单词 | sea longworm |
释义 | sea /sē/noun
Marine ORIGIN: OE sǣ; Du zee, Ger See, ON sǣr, Dan sö seaˈ-like adjective Like the sea adverbIn the manner of the sea seaˈward adjective and adverb Towards the (open) sea nounSeaward side, direction or position seaˈwardly adjective and adverb seaˈwards adverb seaˈworthiness noun seaˈworthy adjective
sea acorn noun An acorn-shell sea adder noun
sea air noun The air at sea or at the seaside sea anchor noun A floating anchor used at sea to slow a boat down, or maintain its direction sea anemone noun A solitary soft-bodied polyp, esp of the order Actiniaria, typically having many tentacles around the mouth cavity sea ape noun
sea aster noun A flowering plant, Aster tripolium, of salt marshes seaˈbank noun
sea bass /bas/ noun A perchoid marine fish of various kinds, esp of the Serranidae and the Sciaenidae families sea bat noun A name for various fishes with long or outspread fins seaˈ-bather noun seaˈ-bathing noun sea beach noun sea bean noun
sea bear noun
sea beast noun seaˈ-beat or seaˈ-beaten adjective Lashed by the waves seaˈbed noun The bottom or floor of the sea sea beet noun Wild beet sea belt noun Another name for sugar kelp seaˈbird noun Any marine bird sea biscuit noun Ship biscuit, hardtack seaˈblite noun A salt-marsh plant (Suaeda maritima) of the goosefoot family sea blubber noun A jellyfish sea-blueˈ adjective seaˈboard noun The country or land bordering the sea (also adjective) sea boat noun A craft with reference to its seaworthiness in bad weather sea boots plural noun Long waterproof boots worn by sailors seaˈ-born adjective Produced by the sea seaˈborne adjective Carried on or by the sea seaˈbottle noun
sea bottom noun The floor of the sea sea boy noun (Shakespeare) A sailor boy sea breach noun An inroad of the sea sea bream noun
sea breeze noun
sea brief see sea letter below. sea buckthorn noun A willow-like seaside shrub (Hippophae rhamnoides) of the family Eleagnaceae sea bun noun A common name for the heart urchin sea burdock noun Another name for cocklebur (genus Xanthium) sea butterfly noun A pteropod, Clione limacina sea cabbage noun Sea kale sea calf noun The common seal sea canary noun The white whale sea cap noun (Shakespeare) A cap worn on board a ship sea captain noun The captain of a merchant ship sea card noun
sea cat noun
sea change noun (Shakespeare)
sea chart noun sea chest noun A seaman's trunk sea cliff noun A cliff fronting or formed by the sea sea coal noun (archaic) Coal in the ordinary sense, mineral coal not charcoal (possibly as first worked where exposed by the sea) seaˈcoast noun The land adjacent to the sea sea cob noun Another name for a seagull seaˈcock noun
sea colewort noun
sea cook noun A ship's cook (son of a sea cook being an abusive designation) sea cow noun
seaˈcraft noun
sea crow noun A name of many birds, such as the skua, chough, cormorant sea cucumber noun Any burrowing echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated cucumber-like body sea dace noun The bass sea devil noun The devilfish (qv) sea dog noun
sea dotterel noun Another name for the turnstone sea dove noun Another name for the little auk sea dragon noun Any of various fishes, eg the dragonet and types of seahorse seaˈdrome noun A floating aerodrome sea duck noun Any duck of the pochard group sea dust noun Dust deposited on the sea from a distant land sea eagle noun Any of several fish-eating eagles that live near the sea, such as Haliaetus albicilla the white-tailed eagle sea ear noun An ormer (genus Haliotis) sea eel noun A conger sea egg noun A sea urchin sea elephant noun The elephant seal sea fan noun An alcyonarian coral with a fan-like skeleton seaˈfarer noun A traveller by sea, usu a sailor seaˈfaring noun and adjective sea feather noun A feathery alcyonarian, the sea pen seaˈ-fight noun A battle between ships at sea sea fir noun A hydroid whose delicate branched structure resembles a fir seaˈ-fire noun Phosphorescence at sea sea fish noun Any salt-water or marine fish seaˈ-fishˈer noun seaˈ-fishˈing noun sea floor noun The bottom of the sea sea-floor spreading noun (geology) The process by which new oceanic crust is generated at oceanic ridges by the convective upswelling of magma sea foam noun The froth on the sea formed by the action of the waves sea fog noun A fog on, or coming from, the sea seaˈfolk plural noun Seafaring people seaˈfood noun Food got from the sea, esp shellfish seaˈfowl noun A seabird sea fox noun Another name for the thresher, or foxshark sea fret noun A fog coming inland off the sea seaˈfront noun
