tropˈical adjective
tropˈist noun
- A user of tropes
- Someone who understands the Bible as having a figurative significance
tropologˈic or tropologˈical adjective
tropologˈically adverb
tropolˈogy noun
- Figurative language
- A moral interpretation of the Bible
tropic /tropˈik/
noun- An imaginary circle on the celestial sphere about 231/2º N (tropic of Cancer) or S (tropic of Capricorn) of the equator, where the sun turns on reaching its greatest declination north or south
- A corresponding circle on the terrestrial globe
- (in pl) the part of the earth between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
- A turning point or limit
adjective- Of or relating to the sun's turning
- Of the tropics
- Of or of the nature of a tropism (biology)
ORIGIN: Gr tropos a turning
tropˈical adjective
- Of or relating to a tropic or the tropics
- Found in or characteristic of the tropics
- Fervidly hot
- Luxuriant
- Of the nature of a trope, figurative
tropˈically adverb
tropical month see under month
tropical year see under year
tropˈicbird noun
A tropical seabird Phaethon with long tail feathers