

单词 sheriff's post

post1 /pōst/

  1. A stout, stiff stake or pillar of timber or other material, usu fixed in an upright position
  2. An upright member of a frame, a vertical timber supporting a horizontal one (often in compounds, as in doorpost, goalpost)
  3. An upright pole marking the beginning or end of a race track, a starting-post or winning post
  4. The pin of a lock
  5. The shaft of an earring, the part that passes through the hole in the earlobe
  6. A solid thickish stratum (geology)
  7. A pillar of coal left in a mine as a support
  8. A tavern doorpost, on which a score was chalked (Shakespeare)
transitive verb
  1. To stick up on a post, hence on a board, door, wall, hoarding, etc
  2. To announce, advertise or denounce by placard
  3. To announce the name of in a published list
  4. To make available online or on an Internet site
  5. To placard as having failed in an examination, or failed to be classed
  6. To announce (a ship) as overdue
  7. To affix a bill or notice to
ORIGIN: OE post, from L postis a doorpost, from pōnere to place

postˈer noun

post hole noun (archaeology)

A hole sunk in the ground to take a fence post, roof support, etc

Postˈ-it® or Post-it note® noun

A small piece of paper on which a note may be written, the adhesive on its back allowing it to be temporarily affixed to a variety of surfaces

post mill noun

A windmill pivoted on a post

between you and me and the (bed-, lamp-, gate-, etc) post

In confidence

first past the post

Having reached the winning post first, having won the race (see also first-past-the-post under first)

from pillar to post see under pillar

sheriff's post (historical)

A post at a sheriff's door (see under sheriff)

sheriff /sherˈif/

  1. The king's representative in a shire, with wide judicial and executive powers (historical)
  2. (in England and Wales) the chief officer of the Crown in the county, with duties chiefly honorary rather than judicial
  3. (in Scotland) the chief judge of the sheriff court of a town or region
  4. (in the USA) an elected officer of a county, mainly responsible for maintaining peace and order, attending courts, guarding prisoners, serving processes and executing judgements
ORIGIN: OE scīrgerēfa, from scīr shire, and gerēfa reeve; cf reeve1, grieve2, Ger Graf count

sherˈiffalty noun


sherˈiffdom noun

  1. The office, term of office, or territory under the jurisdiction of a sheriff
  2. (in Scotland) one of the six divisions of the judicature, made up of sheriff court districts

sherˈiffhood noun

sherˈiffship noun

The office of sheriff

sheriff clerk noun (pl sheriff clerks)

(in Scotland) the registrar of the sheriff's court, who has charge of the records of the court, organizes its work, etc

sheriff court noun

(in Scotland) a court having jurisdiction over civil and most criminal cases

sheriff depute noun (pl sheriff deputes)

  1. (in Scotland) until the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1748, a lawyer who acted as deputy for the sheriff
  2. Thereafter sometimes applied to the sheriff or sheriff principal

sheriff officer noun

(in Scotland) an officer connected with the sheriff court, who is responsible for raising actions, enforcing decrees, ensuring attendance of witnesses, etc

sheriff principal noun

(in Scotland) the chief judge of a sheriffdom

sheriff's post noun (historical)

A painted post at a sheriff's door for affixing proclamations

sheriff substitute noun (pl sheriffs substitute)

A Scottish acting sheriff, appointed by the Crown, in most cases resident in his judicial district

high sheriff

  1. An English sheriff proper
  2. The chief executive officer of a district (US)

honorary sheriff substitute

One who may act in the absence of the sheriff substitute


An English sheriff's deputy who performs the execution of writs





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