单词 | sunbelt |
释义 | sun /sun/noun
ORIGIN: OE sunne; ON sunna, OHGer sunnô sunˈless adjective sunˈlessness noun sunˈlike adjective sunned adjective Exposed to the sun or sunshine sunnˈies plural noun (informal) Sunglasses sunnˈily adverb sunnˈiness noun sunnˈy adjective
sunˈward adjective and adverb Towards the sun sunˈwards adverb sunˈwise adverb In the direction of the sun's apparent revolution sun-and-planˈet adjective Geared so that one wheel moves round another sun animalcule noun A heliozoan sunˈbake intransitive verb (Aust) To sunbathe (also noun) sunˈbaked adjective Baked or dried by the heat of the sun sunˈbath noun A period of sunbathing sunˈbathe intransitive verb To expose the body to the sun's rays, esp in order to tan the skin (also noun) sunˈbather /-bādh-/ noun sunˈbathing noun sunˈbeam noun A shaft of sunlight sunˈbeamed adjective sunˈbeamy adjective sun bear noun A small black bear (Helarctos malayanus) of forest areas of SE Asia, with a crescent-shaped yellowish-white patch at the front of its neck sunˈbeat or sunˈbeaten adjective Continually exposed to the sun sunˈbed noun
sunˈbelt noun
sunˈberry noun
sunˈbird noun Any of the Nectariniidae, a family of small, often brightly-coloured, tropical birds related to honeyeaters and superficially like hummingbirds sun bittern noun A S American wading bird (Eurypyga helias) with brilliant many-coloured markings sunˈblind noun A shade or awning for a window sunˈ-blind adjective Blinded by the sun sunˈ-blink noun (Scot) A gleam of sunshine sunˈblock noun A sunscreen that completely protects the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays sun bonnet noun A light bonnet projecting beyond the face at the top and sides to provide protection from the sun sunˈbow noun A bow or arc of rainbow-like colours that is made by the sun shining through spray or mist, eg of a waterfall sunˈbright adjective Bright as the sun sunˈburn noun
transitive verb To burn or tan by exposure to the sun intransitive verb To become sunburned sunˈburned or sunˈburnt adjective sunˈburst noun
sunˈ-clad adjective Clothed in radiant light sun crack noun A crack formed in clayey ground as it dries in the sun, often preserved in rocks sun cream noun A cream sunscreen that promotes a suntan sun cult noun Worship of a sun-god or of the sun sunˈ-cured adjective Cured in the sun sun dance noun A Native American ceremonial dance, performed in honour of the sun sun deck or sunˈdeck noun
sunˈdew noun An insectivorous bog-plant (genus Drosera) sunˈdial noun A device for telling the time by a shadow cast by the gnomon on a graduated flat surface sun disc or (esp N American) sun disk noun
sunˈdog noun A mock sun or parhelion sunˈdown noun
intransitive verb (of a person with dementia) to enter into a state of increased agitation towards the end of the day sunˈdowner noun
sunˈdrenched adjective Exposed to long periods of hot sunshine sunˈdress noun A low-cut dress, leaving the arms, shoulders and back exposed to the sun sunˈ-dried adjective Dried in the sun sunˈdrops singular noun An American evening primrose of the genus Oenothera, with flowers that open at or around sunrise sunˈ-expelling adjective (Shakespeare) Keeping off the sun sunˈfast adjective (chiefly N American) (of dye, fabric or garment colour) not fading in the sunlight sunˈfish noun
sunˈflower noun A composite plant (genus Helianthus) or its large head with yellow rays and edible seeds from which an oil is extracted sunˈgazer noun An African lizard (Cordylus giganteus) given to basking in the sun sunˈglass noun A burning-glass sunˈglasses plural noun Dark-lensed spectacles used to protect the eyes against strong sunlight sunˈglow noun The glow in the sky before sunrise and after sunset sunˈ-god noun A god personifying or concerned with the sun sunˈgrebe noun A tropical diving bird of the Heliornithidae family sunˈhat noun A hat with a brim to shade the face sunˈ-kissed adjective Warmed, tanned or ripened by the sun sunˈlamp noun
sunˈlight noun The light of the sun sunˈlit adjective Lighted by the sun sun lounge or (US) sun parlor noun A room with large windows, or a glass wall, to admit the maximum sunlight sunˈlounger noun A long, usu folding, seat for sunbathing sun myth noun A solar myth (qv) sunny side noun
sun parlor see sun lounge above. sun picture or sun print noun (obsolete) A photograph sunˈproof adjective sun protection factor noun The effectiveness of a sunscreen in protecting the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays, usu indicated by a number on a rising scale (abbrev SPF) sunˈray noun A sunbeam, ray of sunshine sunray pleats plural noun Tapering knife pleats giving a flared effect to skirts, etc sunˈrise or sunˈrising noun
sunrise industry noun A new and rapidly growing industry, often based on electronics sunˈroof or sunshine roof noun A section in a car roof that can be slid open to admit light and air sun room noun A sun lounge sunˈscreen noun A lotion, cream, etc that prevents sunburn by screening the skin from ultraviolet rays sunˈset or sunˈsetting noun
sunset clause noun A clause in a law, contract, etc that stipulates that the agreement will become invalid after a certain period of time sunˈshade noun
sunˈshine noun
sunshine recorder noun An instrument for recording duration of sunshine sunshine roof see sunroof above. sunˈshiny adjective
sunˈspot noun
sun spurge noun A spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia) supposed to turn with the sun, a common weed sunˈstone noun Aventurine feldspar sunˈstroke noun A medical condition of general collapse caused by prolonged exposure to intense sunlight, which can result in delirium, convulsions and coma sunˈstruck adjective Affected with sunstroke sunˈsuit noun A child's outfit for playing in the sun, leaving most of the body exposed sunˈtan noun
sunˈtanned adjective sunˈtrap noun A sheltered, sunny place sunˈup noun Sunrise sun visor noun sun worship noun Adoration or deification of the sun sun worshipper or sunˈworshipper noun
a place in the sun A place or opportunity for good living or attaining prosperity a touch of the sun
between (in Shakespeare 'twixt) sun and sun or from sun to sun Between sunrise and sunset catch the sun To be sunburnt have been in the sunshine or have the sun in one's eyes To be drunk sunny side up (informal) (of an egg) fried on one side only, so that the yolk is visible take the sun
under the sun On earth |
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