

单词 two pennyworth

penny /penˈi/

noun (pl pennies /penˈiz/ (as material objects) or pence /pens/ (as units of value))
  1. A coin, orig silver, later copper, then bronze from 1860, formerly worth 1/12 of a shilling, or 1/240 of a pound, now (orig new penny) equal to a hundredth part of £1
  2. Its value
  3. Applied to various more or less similar coins
  4. A cent (N American informal)
  5. A small sum
  6. (in pl) money in general
  7. A denarius (Bible)
  8. Pound, in fourpenny, sixpenny, tenpenny nails, being of four, six, ten pound weight to the thousand
  1. Sold for a penny
  2. Costing a penny
ORIGIN: OE penig, oldest form pending; cf Ger Pfennig; Du penning; ON penningr

pennˈied adjective

Possessed of a penny

pennˈiless adjective

  1. Without a penny
  2. Without money
  3. Poor

pennˈilessness noun

penny-a-lineˈ noun and intransitive verb

penny-a-linˈer noun

A hack writer of the worst, or worst-paid, kind

penny-a-linˈerism noun

A hack writer's verbal expression

penny ante noun (orig US)

A variety of the game of poker in which only modest stakes are allowed

pennˈy-anˈte adjective

Of no great value or significance

penny arcade noun

An amusement arcade with slot machines orig operated by a penny

pennˈy-bank noun (obsolete)

A savings-bank that takes pennies

penny black noun

The first adhesive postage stamp, issued by Britain in 1840

pennˈy-bun or penny-bun mushroom noun

A cep, Boletus edulis

pennˈycress noun

A cruciferous plant of the genus Thlaspi, with round flat pods

pennˈy-dogˈ noun

The tope or miller's dog, a kind of shark

penny dreadful see under dread

pennˈy-farˈthing noun

  1. A penny and a farthing
  2. An ‘ordinary’, an old-fashioned bicycle with a big wheel at the front and a little one at the back

pennˈy-fee noun

  1. Wages in money
  2. (without hyphen) a small wage (Scot)

penny gaff noun (slang)

A low-class theatre

pennˈy-in-the-slotˈ adjective

Worked by putting a penny in a slot

pennˈyland noun (historical)

Land valued at a penny a year

penny loafer noun (orig US)

A style of casual shoe with a slot into which a coin could be placed

penny mail noun (Scot)

  1. Rent in money, not in kind
  2. A small sum paid to a feudal lord

pennˈy-piece noun

A penny

pennˈy-pig noun (Scot)

A money box, properly of earthenware (pig)

pennˈy-pinchˈ intransitive verb

pennˈy-pinchˈing adjective

Miserly, too concerned with saving money

pennˈy-plainˈ adjective

Plain, straightforward, unpretentious (from 19c children's paper cut-out figures for toy theatres, costing one penny if plain, twopence if coloured; hence, penny-plain, twopence-coloured used of any two basically similar articles, one having a more attractive appearance)

pennˈy-postˈ noun

A means of, or organization for, carrying a letter for a penny

pennˈy-rentˈ noun

  1. Rent in money
  2. Income

penny share or penny stock noun (stock exchange)

A share or stock trading for less than £1 or $1, usu bought very speculatively

pennˈy-stone or pennˈy-stane noun (Scot)

A round flat stone used as a quoit

pennˈystone-castˈ noun

A stone's throw for such a stone

pennˈy-weddˈing noun (archaic)

A wedding at which the guests each contribute a small sum towards the entertainment, etc, the surplus being presented as a gift to the bride and bridegroom

pennˈyweight noun

A unit equal to twenty-four grains of troy weight (the weight of a silver penny), or 1/20 of an ounce troy

penny whistle noun

A tin whistle or flageolet

pennˈy-wisˈdom noun

Prudence in petty matters

penny wise adjective

  1. Careful at saving small sums, esp when careless in the saving of larger ones (pound foolish)
  2. Niggardly on occasions when generosity is needed or expected

pennˈywort noun

A name given to various plants with round leaves, esp Hydrocotyle (an umbelliferous marsh-plant) and navelwort (genus Cotyledon)

pennˈyworth noun

  1. A penny's worth of anything
  2. The amount that can be got for a penny
  3. An unsolicited remark expressing one's opinion (also two pennyworth, etc)
  4. A good bargain (also penn'orth /penˈərth/; informal)

a penny for your thoughts (informal)

