

单词 subalternates

subaltern /subˈəl-tərn (N American, except in logic, usu sub-ölˈtərn)/

  1. (of military officers) under the rank of captain
  2. Particular (logic)
  3. Being at once a genus and a species of a higher genus (logic)
  4. Ranked successively (rare)
  5. Subordinate, of inferior status
  6. Occupied by, or having the status of, a vassal (archaic)
  1. A subaltern officer
  2. A proposition differing from another in quantity alone (both being affirmative or both negative, but one universal, the other particular) (logic)
  3. A subordinate
ORIGIN: L subalternus, from sub under, and alter another

subalterˈnant noun (logic)

A universal in relation to the subaltern particular

subalterˈnate noun (logic)

A particular proposition in relation to the subaltern universal

  1. Subservient, lesser in status, etc
  2. Intermediate between alternate and opposite (botany)

subalternation /sub-öl-tər-nāˈshən/ noun

The relation between a universal and particular of the same quality

subalterˈnity noun

Subordinate position





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