

单词 swinges

swinge1 /swinj/

transitive verb (prp swingeˈing)
  1. To beat (archaic or dialect)
  2. To chastise (obsolete)
  3. To lash, sway, flourish (obsolete)
ORIGIN: ME swenge, from OE swengan to shake, causative of swingan to swing

swingeˈing adjective (informal)

  1. Great, huge, thumping
  2. Severe, drastic

swingeˈingly adverb

swinger /swinjˈər/ noun (informal; archaic and rare)

  1. Any great or astonishing person or thing
  2. A bold lie, a whopper

swingeˈ-buckler noun (obsolete)

A swashbuckler

swinge2 /swinj/ (Spenser)

transitive verb same as singe




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