What are you thinking (so deeply) about?

a pretty penny

A considerable sum of money

in for a penny, in for a pound

There is no point in half measures

in penny numbers

A very few, or a very little, at a time

not a penny the worse

None the worse

pennies from heaven

Money obtained without effort and unexpectedly

Peter's pence

  1. Rome-scot, a tax or tribute of a silver penny paid to the Pope, in England perhaps from the time of Offa of Mercia and in Ireland from Henry II, then abolished under Henry VIII
  2. A similar tax elsewhere
  3. A voluntary contribution to the Pope in modern times

spend a penny see under spend

the penny drops

Now I (etc) understand

turn an honest penny

To earn some money honestly

two (or ten) a penny

In abundant supply and consequently of little value

two /too/

  1. The cardinal number next above one
  2. A symbol representing that number (2, ii, etc)
  3. A pair
  4. A score of two points, strokes, tricks, etc
  5. An article of a size denoted by 2
  6. A deuce, a playing card with two pips
  7. A two-cylinder engine or car
  8. The second hour after midnight or midday
  9. The age of two years
  1. Of the number two
  2. Two years old
ORIGIN: OE twā (fem and neuter) two (masc twēgen); Ger zwei, Gothic twai; Gr dyo, L duo, Sans dva, Gaelic

twoˈer noun (informal)

Anything that counts as or for two, or scores two

twoˈfold adjective and adverb

  1. In two divisions
  2. Twice as much
  3. (esp Scot twafald /twä, twö-föld/) in a doubled-up position

twoˈfoldness noun

twoˈness noun

  1. The state of being two
  2. Duality

twoˈsome (Scot twaˈsome) noun

  1. A group of two
  2. A tête-à-tête
  3. A game between two players (golf)
  1. Consisting of two
  2. Performed by two

twoˈ-bit adjective (N American)

Cheap, paltry

two bits plural noun (N American)

Twenty-five cents, a quarter

twoˈ-bottle adjective

Able to drink two bottles of wine at a sitting

two-by-fourˈ noun

(a piece of) timber measuring four inches by two inches in cross-section (somewhat less when dressed)

twoˈ-decker noun

  1. A ship with two decks or with guns on two decks
  2. A bus or tram-car carrying passengers on a roofed top

twoˈ-digit adjective

In double figures

twoˈ-dimensional adjective

  1. Having length and breadth but no depth
  2. Having little depth or substance (figurative)

two-dimensionalˈity noun

The property of having length and breadth but no depth

twoˈ-edged adjective

  1. Having two cutting edges
  2. Capable of being turned against the user
  3. Having advantages and disadvantages

twoˈ-eyed adjective

Having two eyes (two-eyed steak (slang) a bloater)

twoˈ-faced adjective

  1. Having two faces
  2. Double-dealing, false

twoˈ-fisted adjective

  1. Clumsy
  2. Capable of fighting with both fists
  3. Holding the racket with both hands (tennis)

twoˈ-foot adjective

Measuring, or with, two feet

twoˈ-footed adjective

  1. Having two feet
  2. Capable of kicking and controlling the ball equally well with either foot (football, etc)

twoˈ-for-his-heels noun (old)

A rascal or knave (from the score for turning up a knave in cribbage)

twoˈ-forked adjective

Having two prongs or branches

twoˈ-four adjective and adverb (music)

With two crotchets to the bar

twoˈ-hand adjective (Shakespeare)

For two hands

twoˈ-handed adjective

  1. With or for two hands
  2. For two persons
  3. Ambidextrous
  4. Strapping

two-handˈedly adverb

two-handˈer noun

Anything designed for, written for or requiring both hands or two people (eg actors)

twoˈ-headed adjective

  1. Having two heads
  2. Directed by two authorities

twoˈ-horse adjective

For two horses (two-horse race any contest in which only two of the participants have a genuine chance of winning)

twoˈ-inch adjective

Measuring two inches

twoˈ-leaved or twoˈ-leafed adjective

  1. With two leaves or leaflets
  2. With leaves in twos

twoˈ-legged adjective

With two legs

twoˈ-line adjective (printing)

