

单词 Trial

Trial /tri-alˈ/ (French)


A tenor with special aptitude for comedy parts, often noted more for his acting than for his vocalism

ORIGIN: Antoine Trial (1736–95), French tenor renowned for his comedy roles at the Opéra-Comique in Paris

trial1 /trīˈəl/

  1. A trying
  2. Examination by a test
  3. A test of the efficacy, safety, etc, of a new product, esp a drug before it is marketed, or in order to gain official approval for its general use
  4. Examination by a court to determine a question of law or fact, esp the guilt or innocence of a prisoner
  5. (often in pl) examination, sometimes merely formal, of a candidate
  6. (often in pl) a competition, esp to select members of a major team
  7. A competition comprising various tests, for sheepdogs or horses
  8. A competition to test vehicles in difficult conditions
  9. Suffering
  10. Temptation
  11. An attempt
  12. A piece used as a test
  13. A troublesome thing, a nuisance

Done, taken, etc, for the sake of trial

transitive verb (triˈalling; triˈalled)

To test (esp a new product)

ORIGIN: Anglo-Fr, from trier to try

triˈalist or triˈallist noun

  1. A person taking part in a trial or test
  2. A competitor or player under consideration for a place in a major team (sport)

trial balance noun (bookkeeping)

In the double-entry system, a listing of all the balances in a ledger to check that the total of credit balances is equal to the total of debit balances

trial balloon noun

A ballon d'essai

trial court noun

  1. The first court where the facts of a case are decided
  2. A court where cases are tried, as opposed to an appeal court (chiefly N American)

triˈal-day noun (Shakespeare)

Day of trial

triˈal-fire noun (Shakespeare)

A fire for trying or proving

trial marriage noun

For a couple intending matrimony, a period of living together with a view to testing their compatibility

trial run noun

  1. A test drive in a motor vehicle to ascertain its efficiency
  2. Any introductory test, rehearsal, etc

trial trip noun

An experimental trip of a new vessel, to test its sailing-powers, etc

triˈalware same as shareware (see under share1).

by trial and error

By trying out several methods and discarding those which prove unsuccessful

on trial

  1. Undergoing proceedings in a court of law
  2. On probation, as an experiment
  3. Subject to a prospective purchase proving satisfactory

stand trial

To undergo trial in a court of law

trial of strength

  1. A contest to find out who is the stronger (or strongest)
  2. A struggle between two irreconcilable parties, prolonged until one of them weakens

trial2 /trīˈəl/

  1. Threefold, trinal
  2. Expressing or representing three things (grammar)

A grammatical form expressing or representing three things

ORIGIN: Modelled on dual, from L trēs, tria three

triˈalism noun

  1. The doctrine of the existence of body, soul and spirit in man
  2. A scheme for turning the Dual Monarchy into a triple (Austria, Hungary, and a South Slav state; historical)

triˈalist noun

trīality /-alˈi-ti/ noun

try /trī/

transitive verb (tryˈing; tried)
  1. To attempt, endeavour (usu with to)
  2. To test
  3. To prove by testing (Shakespeare)
  4. To use, treat or resort to experimentally
  5. To put to the test
  6. To strain
  7. To annoy, irritate, afflict
  8. To experience, undergo (Milton)
  9. To examine critically
  10. (of a judge) to examine and decide the truth, justice, guilt or innocence
  11. (of a lawyer) to conduct in court (US)
  12. To separate out (obsolete)
  13. To sift (obsolete)
  14. To render
  15. To extract (obsolete)
  16. To refine (obsolete)
  17. To purify (obsolete)
intransitive verb
  1. To make an effort
  2. (Spenser trie) to turn out, prove
  3. To lie to, keep one's head to the wind (nautical; Shakespeare)
  1. A trial
  2. Effort
  3. In rugby, the score of four points (Rugby League) or five points (Rugby Union) gained by a player who succeeds in placing the ball with his hand over the opposition's try-line
  4. In American football, an attempt to gain a further point or points after scoring a touchdown
adjective (Spenser trye)

Choice, purified

ORIGIN: OFr trier to pick out

trīˈable adjective

  1. Subject to legal trial
  2. That can be tried

trīˈage noun

  1. Sorting out
  2. In war, etc, the selection for treatment of those casualties most likely to survive
  3. Allocation of resources to where they will have the most effect, rather than to where the need is most urgent or severe
  4. Broken coffee beans

trīˈal noun see separate entry

tried /trīd/ adjective

Proved good by test

trīˈer noun

  1. A person who tries in any sense
  2. A test
  3. (formerly also trīˈor) someone appointed to decide on a challenge to a juror, or a peer who is a juror in the trial of a peer
  4. (also tryˈer) someone who is assiduous in trying to win

tryˈing noun adjective

  1. Making trial or proof
  2. Adapted to try
  3. Searching, severe
  4. Testing
  5. Distressing
  6. Causing strain

tryˈingly adverb

try house noun

A place in which oil is extracted from blubber, etc

trying plane noun

A long plane for smoothing the surface of long boards

tryˈ-line noun (rugby)

A line at either end of the pitch behind which a team must touch down the ball to score a try, a goal line

tryˈ-on noun

  1. An act of trying on a garment
  2. An attempt at imposition by audacity (slang)

tryˈ-out noun

A test performance

trysail /trīˈsl/ noun

  1. A reduced sail used by small craft, instead of the mainsail, in a storm
  2. A small fore-and-aft sail set with a boom and gaff

try square noun

A tool used in carpentry to check right angles

try and (informal)

Try to

try back

To revert, hark back

try for

Make an attempt to reach or gain

try it on (informal)

To attempt to do something risky or audacious to see how far one can go unscathed

try on

To put on (a garment, etc) for trial

try out

To test (see also try-out above)





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