sea froth noun
sea furbelow noun A brown seaweed (genus Saccorhiza) with a bulb of tentacular outgrowths above the primary holdfast sea gate noun
sea gherkin noun The sea cucumber, Cucumaria saxicola sea gillyflower noun Thrift sea ginger noun Millepore coral sea girdle noun A coarse seaweed, esp Laminaria digitata seaˈ-girt adjective (literary and poetic) Surrounded by sea sea god or sea goddess noun A god or goddess ruling over or dwelling in the sea seaˈ-going adjective
sea gooseberry noun A common ctenophore, Pleurobranchia pileus, like a gooseberry in shape sea gown noun (Shakespeare) A short-sleeved garment worn at sea sea grape noun
sea grass noun A grass or grasslike plant growing by or in the sea, eg Enteromorpha, thrift, grasswrack, etc sea green noun The bluish-green colour of some seas sea-greenˈ adjective sea-green incorruptible noun A person sincerely and unshakably devoted to an ideal or purpose, esp in public life (orig used by Carlyle of Robespierre) seaˈgull noun
sea haar noun A haar (qv) sea hare noun A tectibranch gastropod, Aplysia punctata, with ear-like tentacles seaˈhawk noun A skua sea heath noun A wiry heath-like pink-flowered plant (Frankenia laevis) of salt marshes and chalk cliffs sea hedgehog noun
seaˈhog noun A porpoise sea holly noun A European plant, Eryngium maritimum, with spiny stems, that grows on seashores seaˈhorse noun
seaˈhound noun A dogfish sea ice noun seaˈ-island adjective (of cotton) of the kind grown on the islands off the coast of South Carolina sea ivory noun A lichen, Ramalina siliquosa, found on sea cliffs sea jelly noun A jellyfish seaˈkale noun A fleshy, sea-green cruciferous seaside plant (Crambe maritima) cultivated for its blanched sprouts, eaten as food seakale beet noun Another name for chard seaˈkeeping noun Maintenance of navigational control and stability, esp in rough seas sea king noun
sea lace noun A brown seaweed, Chorda filum sea lane noun
sea lark noun
sea lavender noun A salt-marsh plant of the plumbaginaceous genus Limonium sea law noun Maritime law, esp medieval customary law sea lawyer noun (naut sl)
sea legs plural noun
sea lemon noun A type of sea slug, Archidoris pseudoargus, with a warty yellowish body sea lentil noun Gulfweed sea leopard noun A spotted seal of the southern seas, esp of the genus Ogmorhinus sea letter or sea brief noun
sea lettuce noun A seaweed, Ulva lactuca, with flat translucent green fronds, green laver (see under laver1) sea level noun The mean level of the surface of the sea sea lily see crinoid seaˈline noun
sea lion noun
sea loach noun A rockling sea loch noun (Scot) A lakelike arm of the sea sea longworm noun A nemertean worm (genus Lineus) sea lord noun (often with caps) a naval member of the Board of Admiralty, a division of the Ministry of Defence sea lung noun A ctenophoran seaˈmaid noun (Shakespeare) A mermaid seaˈman noun
seaˈmanlike adjective Showing good seamanship seaˈmanly adjective Characteristic of a seaman seaˈmanship noun The art of handling ships at sea sea marge or sea margin noun The shoreline seaˈmark noun
sea mat noun Hornwrack (genus Flustra), a common polyzoan like a flat horny seaweed sea maw noun (now Scot) A sea mew sea mell noun an alleged variant of sea mew sea mew noun Any gull sea mile noun A geographical or nautical mile sea milkwort noun A primulaceous plant, Glaux maritima, of northern seashores, having small pink flowers sea monster noun Any huge maritime animal, esp fabulous sea moss noun
seaˈmount noun A mountain under the sea of at least 3000ft sea mouse noun An elliptical polychaete, Aphrodite aculeata, with coarse iridescent hairs and bristles along its sides sea nettle noun A jellyfish sea nymph noun A minor sea goddess sea onion noun The sea squill sea orange noun A large globose orange-coloured sponge (also called sulphur sponge) sea otter noun
sea owl noun The lumpsucker sea parrot noun Another name for the puffin sea pass see sea letter above. sea passage noun (the cost of) a journey by sea sea pen noun
