

单词 sympathetic ink

ink /ingk/

  1. A black or coloured liquid used in writing, printing, etc
  2. A dark liquid ejected by cuttlefishes, etc
transitive verb

To mark, daub, cover, blacken or colour with ink

ORIGIN: OFr enque (Fr encre), from LL encaustum the purple-red ink used by the later Roman emperors, from Gr enkauston, from enkaiein to burn in; see encaustic

inkˈer noun

  1. Someone who inks
  2. A pad or roller for inking type, etc

inkˈiness noun

inkˈy adjective (inkˈier; inkˈiest)

  1. Consisting of or resembling ink
  2. Very black
  3. Blackened with ink
  4. Drunk (esp Aust sl; also inked)

inkˈ-bag or inkˈ-sac noun

A sac in some cuttlefishes, containing a black viscid fluid

inkˈberry noun

(the fruit of) any of various N American shrubs, esp Ilex glabra of the holly family and Phytolacca americana, pokeweed

inkˈ-blot noun (psychology)

A standardized blot of ink used in the Rorschach test to identify personality traits and disorders

ink-blot test same as Rorschach test

inkˈ-bottle noun

A bottle for holding ink

inkˈ-cap noun

Any mushroom of the genus Coprinus, such as C. comatus, the shaggy ink-cap

inkˈ-eraser noun

An eraser of india-rubber treated with fine sand, used for rubbing out ink marks

inkˈ-feed noun

The passage by which ink is fed to the nib of a fountain pen

inkˈ-fish noun

A cuttlefish or squid

inkˈholder noun

  1. A container for ink
  2. The reservoir of a fountain pen

inkˈhorn noun

  1. Formerly an ink-holder, made of horn
  2. A portable case for ink, etc


Pedantic, bookish, obscure

inkˈhorn-mate noun (Shakespeare; derogatory)

A bookish person, a scribbler

inkˈing-rollˈer noun

A roller covered with a substance for inking printing type

inkˈing-taˈble noun

A table or flat surface used for supplying the inking-roller with ink during the process of printing

ink-jet printer noun

A printer which produces characters on paper by squirting a fine jet of ink that is vibrated, electrically charged and deflected by electrostatic fields

inkˈpad noun

A pad of inked cloth used in rubber-stamping, fingerprinting, etc

ink pencil noun

A copying pencil, a pencil made from a substance whose marks when moistened look like ink and can be copied by a printing press

ink plant noun

A European shrub (Coriaria myrtifolia) or a related species native to New Zealand (C. thymifolia)

inkˈpot noun

An ink-bottle, or pot for dipping a pen in

inkˈ-slinger or US inkˈ-jerker noun (derog sl)

  1. A professional author or journalist
  2. A scribbler
  3. A controversialist

inkˈspot noun

A small ink stain

inkˈ-stained adjective

inkˈstand noun

A stand or tray for ink bottles and (usu) pens

inkˈstone noun

A kind of stone containing sulphate of iron, used in making ink

inkˈwell noun

A container for ink fitted into, or standing on, a desk, etc

China ink, Chinese ink or Indian ink, (US) India ink

  1. (sometimes without caps) a mixture of lamp black and size or glue, usu kept in solid form and rubbed down in water for use
  2. A liquid suspension of the solid ink

ink in

  1. To fill in (eg a pencil drawing) in ink
  2. To apply ink to (a printing roller)

invisible or sympathetic ink

A kind of ink that remains invisible on the paper until it is heated

marking-ink see under mark1

printing ink see under print

sling ink (derog sl)

  1. To write
  2. To earn one's living by writing
  3. To engage in controversy

sympathy /simˈpə-thi/

  1. Community of feeling
  2. Power of entering into another's feelings or mind
  3. Harmonious understanding
  4. Compassion, pity
  5. Affinity or correlation whereby one thing responds to the action of another or to action upon another
  6. Agreement
  7. (often in pl) a feeling of agreement or support, or an expression of this
ORIGIN: Gr sympatheia, from syn with, and pathos suffering

sympathetˈic adjective

  1. Feeling, inclined to or expressing sympathy
  2. In sympathy
  3. Acting or done in sympathy
  4. Induced by sympathy (as sounds in a resonating body)
  5. Congenial
  6. Compassionate
  7. Of the sympathetic nervous system (see below)
  8. (a Gallicism) able to awake sympathy

sympathetˈical adjective (obsolete)


sympathetˈically adverb

symˈpathize or symˈpathise intransitive verb

  1. To be in sympathy
  2. To feel with or for another
  3. To be compassionate
  4. To be in accord, correspond
transitive verb (Shakespeare)
  1. To be in sympathy, accord or harmony with
  2. To combine harmoniously
  3. To represent or understand sympathetically
  4. Perh to affect all alike

symˈpathizer or symˈpathiser noun

sympatholytˈic adjective (medicine)

Inhibiting the action of the sympathetic nervous system


A drug which has this effect

sympathomimetˈic adjective (pharmacology)

Mimicking the action of the sympathetic nervous system


A drug which does this

sympathetic ink see under ink

sympathetic magic noun

Magic depending upon a supposed sympathy, eg between a person and his or her name or portrait, between rainfall and libations

sympathetic nervous system noun

  1. A system of nerves supplying the involuntary muscles and glands, esp those originating from the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord
  2. Sometimes also including those from the brain and the sacral region (the parasympathetic nervous system)

sympathetic string noun

A string on a musical instrument that is not struck itself, but resonates with strings that are actually bowed or plucked

sympathy strike or sympathetic strike noun

A strike in support of other workers, not in furtherance of the strikers' own claims

in sympathy (with)

In agreement (with), in support (of)





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