

单词 space-time continuum

continue /kən-tinˈū/

transitive verb
  1. To draw out or prolong
  2. To extend
  3. To maintain
  4. To go on with
  5. To resume
  6. To adjourn (law)
  7. To be a prolongation of
intransitive verb
  1. To remain in the same place or state
  2. To last or endure
  3. To persevere
  4. To resume
ORIGIN: L continuāre, from continuus joined, connected, from continēre to hold together

continˈuable adjective

continˈual adjective

  1. Constantly happening or done
  2. Repeated
  3. Unceasing
  4. Persistent

continˈually adverb

continˈuance noun

  1. Duration
  2. Uninterrupted succession
  3. Stay
  4. Adjournment (law)

continˈuant adjective

  1. Continuing
  2. Capable of continuing
noun (phonetics)

A consonant sound which is produced on an uninterrupted flow of breath (also adjective)

continˈuāte adjective

  1. Closely united (obsolete)
  2. Unbroken (Shakespeare)

continuāˈtion noun

  1. Going on
  2. Persistence
  3. Constant succession
  4. Extension
  5. Resumption
  6. A further instalment

continˈuative adjective



A continuative word or phrase, such as so or yes

continˈuator noun

  1. A person who continues
  2. A person who keeps up a series or succession

continˈued adjective

  1. Uninterrupted
  2. Unceasing
  3. Sustained
  4. Extended
  5. Resumed
  6. In instalments

continˈuedly adverb

continˈuedness noun

continˈuer noun

  1. Someone who or something that continues
  2. A person who has the power of persevering

continūˈity noun

  1. The state of being continuous or consistent
  2. Uninterrupted connection
  3. A complete scenario of a cinema film
  4. The person who writes it (in full continuity writer)
  5. The ordering or arrangement of film or television shots and scenes, or of parts of a radio broadcast, in a correct or consistent way

continuo /kon-tinˈū-ō (Ital -tēnˈwō)/ noun (pl continˈuos)

  1. Thorough bass
  2. The bass part as written for a keyboard instrument, with or without an accompaniment
  3. The instruments playing this part

continˈuous adjective

  1. Extending without interruption in space or time
  2. Denoting a continuing action or state, in English usu expressed by be with the present participle, eg is working as distinct from works (grammar)

continˈuously adverb

continˈuousness noun

continˈūum noun (pl continˈuums or continˈua)

  1. That which is continuous
  2. That which must be regarded as continuous and the same and which can be described only relatively

continuation class noun (old)

A class for continuing the education of those who have left school

continuāˈtion-day same as contango-day (see under contango).

continuing education noun

Part-time courses of study for adult students

continuity announcer noun (radio, TV)

A person who supervises the continuity of a sequence of programmes, by linking programmes, filling gaps with interlude material, etc

continuity girl or continuity man noun

A person employed on the set of a cinema film to ensure continuity, esp in matters of costume, make-up, props, etc, between different shots

continuous assessment noun

The assessment of the progress of a pupil or student by intermittent checks, eg class tests, essays, etc, throughout the year

continuous creation noun

  1. The notion of creation as going on always, not as a single act at one particular time (philosophy)
  2. The steady-state theory of cosmology (astronomy)

continuous spectrum noun (physics)

An emission spectrum which shows continuous non-discrete changes of intensity with wavelength or particle energy

continuous stationery noun (computing)

Stationery consisting of a long sheet of paper with regular perforations, usu folded fanwise and fed through a printer

continuous wave noun (physics)

An electromagnetic wave of constant frequency and amplitude

space-time continuum see under space

space /spās/

  1. That in which material bodies have extension
  2. A portion of such
  3. Room
  4. Intervening distance
  5. An interval
  6. An open or empty place
  7. Regions remote from the earth
  8. An interval between lines or words
  9. A type used for making such an interval (printing)
  10. An interval between the lines of the stave (music)
  11. A portion, extent, or interval of time
  12. A short time
  13. An individual's immediate environment for personal activity (see also personal space under personal)
  14. Opportunity or leisure to do what one wants (informal)
  15. See also mark/space ratio under mark1
transitive verb

To make, arrange, or increase intervals between

intransitive verb (Spenser)

