

单词 synthetizes

synthesis /sinˈthi-sis or -thə-/

noun (pl synˈtheses /-sēz/)
  1. Building up
  2. Putting together
  3. Making a whole out of parts
  4. The combination of separate elements of thought into a whole
  5. Reasoning from principles to a conclusion, opp to analysis
  6. The indication of grammatical relationships by inflection rather than word order or function
ORIGIN: Gr synthesis, from syn with, together, and thesis a placing

synˈthesist noun

Someone who makes a synthesis

synˈthesize or synˈthesise transitive verb

  1. To put together in synthesis
  2. To form by synthesis

synˈthesīzer or synˈthesīser noun

  1. A person who, or thing which, synthesizes
  2. A computerized instrument for generating sounds, often beyond the range of conventional instruments, used esp in making electronic music

synthetic /-thetˈ/ adjective

  1. (also synthetˈical) relating to, consisting in, or formed by, synthesis
  2. Artificially produced but of similar nature to, not a mere substitute for, the natural product
  3. Artificial
  4. Not sincere, sham (informal)

A synthetic substance

synthetˈically adverb

synthetˈicism noun

The principles of synthesis, a synthetic system

synˈthetize or synˈthetise transitive verb

To synthesize

synˈthetīzer or synˈthetīser, or synˈthetist noun

synthesis gas noun see separate entry syngas

synthetic aperture radar noun

A radar system that produces finely detailed images, an increased antenna aperture being obtained by integrating individual readings from the same area as the aircraft or spacecraft moves over it (abbrev SAR)

synthetic drug noun

A drug made in the laboratory, whether one occurring naturally or an artificial one

synthetic languages plural noun

Those that use inflectional forms instead of word order, prepositions, etc to express syntactical relationships

synthetic philosophy noun

Herbert Spencer's system, a fusion, as he thought, of the different sciences into a whole

synthetic phonics singular noun (education)

A variation on the phonic method (qv) that encourages learners to form words by blending sounds together

synthetic resin see under resin





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