sea perch noun A bass or other fish of the Serranidae sea pie noun
sea piece noun A picture, poem or piece of music representing (a scene at) sea seaˈ-pig noun
sea pike noun A pike-like marine fish of various kinds, eg robalo or hake sea pink noun Any of several perennial plants generally known as thrift seaˈplane noun An aeroplane with floats instead of wheels, for landing on water sea poacher noun The pogge sea porcupine noun Another name for the globe fish (genus Diodon) seaˈport noun
sea potato noun Another name for the heart urchin, Echinocardium cordatum sea power noun
sea purse noun
sea purslane see under purslane seaˈquake noun A seismic disturbance at sea seaquaˈrium see oceanarium under ocean sea ranger noun In the Guide organization, a ranger who trains specially in seamanship and related matters seaˈrat noun A pirate sea raven noun A large fish, Hemitripterus americanus, related to the bullhead sea reed noun Marram grass sea road noun A designated route followed by ships, a sea lane sea robber noun A pirate sea robin noun An American fish (esp of the genus Prionotus) of the gurnard family, with red or brown colouring sea rocket noun A fleshy cruciferous seaside plant (genus Cakile) sea room noun Space to manoeuvre a ship safely sea rosemary noun Sea lavender sea rover noun A pirate or pirate ship seaˈ-roving noun Piracy sea salmon noun Inaptly, coalfish or pollack sea salt noun Salt derived from seawater adjective As salty as the sea sea sand noun sea satyre noun A Spenserian sea monster seaˈscape noun A painting, photograph, etc of the sea sea scorpion noun
Sea Scout noun A member of a marine branch of the Scout movement sea serpent noun (mythology)
sea shanty same as shanty2 seaˈshell noun The shell of a crustacean or mollusc seaˈshore noun
sea shrub noun A sea fan seaˈsick adjective
seaˈsickness noun seaˈside noun Any area that borders the sea, esp one popular as a holiday resort (also adjective) seaside grape noun The grape tree (genus Coccoloba) or its fruit sea slater noun A small crustacean, Ligia oceanica, resembling a woodlouse sea sleeve noun A cuttlefish sea slug noun
sea snail noun
sea snake noun
sea snipe noun The sandpiper seaˈspeak noun (also with cap) a variety of English of restricted unambiguous vocabulary, used by mariners, navigators, etc for communication sea spider noun A pycnogonid sea squill noun A Mediterranean plant, Urginea maritima, of the lily family with an onion-like bulb, sea onion sea squirt noun A marine animal shaped like a double-mouthed flask, an ascidian sea star noun A starfish sea stick noun A herring cured at sea sea storm noun sea strand noun sea surgeon noun A tropical genus (Acanthurus) of spiny-finned fishes with a lancetlike spine ensheathed on each side of the tail sea swallow noun
sea swine noun
sea tangle noun Any of various kinds of brown seaweed, esp of the genus Laminaria sea term noun A nautical word sea trout noun
sea turn noun A gale from the sea sea turtle noun
sea unicorn noun A former name for the narwhal sea urchin noun One of the Echinoidea, a class of echinoderms with a globular, ovoid, or heart-shaped, sometimes flattened body and shell of calcareous plates, without arms sea vampire noun A giant ray, or devilfish sea view noun
sea wall noun A wall to keep out the sea seaˈ-walled adjective Walled against or by the sea seaˈware noun Seaweed sea wasp noun A jellyfish of the class Cubozoa with a highly venomous sting seaˈwater noun Water of or from the sea sea wave noun seaˈway noun
seaˈweed noun
sea whistle noun A seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) whose bladders can be made into whistles seaˈwife noun A kind of wrasse sea wind noun sea wing noun A sail sea wolf noun
seaˈwoman noun A mermaid seaˈworm noun Any marine worm seaˈ-worn adjective Worn by the sea or by seafaring sea wrack noun
all at sea
at full sea At full tide at sea
follow the sea or go to sea To become a sailor heavy sea A sea in which the waves run high molten sea (Bible) The brazen laver in 1 Kings 7.23–26 short sea A sea in which the waves are choppy, irregular, and interrupted the four seas Those bounding Great Britain the Seven Seas see under seven |
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