

单词 sialagogic

siala- /sī-ə-lə- or sī-al-ə-/ or sialo- /sī-ə-lō-, -lə-, -lo-, sī-al-ō-, -lə-/ or sial- /sī-əl-, sī-al-/

combining form

Denoting saliva

ORIGIN: Gr sialon saliva

sialagogue or sialogogue /sī-alˈə-gog/ noun

(Gr agōgos leading) anything that stimulates a flow of saliva (also adjective)

sialagogˈic or sialogogˈic adjective

sialˈic adjective

Of or relating to saliva (sialic acid (biochemistry) any of a group of amino sugars that form covalently linked sugar residues in glycoproteins)

sialˈogram noun

An X-ray of the salivary tract

sialogˈraphy noun

sīˈaloid adjective

Resembling saliva

sialˈolith noun

(Gr lithos a stone) a calculus in a salivary gland

sialorrhoeˈa noun

(Gr rhoiā flow) excessive secretion of saliva, ptyalism





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