释义 |
those /dhōz/ demonstrative pronoun and adjective plural of that ORIGIN: OE thās, pl of thēs this that /dhat/ demonstrative pronoun and demonstrative adj (pl those)- Used in pointing out a person or thing
- Indicating the thing, person, idea, event, etc (already) mentioned, specified or understood
- The former (of two)
- The more distant, removed or less obvious (of two)
- Not this but the other (as in contrast)
- The one to be indicated or defined
- The person spoken to on the telephone
- Such (obsolete)
- Often indicating an accompanying snap of the fingers (as I don't care that, It wants that)
relative pronoun (sing and pl) /dhət, dhat/ Who, whom, or which (esp when defining or limiting, not merely linking on an addition) adverb /dhat/ - To the degree or extent shown or understood
- At which (often omitted)
- To such a degree or extent, so (informal or dialect)
conjunction /dhət, dhat/ - Used to introduce a noun clause, an adverbial clause showing purpose, reason, result or consequence, or an expression of a wish in the subjunctive
- Because (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: OE thæt, neuter demonstrative pronoun cognate with Ger das, dass; Gr to, Sans tad; see the thatˈaway adverb (N American dialect, or facetious) - In that direction
- In that way
thatˈness noun The quality of being a definite thing, that all that (informal) (usu with a negative) very and (all) that (informal) And all the rest of that sort of thing, used as a summary way of dismissing what is vaguely thought of (and) that's that - (and) that is the end of that matter
- No more of that
at that - At that point
- Moreover (informal)
- Nevertheless (informal)
(just) like that - Straight away, without effort
- Without further ado
that's more like it That is better, that is more like what is required |