Having double depth of body

twoˈ-lipped adjective

  1. Having two lips
  2. Bilabiate

twoˈ-masted adjective

Having two masts

twoˈ-mastˈer noun

A two-masted ship

twoˈ-pair or twoˈ-pair-of-stairs adjective

On a second floor


A room so situated

twoˈ-part adjective

Composed in two parts or for two voices

twoˈ-parted adjective

  1. Bipartite
  2. Divided into two nearly to the base

twopence /tupˈəns/ or (decimalized currency) two pence /too pens/ noun

  1. The sum of two pennies
  2. A coin worth two pence

twoˈpence-coloured adjective see under penny

twopenny /tupˈni/ adjective

  1. Sold, offered at or worth twopence
  2. Cheap, worthless


  1. Ale sold at twopence a quart
  2. In leapfrog, the head

twopenny-halfpenny /tupˈni-hāpˈni/ or twopence-halfpenny adjective

Paltry, petty

two-pennˈyworth or two-penn'orth /too-penˈərth/, also (chiefly Scot) twopenceworth /tupˈ/ noun

  1. An amount worth twopence
  2. One's own contribution to a debate

twoˈ-phase adjective

(of an electrical circuit, device, etc) employing two phases whose voltages are displaced from one another by ninety electrical degrees

twoˈ-piece noun

Anything consisting of two separate parts, pieces or members (also adjective)

twoˈ-ply adjective

  1. Having two layers, or consisting of two strands
  2. Woven double


Wool or yarn consisting of two strands twisted together

two-pot screamer noun (Aust sl)

A person who gets drunk on a comparatively small amount of alcohol

two-power standard noun (historical)

The principle that the strength of the British Navy must never be less than the combined strength of the navies of any two other powers

twoˈ-roomed adjective

twoˈ-score noun and adjective


twoˈseater noun

  1. A vehicle or aeroplane seated for two
  2. A sofa for two

twoˈ-sidˈed adjective

  1. Having two surfaces, aspects or parties
  2. Facing two ways
  3. Double-faced
  4. Having the two sides different

two-sidˈedness noun

two-speed gear noun

A gear-changing contrivance with two possibilities

two-start thread see double-threaded screw under double

twoˈ-step noun

  1. A gliding dance in duple time
  2. A tune for it

intransitive verb

To dance the two-step

twoˈ-storeyed or twoˈ-storˈey adjective

twoˈstroke adjective

  1. (of an engine cycle) consisting of two piston strokes
  2. Relating to or designed for such an engine


An engine working in such a way

twoˈ-time transitive verb and intransitive verb

  1. To deceive, esp to be unfaithful to a spouse or partner
  2. To double-cross

twoˈ-timer noun

A person who deceives or double-crosses

twoˈ-timing adjective and noun

twoˈ-tone adjective

  1. Having two colours or two shades of the same colour
  2. (of eg a car horn) having two notes

twoˈ-up noun

(in NZ and Australia) a game in which two coins are tossed and bets made on both falling heads up or both tails up

two-up, two-down noun and adjective

(a small, traditionally built terraced house) having two bedrooms upstairs and two reception rooms downstairs

twoˈ-way adjective

  1. Permitting passage along either of two ways esp in opposite directions
  2. Able to receive and send signals (radio)
  3. Of communication between two persons, groups, etc, in which both participate equally
  4. Involving shared responsibility
  5. Able to be used in two ways
  6. Having a double mode of variation or two dimensions (mathematics)

two-way mirror noun

One functioning as a mirror on one side and able to be seen through on the other

twoˈ-wheeled adjective

Having two wheels

two-wheelˈer noun

A vehicle with two wheels, esp a motor-cycle, or formerly a hansom cab

twoˈ-year-old adjective


A child, colt, etc aged two

be two

To be at variance

in two

Asunder, so as to form two pieces

in two twos or two ticks (slang)

In a moment

put two and two together see under put1

that makes two of us (informal)

The same thing applies to me

two by two

In pairs

two or three

A few





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