, marketed with the implicit suggestion to the purchaser not to consume the whole amount unaided

shareˈware noun (comput sl)

Software available on free trial, often with restricted features or for a limited time, after which a fee must be paid if regular use is to continue

go shares (informal)

To share something with others

lion's share see under lion

share and share alike

  1. Give everyone his or her due share
  2. In equal shares

crop /krop/

  1. The total quantity produced, cut or harvested
  2. The total growth or produce
  3. A cultivated plant, collectively
  4. A number, quantity (of products, ideas, etc) produced or appearing at a time, a supply
  5. A season's yield
  6. An end cut off
  7. An act or mode of cutting
  8. A style of cutting or wearing short hair
  9. A hunting whip with loop instead of lash
  10. The craw, a dilatation of a bird's oesophagus
  11. A similar structure in another animal
  12. A complete tanned hide of an animal
  13. A finial (architecture)
  14. An outcrop
transitive verb (croppˈing; cropped)
  1. To cut off the top, ends, margins or loose parts of
  2. To cut short
  3. To mow, reap or gather
  4. (esp of grazing animals) to bite off in eating
  5. To raise crops on
  6. To cut the hair of
intransitive verb
  1. To yield a crop
  2. To come to the surface (with up or out)
  3. Hence, to come (up) casually, as in conversation
ORIGIN: OE crop the top shoot of a plant, the crop of a bird; Du crop a bird's crop

cropˈful noun (pl cropˈfuls)

As much as a bird's crop can hold

cropfullˈ adjective

Satiated, filled to repletion

croppˈer noun

  1. Someone or something that crops
  2. A plant that yields a crop
  3. A person who raises a crop in exchange for a share of it (also share cropper)
  4. A kind of pigeon noted for its large crop
  5. A small platen printing machine
  6. A fall (informal)
  7. A failure (informal)

croppˈing noun

  1. The act of cutting off
  2. The raising of crops
  3. An outcrop (geology)

croppˈy noun

One of the Irish rebels of 1798 who cut their hair short, like the French Revolutionists

cropˈbound adjective

(of birds) suffering from impaction of the crop

crop circle noun

A swirled or flattened circle in a field of arable crop, orig thought to be a natural phenomenon caused by particular meteorological conditions on an undulating landscape but in most instances now proved to be man-made as a hoax (also called corn circle)

cropˈduster noun

  1. An aircraft that sprays crops from the air with fungicides or insecticides
  2. The pilot of such an aircraft

cropˈ-dusting noun

cropˈ-ear noun (obsolete)

A person, horse, dog, etc with cropped ears

cropˈ-eared adjective

  1. (of a person, horse, dog, etc) having the ears cropped
  2. (of a Puritan) having hair cropped to show the ears (used by Cavaliers as gibe)

cropˈland noun

Land used for growing crops

cropˈ-marks plural noun (archaeology)

Variations in the depth or colour of a crop growing in a field, which, viewed from the air, can show the presence of a structure beneath the soil

crop rotation noun

The growing of different crops in sequence on the same piece of land over a number of years in order to minimize depletion of the soil

cropˈsick adjective

Sick of a surfeit

crop top noun

A garment for the upper body, cut short to reveal the wearer's stomach

come a cropper (informal)

To have a fall, perhaps from the phrase neck and crop





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