To walk about

ORIGIN: Fr espace, from L spatium; Gr spaein to draw

spaced adjective

spaceˈless adjective

spacˈer noun

  1. Someone who, or something which, spaces
  2. An instrument for reversing a telegraphic current
  3. A space bar
  4. A space traveller or spacecraft (sci-fi)
  5. A spacer plate (see below)

spacey see spacy below

spacial /spāˈshl/ adjective


spacing /spāsˈing/ noun

  1. A space or spatial arrangement
  2. The existence or arrangement of spaces, or of objects in spaces

spacious /spāˈshəs/ adjective

  1. Of a great extent or area
  2. Ample
  3. Roomy
  4. Wide
  5. Broad in scope

spaˈciously adverb

spaˈciousness noun

spacˈy or spacˈey adjective (slang; chiefly N American)

  1. Dreamy
  2. Behaving as if spaced out
  3. Eccentric, unconventional

space age noun

The present time when exploration of, and ability to travel in, space up to the limit of and beyond the earth's atmosphere are increasing

spaceˈ-age adjective

  1. Characteristic of the space age
  2. Very modern, up-to-date, using sophisticated modern technology

space band noun

A wedge for justifying the line in mechanical typesetting

space bar noun

A bar on a typewriter or computer keyboard which is pressed to insert a space

space blanket noun

A light plastic aluminium-coated cover used to wrap climbers, runners, etc in order to prevent loss of body heat

spaceˈborne adjective

  1. Carried through space
  2. Effected or operated in space

space cadet noun

  1. A trainee spaceman or spacewoman
  2. A space-travel enthusiast
  3. A person (acting as if) habitually high on drugs (informal)

space capsule noun

A spacecraft, or a part of one, that houses the crew and instruments in a self-contained unit

space charge noun

A net electric charge distributed through a finite volume

spaceˈcraft noun

A vehicle, manned or unmanned, designed for putting into space, orbiting the earth, or reaching other planets

spaceˈfaring adjective

Concerned with or engaged in space travel (also noun)

space heater noun

A device which warms the air in a room or similar enclosed area

space-heatˈing noun

Space Invaders® noun

An early computer game, involving ‘shooting’ at graphic representations of supposed invaders from outer space

space lattice noun

An arrangement of points in three-dimensional space at the intersections of equally spaced parallel lines, such as the arrangement of atoms in a crystal disclosed by X-ray spectroscopy

spaceˈman or spaceˈwoman noun

A traveller in space

space medicine noun

The branch of medicine concerned with effects of conditions in space on the human body

space opera noun

A science fiction film, novel, etc

spaceˈplane noun

A craft (eg HOTOL and the space shuttle) designed to take off like a plane, enter into space orbit (eg to deliver payloads) and return to earth landing horizontally like a glider

space platform or space station noun

A platform in space planned as an observatory and/or a landing stage in space travel

spaceˈport noun

A place from which spacecraft are launched

space probe noun

A spacecraft designed to obtain, and usu transmit, information about the environment into which it is sent

spacer plate noun (archaeology)

A flat bead, eg of jet or amber, with several parallel holes, for separating the threads of a multi-string necklace

spaceˈship noun

A spacecraft

space shuttle noun

A spacecraft designed to transport men and materials to and from space stations, in-orbit experiments, satellite repair, etc

space station see space platform above.

spaceˈsuit noun

A suit specially designed for use in space travel

space-timeˈ noun

Normal three-dimensional space plus dimension of time, modified by gravity in relativity theory

space-time continuum noun

Physical space or reality, regarded as having four dimensions (length, breadth, height and time) in which an event can be represented as a point fixed by four co-ordinates

space travel noun

space traveller noun

space travelling noun

space vehicle see under vehicle

space walk noun

An excursion by an astronaut outside his or her craft while in space

spaceˈ-walk intransitive verb

spacewoman see spaceman above.

space writer noun

A writer paid according to the space filled

spacious times plural noun

Days of expansion (in knowledge, trade, etc) and scope (for discovery, adventure, and the like), as in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I

spaced out (slang)

In a dazed or stupefied state (as if) caused by the taking of drugs

space out

  1. To set wide apart or wider apart
  2. To lapse into a drugged, dazed, delirious or light-headed state





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